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Everything posted by jessyg20

  1. wow, I have to admit they do have lots of stuff. Even the travel mugs. Great site. I have my cart full of stuff but I'm hoping it's only a $50 min! Thanks!!! http://www.dollaritem.com/Dollar_Store/productid.asp?SessionID={1E9E9F77-B561-4E57-8BA0-4B523BFB5AE5}&ID=51121
  2. jessyg20


    Hooray, another Edenh Bride! This forum is great for ideas. I wish my maid of honor (my sis) would be involved like u. ;o) Welcome!
  3. jessyg20


    Welcome! Yea!!! another Edenh bride!
  4. JESSICA VELOZ. In spanish Veloz means quick/fast. Since we both work together we're both going to be Officer Veloz. or Mrs. Quick! ;o)
  5. You looked so beautiful! Great pictures. Congrats!
  6. I love the Nicole Miller Dress. The top looks so flattering.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari I am going to definitely try! I will let you know. I tried...and they said no! (Because the item was only $1) That sucks. Then they told me I could return them,get my money back ($30), but I would have to wait for them to put it back in stock to buy them at 75%. I didn't want to take the risk because they didn't have any left on the shelf. So for those of you that did get them...hold on to them tight!
  8. I want to thank you for posting your pics and the website. I just called them up and bought my dress (org $699, paid $270 Casablanca 1857). I may have to alter it but you can't beat the price! Thanks! Size 16
  9. Has anyone checked this site out: New Page 1 They have good prices too for the same bags in big quantities. Just a thought! I'm going to need atleast 20 bags but haven't decided which.
  10. We've decided to spice things up with Salsa. So we're taking classed and are dancing to Marc Anthony-Que precio tiene el cielo. His idea! ;o)
  11. Wow! I was an emotional reck while watching your slideshow. I loved it! You look so beautiful, those were great pictures!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by teresavigil I love doing monograms a ton, graphic design was actually my first love at school, ( i am a font Geek) if anyone wants free help in design a monogram I would def offer my services, I lvoe doing this stuff, i often do logos for freinds or other forums always for free! Quote: Originally Posted by coming together I would totally love your help if you're not to busy. Let me know. Thanks. I would love and appreciate your help too whenever you can! Thanks
  13. Hello, I went to my local Dollar Tree store and I found these cute little items, for a $1.00 of course! I might throw them in my oot bags. Bath Fizz and Magic towel's that become hand towels when u put them in warm water. The Fish, Mermaid, and Starfish are the ones that fit my theme, so I used the Heart for my test run. Just a thought!
  14. Thank you for the great idea guys! I got them at my local target and believe it or not I found just enough ( I do live in Miami, where 1st language here is Spanish!)lol. I even picked something up for me!
  15. You guys all inspired some creativity in me. Too simple?
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