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Everything posted by chibi411

  1. chibi411

    wedding 08

    welcome and happy planning
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by amyh okay, I got stuck at $25,000 e-ring, huh?? Really? you're funny
  3. thanks!! the pre packed are so expensive, i was thinking i had to let this one go
  4. they are soo cute, i would get them too, but i'm on a budget adorable!!
  5. i know that was hillarious!! she was crying pointing to krista and saying all this crazy stuff!! then he pulls out krista's card. i think aubry knew it was her leaving. we watch every weekend with another couple, we call it rock night and its usually our cheat (diet) night as well. we asked them to be in our wedding after the season premiere. we had VIP passes made out and handed it to them
  6. chibi411

    Dreams Bride

    you'll find lots of info here! happy planning!
  7. you're not cheap... budget concious. we all are!!! those are some cheap fans!!!
  8. bought mine... al 25 of them. got some triple ABX ointment from work and betadine swabs and stuck them in....
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