cool thanks for the pics!! each time i read how overworked sandra is, i feel better... not that she is overworked, but to know that it's normal for her not to return email etc
thanks a bunch!! loved the moon pic
Quote: Originally Posted by starchild I think they are called weapons of mass destruction...haha
Now where are those??
Quote: Originally Posted by starchild Honey!
What is your favorite cable channel?
beat me to it!! TNT- i love me some law and order doink doink
maggie moo... we wanted to name her jude (hey jude-beatles) but she looks like a maggie moo. she's bigger then me when she stands up!!
Do you speak another language?
Quote: Originally Posted by starchild I think they are called weapons of mass destruction...haha
Now where are those?? fun!!! ok my turn!!
currently in the bathroom where the FI is doing his "paperwork"
question: is it suppose to burn when you pee?
Attachment 1562
these were ours..... i wanted an antique-y mexican vibe. they were sent out with a chocolate border. hope it helps