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Everything posted by chibi411

  1. wow... i love this forum!! another great idea that i will be using!! strip classes!! we have s factor in LA and in OC thanks girls!
  2. wow...i hate to say it, but that whole RSVP thing, that is soooo me. i didn't realize how annoying it is until i read all these posts. so i apolgize for being one of "them", and in my defense.... i just got busy (no excuse). sorry to hear your worries regarding your DW. i know its the little things that add up to be big things that make you bonkers. i hope your cousin can get another date, and i hope your SIL can get her passport. i'll be rooting for you!!
  3. with or without you by U2. reminds me of a guy i once dated and the friends episode when ross had it playing on the radio and rachel called in and they interrupted the song
  4. i've never in my whole life hated anyone as i loath this lady i work with. she is soooo stupid. and a RN. totally slow, all the docs hate her. she's rude to her patients, she pulls the whole power thing. i see her and i instictively roll my eyes, i cannot stop myself. whenever she is charge, she pages me a billion times like... i'm going to step out now, page me if you need anything. like no shit. but each time she steps out!! i don't care!! and i never ever page her so... does she think i'm gonna start? on top of that she had a crani so part of her skull is missing.... i'm so bad
  5. i just got my bags from ailana as well.... the med size for 2.50. great quality and they will stand by itself. very niiice...
  6. thanks everyone... you guys are all great amy- your funny!!
  7. sorry ladies, i have decided that i can no longer look at threads about new online stores or cute and super cheap OOT favors. my BM said all i talk about are bags and favors, and you know what, i do. i was/am obssesed. and admitting it is the first step. i think i have enough things already so i just have to STOP. so, i thank you all in advance for all the cute and great/awesome ideas you are all going to post, but i have to respectfully decline. thank you and so will my so called "budget" ps- wish me luck!! Janet
  8. yeah, i've been a MOH many times and each time we lift up the dress and carefully navigate her to the bathroom. it doesn't phase me b/c i'm an RN, i've seen it all. it's totally doable, just lift and all the layers will be up around your chest. great bonding moment!!
  9. wow... how old are these people? all that blows my mind. good luck and i hope things work out. you really need to talk to the FI
  10. what great fiends you have..... i've always wanted a chia pet, never got one
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan don't you think he just faked that logo? Or maybe he bought www.wpja.cc.com & made a trade with them for membership. thats funny morgan
  12. i was looking for this look, but couldn't figure what it was called... thanks!
  13. ughhh... still waiting for emails from sandra. called landy, she confirmed my date, but i wish i could get it in writing. it's been a week, should I email bomb her?
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel What does a Cronkhite look like? If you hyphenate, I think there will be some awfully confused people out there. picture blond hair blue eyes, german. me..... i look japanese
  15. Cronkhite. But I'm japanese- american, and i don't look like a cronkhite, so i'm thinking of hyphenating. then its really long- murakmai-cronkhite. maybe i'll start using my middle name, which is my japanese name. whatcha all think?
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