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Everything posted by chibi411

  1. chibi411


    now, is the dress really trashed? i'm planning to have a reception/ party back in LA after mexico and wondering if the dress really gets trashed. thanks
  2. I'm set for June 4th!! So we're totally going to BFFs! how's your planning going?
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by jean-marcus oh man. i dont have a single bad thing to say about dreams tulum. hands down i thought it was one of the nicest places ive ever stayed and they waited on us hand and foot and everyone was fairly fluent in spanish (since i spoke all of NONE) i had no problem communicating with employees. of course i wasnt the bride or groom so i cant say about how everything was organized but the hotel itself was wonderful and so clean... OH WAIT>.. i did have one complaint about the videographer. he was tethered to the microphone during the ceremony so he was like "right there" the entire time and i had to really maneauver around to try and keep him out of the shots. i took tons of photos of the room and the resort and are in the gallery. if you want to PM me ill gladly link you up to the private gallery so you can see the resort. how do i PM? i was looking at your website earlier, how funny! i was planning to email you!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by monicabrandon2008 Welcome! I'm getting married there right after you, June 27th. I have heard alot of great things about the resort. I have seen recently there were a few bumps for the bride as far as the wedding. They mainly mention that to help us brides out that have not been married yet so that we will make sure and cover all areas. how far into the planning are you? are you looking into a photographer?
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by amy706 I'm getting married there Dec 08 and have heard tons of great things about it! Lots of info on the forum. Happy planning! we should totally talk! i know there has been lots about the WC not retuening emails, which is true. have you heard anything about the makeup there? are you going to get a photographer or go with the resort one? did you book rooms? i know so many questions!
  6. hola! have a wedding date set for dreams tulum for June 4 2008. Any info would be much appreciated. I read some bad reviews on the place, any of it true? Thanks
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