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Agape Gems

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Everything posted by Agape Gems

  1. I really just think he is freaking out about all the potential $$$ he is loosing b/c all of us keep contacting the resort about bringing outside photogs, but that's b/c his work isn't special and his prices are astronomical!
  2. This is so insane! I have already booked and paid a photographer! They are going to see a real bridezilla if they try to say I can't use her! And an even worse mob-zilla!!
  3. I put the stem of the flower thru the fan and then glued it to the back of the fan. Then I wrapped the ribbon over it.
  4. You were gorgeous! 2 Random questions, was your bouquet the one that comes with the free wedding package or did you upgrade and did you bring your sand ceremony glasses or buy them there? Thanks!
  5. I'm also making soaps for my OOT bags. I'm making small glycerin soaps and putting them in organza bags, these will be like hand soaps. Then I'm making bars of soap with a Shea butter base so they will be moisturizing. I think I'm going to make these purple (my colors are pink and purple) then I'm tying a piece of raffia around it with a tag that says what kind of soap it is. Right now I'm using coconut scent, but when I run out of coconut i'm going to buy pinapple scent.
  6. I don't have pics, but know the lobby bar is free. I think, but don't qoute me, that most of the other bars close kind of early so you would have to pay for a bartender.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan I am having a larger group (20-30) and I'm not planning a reception. I figure after dinner we can just do whatever we want. I'm thinking of it more like a group vacation than a wedding. This is what I'm doing too. I have about 25 guests coming but my ceremony is at 11am, lunch "reception" at noon, then FI and I are going to do our TTD pics and tell everyone they can meet us later that night for drinks or at the disco if they want.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by MoWife I am not sure if I posted about this in this thread or another one. You cannot get copies of your birth certificate notarized. What we did was take the originals to the notary showed them to her and then she typed up a letter saying she saw the original documents and verifies that we are those people and then she notarized the letter. then we made copies of our documents and just sent them with the notarized letter and that worked out fine. I can't believe everyone has had so many problems. When I went to the bank I had photocopies and I had the actual birthcertificates and passports and the lady notarized the copies and then had me sign them. Quick and easy! I am a little concerned though about the address I sent them too b/c the "faqs" page on the RIU site says PO Box, but there is no number so that's how I addressed the envelop. Then last night I was looking thru the PDF file from the site and the address had a PO Box number! I did send it registered mail, but I don't want it to get returned 2 or 3 weeks from now. GRRRRR
  9. I had to take a family road trip this past weekend, so I put everyone to work during the car ride and finished my fans, here is a pic of the different colors and styles of flowers I used:
  10. Love it! I'm thinking of doing boarding passes as my 30-day countdown mailing and putting details about excursions, restaurants, etc on each page. Did you use a template that was posted on here?
  11. Everything is AMAZING! Congratulations! Where did you get your groomsmen shirts? Those are really nice
  12. Thanks for posting- I found a cake I love and got an idea for centerpieces
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by JamaicaBride08 Four should be perfect for that amount. The only thing that we didn't really plan out was all the tipping. I mean, we had the money, but we ended up running back up to our room a couple of times to make sure we had the right amount each night/day: St Anne's waiters night before Welcome at the Seagrape-Bartenders Minister Steele Drum Band Chandlyn waiters at Mammee Bay Reception at Seagrapeo-Bartenders DJ at Reception As far as everything else, I brought all my confirmation emails for reference, so I kind of used that as my checklist in my meeting with Chandlyn. Hope that helps! Oh, I need to make a note of that. I know my FI thinks all-inclusive means he doesn't even need to bring his wallet to Jamaica! Thanks
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by JamaicaBride08 We had 40 people total and one long table with 34 people, and then a small table at the head (forming a T) with 6 seats, which worked perfect because we had two matrons/bestmen. There was another wedding,though, that probably had 24-28 and only had a long table. Thank you!! I'm thinking 4 centerpieces will be enough then and maybe i will just put rose petals down the center of the tables. Was there anything you thought about once you got there that you wish you had thought of sooner?
  15. Congratulations! Thank you for sharing your pics, everything was beautiful!! One question, how were the tables set-up at Mammee Bay for your reception? I have about 25 guests and I'm trying to figure out how many center peices to bring. Thanks!
  16. I'm throwing a shower on the 1st, but we haven't nailed down the time yet- last minute suprise shower that is totally stressing me out!
  17. I used a TA but she did not book anything under a group rate b/c it didn't end up cheaper and would have been more complicated. The only reason I recommend a TA is b/c people don't have to pay for everything up front. They can call and make payments all along the way. Also, she made sure that everyone got on the same flight and that no one is staying past Monday b/c we are staying at the same resort for our HM and I don't want to see anyone I know for that week!
  18. Please steal away! I got the idea from a girl on the knot : ) A tip- if you want to get the criss-cross effect at the top of the handle you will need a pair of scissors or butter knife or something similiar to make space inbetween the rows of raffia to pull the ribbon through. I'm still trying to figure out how to get the back to look as nice as the front.
  19. I just did that yesterday! FYI, Wachovia notarizes for free. I sent everything by registered mail but i'm also going to scan everything and email it just in case.
  20. These are my DIY invites. I paid $36 for 24 glass bottles, corks, a bag of sand, and the boxes to ship them(Sand Blast Entertainment). I bought the umbrellas from the party section at Hobby Lobby and I got the vellum paper for the invites at Paper Affair. Good Luck!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari Actually a friend of mine is marrying us, so I will have everything all typed out for her. I am sure you can do the same for the minister, definitely give your vows to the WC. Oh, that's going to be really special.
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