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Agape Gems

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Everything posted by Agape Gems

  1. Hey, we have list going already, check it out: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t10622
  2. Blue man pic is too funny! I wish i had photoshop....but then i would really never get anything done!
  3. So I have become obbessed with the photobooth program on my MAC. Here are some funny pics that FI and I took when we were bored. I thought it would be funny if everyone who has photobooth or photoshop posted altered pics so we can all have a good laugh : )
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMrsB I know exactly how you feel. My hair is considered the "good" texture hair too. But, when I was in Jamaica in January my hair frizzed within 10 minutes of being outside. I would do a trial run for sure ahead of time. Now, since it's Jamaica they will most likely be familiar with black hair, but might not be totally familiar with silkier "good" ethnic hair. Hope that makes sense. I think I'm going to bring my own oil with me too, because it's fantastic and I'm sure it's better than what they have. When I was there in January the best oil I could find was Pink Oil. I'm also going to get fusion extensions put in before the wedding and wear my hair half up half down. So hopefully most of my real hair will be protected from the humidity in the updo. On another note, wow you're less than a month away! Are you getting excited? I was thinking of getting a quick weave so that I wouldn't have to worry about it at all, and could wear it down in big curls, but then I found out that I can't get in the water with that b/c its basically just glued in so had to move on to plan B- getting my hair done up and probably super crunchy so that it won't frizz What type of hair oil to do use? I have been using this stuff by Paul Mitchell called Skinny. Its really light so it was good during the winter but won't work for Jamaican humidity. Ummm, just realized this morning that I'm down to 3 weeks before we leave! A little scary when I think of all the things that still need to be handled. But I'm definitely ready for the vacation!!!!!!
  5. The list so far, keep the ideas coming! 1.Sweet pic of groom/bride 2.Speedo gone wrong 3.Best real dance face 4.Mimic a statue or fountain 5.Do exactly what the sign says (any sign) 6.Capture a reflection of yourself 7.“I can’t believe we all fit in here!†8.A pic of a guy with a mullet 9.Someone you don’t know holding hands 10.A spelling mistake on a sign 11.Are you really going to wear that? 12.Someone sleeping where they shouldn’t be 13.“What the heck is this?†14.Girls just wanna have fun! 15. Cannon Ball! 16. Get a room... 17. Raccoon eyes 18. Hungry? (someone stuffing their face) 19. Boys will be boys 20. 80's bangs 21. Spell something using people (this would be a fun one while drinking!) 22. Something big (I like open-ended ones like this for the creative people!) 23. "oh my!" 24. Sand castle 25. Bad hair day 26. Bride and Grooms true colors 27. What I want to be when I grow up 28. How did he/she do that? 29. Why 30. How romantic 31. Share the road (probably relevant in Mexico and Jamaica) 32. Best Dancer 33. Worst Dancer 34. Someone who doesn't know you are watching them 35. Are those real? (could be flowers, boobs, ...) 36. Someone looking bored 37. Your silliest face 38. Bride enjoying a cocktail 39. Groom enjoying a drink 40. Bride and her maids up to something
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by naga0066 These are great ideas! (My favorite thus far... #16. get a room). hehe Do you think it would work to put the scavenger list on the back of the photoshare postcard? Or do you think people might take the list w/ them and end up losing the photoshare info? I was thinking about the same thing yesterday and I think I am going to keep them separate to make sure people don't think the photoshare is just for these pics.
  7. So, I'm getting married in Jamaica and I'm a lot concerned about my hair. I have what most black people call "good hair" but it's naturally curly which means naturally frizzy! So the humidity is definitely going to do a number on me. Should I be worried or just relax and assume that they know what they are doing? I can go the day before to get a trial done, but that appointment is only for 30 minutes, I never get my hair done in less than 2 1/2 hours. If you have curly hair you will understand that once my hair is dry it can't be combed or brushed b/c that just makes it bigger and bigger so they can't just play around with different styles! I will post a pic later to show you what i mean. My hair has to be roller set to do anything. I'm going to do a relaxer on my edges before I go and take pictures of styles I like but I'm still stressing about looking like a fuzz ball on my day. Is anyone else concerned?
  8. Another way to put a twist on one of the question games is to buy a whole bunch of those sour gumballs and every time you or the groom gets an answer wrong you have to put another piece in your mouth. Your guests will enjoy watching you make faces with each sour piece! This isn't really a game, but good if you like sentimental things- get a fish bowl and lots of pennys. Everyone gets a penny and as the fishbowl is passed around everyone makes a wish for you and puts their penny in the bowl. You are suppose to display the bowl somewhere in your home as a reminder of all the well wishes. Works best with a smaller group- 20 people or less b/c otherwise it could take forever. Or if you have a lot of people you could put it on a table somewhere, maybe by the door where people come in, with a note explaining what it is and people could do it on their own.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by CarrieRN Here are some ideas I found online. I added the ones from your original post. We need to come up with some more vacationy/beachy/romantic ideas too. 1.Sweet pic of groom/bride 2.Speedo gone wrong 3.Best real dance face 4.Mimic a statue or fountain 5.Do exactly what the sign says (any sign) 6.Capture a reflection of yourself 7.“I can’t believe we all fit in here!†8.A pic of a guy with a mullet 9.Someone you don’t know holding hands 10.A spelling mistake on a sign 11.Are you really going to wear that? 12.Someone sleeping where they shouldn’t be 13.“What the heck is this?†14.Girls just wanna have fun! Oh this are so good! Here are a few more: 15. Cannon Ball! 16. Get a room... 17. Raccoon eyes 18. Hungry? (someone stuffing their face) 19. Boys will be boys 20. 80's bangs I'll keep thinking
  10. I have not done this personally, but I hired a DJ for a conference 2 months ago and he had his playlist on his computer that was hooked up to big speakers.
  11. I am thinking the prize will be something cheezy like one of those shirts that says i went to Jamaica and all i got was this crappy t-shirt, or something silly along those lines. Any ideas?
  12. I think you should just explain the time issue to her. She should understand the basic fact that if you get your hair done 8 hours before the wedding, its not gonna look the same later and then thats just wasted money. Even though FMILs and MILs drive us crazy they are still women who understand hair, make-up, etc. I think if you showed her the timeline and maybe make her one of the first appointments she might understand the logistical issues with not having enough stylists.
  13. Ok, so maybe I'm not as big of a dork as my FI says I am! When I get my list together I will post it here.
  14. Since I'm already on the verge of doing too much, I have one other idea that came to me in the shower this morning. What if I put a list of scavenger hunt photos for everyone to try and capture. For instance: a speedo gone wrong, a sweet moment between the bride & groom, someone with their "dance face" .... you get the idea. I was already planning to ask everyone to upload thier pics to our shutterfly account so this would just make for good scrapbook pics. Too much
  15. My FMIL threw us an engagement party, and despite the fact that she made it a luau themed-party and we are getting married in Jamaica, it was really nice. She had people make toasts, since most of her family can't come to the wedding. And we played a game where they blind folded me and had 5 or 6 guys roll up there pants leg and I had to guess which leg was FI's leg. Also did a questions game where she asked me and FI a list of questions ahead of time about our self then at the party we had to answer the question about the other person. I got all the ?s correct about FI, he got 9/10 wrong about me.... hmmmm....go figure. She also had a photog friend of hers come and take pics which everyone had a good time posing for. She gave out favors, but i can't remember what they were, if it comes to me i'll repost. I think as long as the food and drinks are good people will have a good time!
  16. Thats a bunch of crap that you don't need right now, or ever! I would just not tell her anything. Tell her you and FI have decided to keep the planning process between the 2 of you to keep it simple and you will fill her in on an "as-needed" basis. Not sure which of these you need more
  17. Bellissima Bridal Shoes: The Source for Designer Wedding Shoes This site has pretty reasonably priced shoes, but I think most of them start at $40. Maybe you can catch a sale though! Good Luck!
  18. Rachel and Amy, I just PM'd ya'll. Thanks!!! I forgot Target sells bridal stuff online.. gonna see if I can get a dress for TTD
  19. Hey Morgan, thanks for the inspiration! I couldn't fit travel mugs into my budget so I got these cups at Target last weekend (50cents each) and bought some rub-ons to put everyone's first initial on their cup. I still want to put a palm tree on the other side but haven't found a rub-on yet. The guys get the white and orange and the girls get the light pink or dark pink. Sorry pic is so big... can't seem to resize it...also can't get siggy any bigger GRRRRRRRRR
  20. I was Dillards tonight (yes, again!) and they had 2 really nice suits by Perry Ellis- one White and one Khaki- the pants were $69 and the jacket was $160. It looked like linen from a distance but was a blended fabric that didn't feel like it would wrinkle the way that linen does. Happy Shopping! Oh, also I got our GMs linen outfits from K & G last weekend for $50 and that was for a short sleeve button -up shirt and matching pants. FI also got his suit for $99. It's gonna need alterations but thats still a great price. I will post a pic as soon as I get him to put the darn thing on!!!
  21. I think it's very cute. If you have any busty BMs it may not be quite as cute on them as it is in the picture though. As a DDD girl, I can tell you that strapless styles with empire waist lines are not at all flattering. But if that's not an issue then I say run with it!
  22. Wow, I thought I was a bargain shopper but you did excellent! I paid $35 each for my BM dresses on the clearance rack at Dillards last summer and $50 each for the GMs linen suits at K&G, but my dress.... well not so cheap. Where did you get your dress from?
  23. Here is a pic of my dress, I'm looking for a simple ivory veil
  24. OMG, everything is beautiful! And your necklace is gorgeous!!! I am totally trying to make a duplicate, hope you don't mind
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