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Agape Gems

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Everything posted by Agape Gems

  1. THANKS! That sounds easy enough I'm gonna go to the MAC counter tomorrow with one of my BMs and figure out which colors I need. I'll post a pic when I get home. It sounds/looks like the secret is in blending the colors and using a good base.
  2. the dress zips up the side so it will be impossible to hide if its not zipped all the way. I haven't seen her in it since a few months ago- when it fit- but she says it will zip but its really really tight. I guess she gained weight in her boobs.... I bought the dresses last summer from Max and Cleo so there's no way I'll find her another one before I leave on Wednesday. Its just aggravating to find this out a few days before I leave!
  3. Good grief! My wedding is exactly one week away and I just found out one of my BMs dress is too small now and barely zips. I told her to go get some spanx and get on a liquid diet for the next 7 days! And it's not the kind of dress that can be let out b/c it's silk and bias-cut.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by nueland Ending the dress dilema!! I am just going to put the other dress on ebay it is a gorgeous dress just not for me. Lovely! Glad it worked out for you, and I can't believe what a deal you got on this one
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by ochoriobride Do I need a song for my bridesmaids and another for me and my dad? I was only thinking one for when we walk down the aisle, another for when we sign the papers and one for when we walk back down the aisle after the ceremony. Should I had anther one.....I have 3 bridesmaids Well since the aisle isn't that long, I think 1 song is plenty. I also have 3 BMs and I don't want to end up standing around waiting on their song to end..
  6. totally do-able. I booked our wedding way in advance but didn't start planning anything until Jan, so basically 3 months. Sometimes less time is better, makes you decisive!
  7. A lot of the RIU resorts offer free weddings- meaning you don't have to pay a per person fee for the reception which can save you A LOT of $$$. My FI and I paid for our wedding by ourselves (exception of my dress) and our total budget was only 6k, which included honeymoon and everything but my engagement ring. I went over that in the end when i decided to book a photog instead of using the one at the resort, but you can definitely have a nice affair without going into debt or breaking the bank. Check out the DIY threads too, there are lots of crafty girls on here with lots of ideas. Happy planning!
  8. I'm a BM for a wedding later this year and some of the dresses have come in but not the one in my size. I will post a pic though so you can see the color. The quality is good, I'm impressed.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by jaychristensen Thanks for all your help and well wishes! Can't believe it's actually here! I guess I'll see how it does on the plane and take it from there. TwelvePiece: Hope you have a very wonderful wedding! We transfer to Negril on the 12th but maybe I'll be able to see your wedding before we leave (3:00) I'll be sure to write a review with pictures in a couple weeks when we return! Oh, I hope I get to catch a piece of your wedding! All of our guests arrive on the 10th, but I'll try to sneak away for a few minutes. Best wishes, I know everything will be beautiful for you. Our ceremony is at 11am, so feel free to join the party!!! I'll be the one in the big white dress
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Jamaica08bride I told her as long as she doesn't burn me or my hair we can walk away friends. LOL- I have that exact conversation every time I go to the hairdresser! But I think you can't go wrong with a fancy or simple bun.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by ButlerGirl08 Well if you want I can give you all the products I used Since obviously we are not the same color, I will give you the product line and when you get in MAC find a similar shade for your skin. If you really want, I will go through and take pictures step by step of how I put on my makeup Let me know...you know I am a makeup fanatic and love to help. The step-by-step instructions would be cool just for own personal knowledge but I know you have plenty of stuff to do for your wedding. But can you tell me what kind of eyeshadow to get? I really like that yours looks so smooth and not glittery.
  12. Ha! I think we can all plan to fall back on a bun if nothing else is cooperating!
  13. I'm having my alterations lady press it before I leave (actually tomorrow) and then I'm just gonna keep it hanging as much as possible. Hopefully the shower steam will get out any wrinkles I acquire in transit!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by md_ocr how many people are you having? I've been trying to figure out how many people the "free" cake will feed. I have about 100 people coming. Only 25, so i don't want to spend a lot on getting a bigger cake and then throwing it all away. I would def upgrade if I was having a 100! Honestly, I really am not feeling the free cakes,(they remind me of birthday cakes) I have always wanted a fondant cake, but its just not worth the money.
  15. Mo, I'm so sorry to hear this. Keep your head up, God always has something in store for us!
  16. are the orchid sprays the kind that you can pop off of the stem and thread a string thru? I'm interested if so, I have been looking for some that I can make into a "curtain of flowers"-- Nevermind, I found exactly what I was looking for in hobby lobby tonight for 50% off, so BECKS they are all yours!
  17. can you post a pic of you in it? You can always change the sash, and the flower/lace part doesn't look bad to me. But you need to feel beautiful on your day, so if you really hate I say put back up for sale on ebay!
  18. Am I the only one who doesn't recognize most of these songs?? I know some of the Bob Marley ones but the others don't mean anything to me
  19. I wanted to have a fancy crystal cake topper but I was worried it would look too big on the cake, based on the pics I have seen of the free cake. I think if you upgrade to something like what you have pictured it is going to look really nice.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by md_ocr that will be our seating chart.......i'm going to get it printed on much larger paper and get a bigger frame for it. ahhh, very creative : ) I thought maybe it was the ABC's of love and I was gonna steal it from you!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by DougsGirl Melissa! Those are so freakin cute! LOVEHEARTLOVE them! I think I'm gonna trick Doug into buying one for me tonight.. Hmmmm.. just FYI, these dresses run really big. I wear a 12 and have huge boobs and still had to get a medium. So if you are ordering online I would go at least a size smaller than you normally wear.
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