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Agape Gems

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Everything posted by Agape Gems

  1. My bouquet: BMs will carry pink parasols Gazebo decorations- I am so sorry i can't remember which member shared the instructions for how to do this, but you know who you are- THANKS!!! I have about 40 strands that will hang all the way around the gazebo fans: Bubbles for guests to blow during our 1st dance- I just added big rhinestones to the tops for a little bling. favors that will be at place setting at Mammee Bay There's still more coming...
  2. OOT Bags: Includes: Chrome luggage tag homemade soap cup w/initial photo album travel candle sudoko rubix cube heart shaped deck of cards disposable nail files welcome letter photoshare card gum chapstick Welcome letter front and back:Photoshare card front and back: These were both free from vistaprint save the dates from Beverly's Special Events- Home Page invites: HUGE THANK YOU TO Lizz and Heidi for putting together all the information for the ROR brochure, all I did was personalize some of the info to our plans and reformated. i sent these out with the message in a bottle invites and everyone was so happy to get all these details! there's more...
  3. Hi Ladies, We leave in 3 days- holy cow!!! Thanks so much to everyone for all of the inspiration, advice, and support over the past few months. Without it I would have been completely lost! I have posted lots of pics along the way, but I thought I would leave in true BDW style and compile everything into one place, so here goes! The ring that started it all: The dress & BM dresses: FI's suit Fi's 3 rings- Yes, I said 3! He "needs" different rings for different outfits DIY Hair flowers for BMs (GMs boutonnieres are made from same flower) There's more...
  4. I think our is under Johnson, but maybe Harleston... I should call my TA about that tomorrow! I think Yolanda (JustUsTwo) and I are gonna try to meet-up too, her wedding is friday.
  5. Thanks, I got the idea from another girl on here. We get there on Wednesday too. I think our flight lands around 10:30am so we are going to get to the resort way before check-in. I guess we will just chill at one of the bars until our room is ready. I haven't decided about the aisle runner. I have 2000 rose petals that i want to use, but I don't know if they will let me just put them in the sand or if I have to put them on the runner. Are you doing the runner? I think the white tulle will look so good with your dress.
  6. I wonder why my ticker says 7 days and yours says 6 days...
  7. Yea we are using the beach gazebo. I made hanging flowers to go all the way around the gazebo, Here's a pic, I have about 40 strands:
  8. Ok, so we share the same wedding day, and I'm sitting on the couch all calm like everything on my to-do list is done. But it's not even close! I'm so jealous! Anyway, it sounds like you have everything under control. These are my don't forget to-do's: Pack battery charger for camera make must-have photo list for photog Playlist for DJ Get travelers checks See ya in Jamaica! Maybe we can get together for a drink
  9. Hey Heidi, Robin emailed me and said everything was beautiful and there was no drama from Michael Congratulations!
  10. Hey! We are bringing our own decorations for the gazebo and Chandlyn told me that was fine and there would be no charge for them to be hung.
  11. I'm sorry but that sounds insane! Did the girl even consult all the BMs about this $1000 gift certificate? I personally would feel bad if my BMs spent that much on me after they have already forked out $$$ to be part of the wedding.
  12. Everything looks really nice, your girls are going to love it all! The spa gift certificate is really a great idea.
  13. I work for a non-profit where I run a high school abstinence-based peer leader program.
  14. that sounds very shady! Why don't the BMs just supply the papergoods. split up duties- like one person brings cups, one brings plates, etc and if you want them to match then have one person go buy everything and then split the cost after you actually know how much it adds up to. and as for a gift, it seems counter-productive to buy the hostess an expensive gift when she is trying to save you money. I think the bride normally gets a gift for the hostess anyway. My BMs didn't throw my shower b/c my Godmother wanted to do it so I got her a gift as a thank you but it never even crossed my mind that my BMs would have given her a gift. Just my opinion.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by BarefootBride I love this style. It looks easy to do. Are you going to let the resort do it? Yea, I have a trial scheduled for the day after i arrive and hopefully they will put my mind at ease. If it's not looking good then i'll just go with a bun and some flowers and call it a day.
  16. Thanks for all the advice, she's on a strict diet and I think we will be running on the beach in the days leading up to the wedding. Crossing my fingers!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Duchess Jazz Costume...lol. I am now thinking of the little leotard things I wore ice skating when I was 5! That's exactly what it reminded me of, seriously! Some colors more so than others, like the dark brown was VERY shiny, but the slate blue color was shiny but not as "jazzy"
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by BillysBride I use Bare Escentuals now, and I do really like it. When I first put it on, the color seemed a bit off...but as it sets, about 10 minutes later it looks really natural. I especially love that it looks natural in any light. Even outdoors! Its probably what I'll wear for the wedding, but I always want to be sure I'm using the best for whatever the situation! I have tried bare essentials but the color always looked off, I never tried letting it a set for a few minutes. I might try it again now b/c my sis and aunt swear by it.
  19. I was just scanning this thread and saw Gretchen got banned... wonder what happened
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by BarefootBride Twelve! You have 7 Days!!! Have you narrowed it down? What are you plans? Well I got my clip ins... boy I am glad I dont have to wear it all the time! My plan at the current moment is PANIC! LOL! I got up early this morning and re-wrote the last minute to-do list and it's still a whole page. How is that possible? anyway, at the current moment this is what i think I'm going with, and my veil will hang from underneath the hairdo so that I can put a flower somewhere near the top/front:
  21. Oh thats so much better than a blender! Now that I have planned a wedding, I'm giving everyone cash for gifts.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by md_ocr ButlerGirl.........can you send me your document of hairstyles and makeup ([email protected]) . I want to take a peek!! Thanks.. Me too please!!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by Duchess Do these tend to run big or small? Also, how close to the dress on Two Birds is this? Do the same directions apply? Quote: Originally Posted by adrianna28 WOW! WHat a fabulous dress!!! What's the quality like I personally like the VS better than the 2 birds. the fabric on the 2 birds dress is shiny and reminded me of a jazz costume. Both are heavy fabric though and good quality. The VS runs a little big. The 2 birds is one size fits all and it actually does fit all! I am 12 and one of other BMs is a 0 and it fit both of us. The other reason I like the VS is the length is good. On the 2 birds dress the floor length one was way too long on the BMs who are 5'3ish and the shorter version was a weird inbetween length and didn't really flatter any of us. And yes, same directions apply to both.
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by jamisoncollette Reduction bra. They sell them in specialty stores. Or she can do what my drag friends do and bind those puppies up till she's flat. Do they make strapless reduction bras?
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