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Agape Gems

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Everything posted by Agape Gems

  1. Incase you're interested, these are the price quotes i received for the flowers in my siggy: $112- pink ones at top left $275 - green ones at bottom left $182- green ones at top right $228- green and white at bottom right
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by nettyboop11 Ladies, If you marry at the RIU Ochi and use the salon there for hair or makeup, please post your experience and some pictures. Thanks, Nettyboop Here is the pic i showed them: This is what she did: So you can imagine I was a little upset! But that was the trial, on the wedding day she did much better and i was very pleased. Let me see if i can find a good pic of my hair... this is the best pic i can find right now. It didn't move for 2 days!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by ButlerGirl08 I just looked through your pictures...everything was so beaurtiful and perfect...Have you posted your review yet or was I just scamming the thread for only pics Yep, the review is a few posts below the pics.
  4. I saw some girls set up a bachlorette party at Dunns River bar with decorations and stuff. I know on some nights they made an annoucement after the nightly show that there was a bus going to Margarittaville, but i don't know if they do that every night or just some nights. I know on saturday night after the beach party they did it and the bus ride was free there and back, and women got in free to Margarittaville.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by BeckyN Good point... we do have a Michaels near by. Do most flowers these craft places sell have that middle part pop out like she is talking about? I'm having difficulties visualizing what I am looking for. We don't have AC Moore here, but Micheals here didn't have the right kind of orchids but they did have other flowers where the center would pop out. If you can't find them let me know. I'm going to buy some and mail them to another BDW bride.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by BeckyN I loved your hanging flowers! I remember reading somewhere else about approximate lengths... but now I can't find it. Did you say that each string was about 9 feet long? (How many flowers per string... or how far apart did you place the flowers?) Sorry for being so picky but I just loved the ways yours looked. Not too many that they were overwhelming... but enough that they were noticable. Yep, they were 9 feet long. And i put 10 flowers on each strand. I could have made them shorter but i wanted to make sure there was enough fishing line to tie them secure to the gazebo. If you don't want them blowing all over the place you might want to ask them to tie them to the banister. And definitely ask someone to go check out the gazebo ahead of time incase they don't do it correctly. Just fyi, i was in hobby lobby today and they had these flowers 1/2 off. They have pink (which is what i used) a dark purple and a really pale green.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by allaboutodd Gorgeous pictures!! Your friend who is Asian, I love the way they did her hair! I am also Asian and want my hair to look like hers on my wedding day.. Your wedding was gorgeous, I know you were extremely happy with everything. Her hair was really pretty, i wish my hair would hold a curl and not frizz but I would have been a poof ball by the time the wedding was over. The girls in the salon did her hair really quick and put the flower in too. I was beyond happy with everything. The few minor details that didn't go exactly as planned went completely unnoticed by everyone.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by md_ocr 12, did you find any reception pics to post? Also, not sure if you already answered, but did the salon have stove curlers or pressing combs? No one has sent me any pics from the reception yet. I think everyone was too busy eating to take many pics. I know Robin took some during the cake cutting and toasts though. I think they just had curling irons in lots of different sizes. They got really hot though. Audry had me wash my hair the night before, then she blew it out and used the curling iron to do the rest. I thought that was odd but it worked. Oh, and I meant to tell ya'll that when they were doing my hair and my BM hair the blowdryers kept tripping the power so they had to finish drying my hair, then hers b/c they couldn't do both at the same time. So if you have lots of girls with lots of hair you might want to stagger the appointment times. It happened during my hair trial too when they had me sitting under the dryer and they were running the parafin wax thingy.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by DLyteful WOW! Ok, you are making me totally want to leave NOW! Your pics look so perfect. Where did you get your Parasols? I love yours. I'm having a brain fart at the moment about where i got the parasols, but when i find the receipt i'll let you know. Quote: Originally Posted by Lizz I can't get over how perfect everything looks! You, your dress, make-up, hair, the bm's and their parasols...I love all of it! And who is that adorable little girl? She is just so cute! Thanks lizz- your day is coming up quick! The little girl is my best friends daughter. By the time they left the resort I think every employee knew her name. She is too cute.And she is only 18 months but she is the size of a 3 year old! Quote: Originally Posted by jamaica08 Wow! Very awesome pics! Looks like so much fun and everything looks so beautiful. You really looked stunning in that dress!!! And can I say your BM's looked great too - their dresses were perfect for a DW. Do you mind if I ask where you got them? Thanks again for sharing and CONGRATULATIONS! I actually found their dresses on the clearance rack of Dillards last summer for $30 each. They are by Max & Cleo. By far the best deal I got! Only thing- they were very light and flowy and the wind kept blowing them straight up. I think they all flashed everyone at least twice.
  10. I found my BM dresses on the clearance rack at Dillards for $30 each! If you don't have a lot of BMs I suggest checking the clearance racks at major dept stores and online too. You might get lucky
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by BeckyN Hehe! I know. I felt like it would be something that would jinx me though... I like to pretend that it would never happen - so I just don't think about it. I was actually upset at my sister when she asked me. I think my response was something along the line of... I'm having my Jamaica wedding right on the beach like I've pictured, whether its raining or not. hehe : ) But from what other girls had said... it usually only rains for like 15-30 minutes at a time. So I didn't think finding an alternate location was necessary. But its good to know we have options just in case. I have made a deal with Mother Nature that it can rain or snow all year long in MN as long as I have a beautiful day for my wedding. I did see 1 wedding at the beach gazebo in the rain! all the guests stood under palm trees and they stole the big umbrellas from the pool area.
  12. See more wedding pics(you have to go to the 3rd page to get to the ceremony pics) http://share.shutterfly.com/action/w...3bsnEQ&notag=1 Here are a few of my faves, but there are A LOT more in the photo album
  13. I don't think i would have had any issue if robin had not of done 2 weddings back-to-back, not to mention that she stuck out at both weddings since all the guests at the wedding were black. But i was prepared for some kind of drama to go down, so when it did i just let the guy know in no uncertain terms that he needed to step off. He was just the messenger and didn't want any trouble so he apologized and left and I went about enjoying my wedding. I felt worse for Robin b/c she couldn't relax after that. That was really what i was most angry about- they have no right to harass a paying guest.
  14. i had my sis and i asked the minister if that was ok and he said yes.
  15. Congrats! What a lucky man you are, your wife is gorgeous!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Cole5worm Ahh thanks guys! i have lines all over my boobs but i will go next time and probably burn the places that didn't get burnt this time then i will be all even with a fresh start! things to remember Butt scoot cover my nips with (jars, chap sticks, stickers...lol) never lay on my tummy unless i rotate like a chicken Okay i think i got it! This thread is too funny!
  17. I might change "blended family" to something else like stronger family, or solid family, or unified family- unless you are a blended family. Just my opinion...
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Heidi !!!!!!!!!!IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just received the following email from the photographer I (and three others while I was at ROR) hired & brought to Jamaica with me... Hey honey! Just walked in my door - I need for you to make a post on the BDW forum to warn all girls that are planning on bringing in outside photog & any destination wedding photogs that have weddings booked there. I have never in my life been as scared as I was yesterday evening (my last night at the resort) - the goons at the Photoshop had one of the bellboys come threaten me during (another bride's) reception in the disco. He was trying to pull me out, demanding my room #, etc. Was so glad it was my last day there & would be leaving this am. I am going to lodging a formal complaint with the main office of the RIU, and so is the bride - she was livid!!! I'll also put out there that we had ABSOLUTELY NO PROBLEMS AT ALL with Michael or Photoshop. We booked a FREE package - and Michael is not notified of those weddings. HOpefully, if you book the free package and bring an outside photographer nobody will bother you... I just saw this- this is was my wedding. See my previous post for the story, but unfortunately it seems that you just have to get nasty with people to make them step off. I can't think of the managers name now but it started with an M (Marlon or Marion or something like that) but when you get there you will easily recognize him. He is a tall, light-skinnned guy who wears malcolm x style glasses and he doesn't wear the uniform that the other employees wear. I think he had on a polo RIU shirt everyday. He was the only person at the entire resort that was not friendly.
  19. I had planned to use their videographer but changed my mind the day before we left b/c my photog emailed me and said that she had just done a wedding at the ROR and the bride had hired their videographer and Michael showed up to and kept jumping in her shot and telling her she couldn't take the pics that he set up, etc. Basically was just big pain. So I figured it would be easier to just avoid the photoshop all together. Since i booked the free wedding there were no pics involved and so no one from the photoshop showed up at my wedding, thank goodness. BUT THEN after we ate we headed to the disco (we rented it for 2 hours) and a bellhop came in and tried to pull our photog out of the disco! And kept telling her it was a life or death situation and he had to know her room number. I'm not sure how long this had been going on before I saw it so I went over and asked what was going on and he said his boss sent him to find out what her room number was b/c they had a picture of her taking pictures at another wedding the day before. I asked if Michael sent him and he said no his boss at the front desk sent him. I told him she was a guest at my wedding and he needed to get out (not in that nice of words though) he then told me that he was caught drinking on the job the day before and his boss told him he would look the other way about that if he could find out what her room number was. That sounded like a crock to me and even if it was true that was not my problem. He left and we didn't have any problems after that but I really had to get a nasty attitude with him. the whole thing was so out of line. So just beware!!
  20. few more thoughts- take bug spray! I got eaten alive by mosquitos. I think the rum is watered down b/c i drank all day and never had as much as a buzz. my guests that drank mixed drinks instead of frozen were drunk though. be sure to ask about the room upgrade. at 1st we thought it would be annoying to have to pack our stuff and move but it was worth it once we saw the room. We booked a junior suite and were on the 5th floor- rm 1440 and the room was nice but our balcony was a purple cement wall so when we sat down all we could see was the sky. Every couple of rooms on the top floor are like that. Bring lots of small bills for tipping. Its damn near impossible to get change at the resort and if they do give you change its in Jamaican dollars and of course you don't get the correct exchange rate. The porters at the Jamaican airport will directly ask for a tip. We befriended one of the bartenders and he took us site seeing on his day off. It was the best time. We went all around the city, to fern gully, some kind of gardens, and then to the Bob Marley house way up in the mountains. He told us that the bartenders are only paid $80 a week so they really depend on tips. Excursions- we did dunns river, canopy tour, and beach horseback riding. I highly recommend them all.
  21. Beautiful! Amazing! Hot! I love the pic of your rings with the corona, i have never seen that before.
  22. Just FYI, if it is raining on your wedding day they set up your wedding inside Mammee Bay. I'm sorry i don't have a picture to show you what it looks like but it does look nice. The set up 2 chairs on each side the "aisle" and hang tulle and whatever flowers you choose from the ceiling down to the bannister. And you still have the ocean in the background. since it rained for like 3 days last week I'm sure one of the indoor weddings i saw was a BDW bride.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by michelle08 Your pics are awesome...thanks for sharing and congrats! P.S. where did you get your sand ceremony frame...?? Thank you thank you! I got the frame from Kohls. I think it was $12ish
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