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Everything posted by nscaper

  1. I am getting married in Jamaica in April 2009 and I want to get the inner tube rings like the picture below to put in my guests OOT bags. All the local ones are sold out (I waited too long), and any that I can find online are expensive. The reason I am coming to you is that I was at the Barcelo Maya Colonial (which is attached to all the Barcelo's there in a super complex), I bought these awesome neon inner tubes from the gift store that is right by the pool for 20 pesos I think they were (MAYBE 30), which is REALLY cheap compared to the $6-8 I found them online for. I was hoping that maybe someone would do me a favor and pick some up when they were down there for me and I would pay you obviously and for the shipping from wherever you are to get them to me. THe thing is I need about 30-32 of them. When we were there in February the pool in the Colonial sold out of them, but the Palace still had some that were about $10-$13 each! We got gouged, but we got them anyways... :S You can post here, PM or email me. Thanks in advance. Sharon
  2. Only if you do the full dinner and everything there is it $50pp. If you do your dinner reception elsewhere (i.e. Mammee Bay) you can get the poolside or Seagrape afterwards to have your drinks/dancing reception. And that's $10-$15pp. This just covers the cost of having bartenders ($10pp-it's unlimited drinks and tables and chairs ($5pp).
  3. I would LOVE to see that attachment as well! I havent been able to decide what to do about flowers yet. Thanks! [email protected]
  4. Hi everyone! This may be a silly question but does anyone know if ROR sells the big floaty inner tube type things that you can plop your butt in and float around the pool? The resort I went to 2 years ago in Cuba did not have them, while the resort I went to in Mexico did. The funny thing that at the pool store place on the regular side of the resort they were about $3 and on the Palace side they were like $13!! We got gouged cause the regular side place was sold out of them! So I was thinking that I might include something like this in my guests OOT bags, but I can't seem to find any as cheap (and nice) as the $3 ones in Mexico! SO....if ROR sells them then I will scrap the whole idea now! Thanks!
  5. I asked my TA about this awhile ago, and she said (After talking to her tour operator people) that there were no restrictions on restaurants for people in lower room category's. However I read online (the riu website) that the Japanese restaurant was restricted to guests in deluxe category rooms. And now from this thread, Sir Richard AND maybe Mammee bay have restrictions too? Most of my guests are in Jr. Suites, but where will the others eat? I don't want to always be leaving people out!
  6. I considered doing this because my wedding is at noon. This hour from 12-1 where we have our guests after the ceremony (with the steel drum band) is thier lunch hour basically. They obviously could eat before hand (and I hope no one runs late) or have a late lunch and risk being not hungry for the dinner... Oh the options... :S
  7. When we booked our date 11 months in advance, the only times that were available were Tuesday at 11am or 12 noon. I wasn't angry about this, maybe a little disappointed, but oh well, what else can I do. There was no way I was missing the reception (like you are thinking of doing) and I did some reading of reviews and other threads about what past brides who had early weddings did and I came to terms with it pretty early on in the planning process. My thinking is that there will be less time that day to stress abou the day and more time that we get to spend together as husband and wife! I'm actually looking forward to the early time now (except the 12 noon sun!) So I have the 12 noon ceremony. So from 12-1: wedding and steel drum band for mingling for an hour, with the rum punch etc. From 1-2:00, pictures with the gang Then after that we'll do our pictures and probably take a rest. 6:30 will come pretty quickly. I think the guests will enjoy going to a wedding and then going to the beach right after - you can totally play that up. AND if all your guests are coming to your wedding and going to be there the whole week what's one day where things might be spread out? If you are still concerned about the early time, maybe instead of having the 6:30 dinner at ROR, you can go offsite on a catamaran for the afternoon until the dinner recpetion or just have the whole reception offsite altogether!
  8. Our budget so far: Trips - $2500 for 2 of us 1 Week (still deciding on 2 weeks) Photography - $3000 Dress & Accessories $900 His Suit - $300 Ceremony $350 Steel Drum Band $350 (I can't remember) Dinner - Free Reception - $15pp (drinks + tables/chairs) bonfire ($150), Music- $100 (Ipod stuff) - $300 (DJ) Attendant Clothes - $250 Flowers - $300 (not sure about upgraded real ones or fake ones) STD, postage, envelopes, letters - $300 Rings - ?? Haven't really looked yet... Spa Costs - $200?? Chair Covers/Sashes- $300 I'm sure I am leaving stuff out though.... The price keeps getting higher :S
  9. I believe it's $10pp for the open bar, and if you want tables and chairs it's an extra $5pp, so maybe that's where the $15pp is coming from? Quote: Originally Posted by christenew The Beach Reception is that for Seagrape? If it is I thought it was $10/pp
  10. This person's offence occurred 10+ years ago (so no current probation) AND this person is just applying for a passport for the first time (like yesterday) I contacted a friend who works for border services and this is what he said: Well as far as getting a passport, the big thing is as long as he didn't have a criminal record and even if he did, as long as 10 years have past by he will be fine as far a receiving his Canadian passport. Now as far as the US it is 20 years. Now once again if he will be doing any major flying into the US or driving he could always apply for a pardon. This once again is only if he received a criminal record. If he was only arrested and spent a night or two in the clink he should be fine. Now with Jamaica as long as he has his Canadian passport he should be fine. If he was just going down with a birth certificate and ID he would be a little bit longer at Jamacian customs. The big thing is as long as he has a Canadian Passport he will be good. The passport office will look at his record and even if it is not a criminal offence he will have to wait a little longer to receive it. If it is a criminal record, as long as it has been 10 years since he has been naughty, with no other occurrences he will be fine. Just have a longer wait. Soooo... looks like as long as there is a Canadian Passport in hand there will be no problems. So now we just wait for that! Thanks everyone!
  11. So I found out someone in our group has a criminal record (though I'm not sure of the exact details, however it's nothing serious, like silly teenager stuff). He just applied for his Canadian passport now. If he gets his passport does that mean that everything is cool? Or would they withhold a passport to someone with a criminal record. And if they do get the passport no problem, then is that something that comes up at the border? I think if you have a criminal record you can't go to the US, but what about Jamaica? Thanks in advance!
  12. We used a TA that was local to us. She worked close with the carrier to make sure we got the best possible price. She was able to tell us when the fuel surcharge was about to be applied and we booked prior to this. we may not have know otherwise. She contacted chandlyn directly (she had done other weddigs there) and reserved our requests (Mammee Bay, Seagrape Bar) well in advance of the 2 months or so that Chandlyn works with you (we booked 11 months in advance). Every 2 weeks or so, she contacts the carrier for a new price to see if we can get it decreased. She deals with all the guests payments and makes sure everything is up to par. I'd have to say the best thing is her willingness to contact the WC directly cause that helped us get the facilities we wanted! I vote for a TA all the way!
  13. I too am struggling with this dilemma. I keep bouncing back and forth. I love the default destination bouquet that AA makes and it's a good price. I haven't went ahead with a quote yet because I still don't know if I want to not have any real flowers. But I do like the thought of having them forever! Thanks for asking this question. I will be following the replies!
  14. We got stuck with a 12 noon time for our wedding (it's gonna be Hot but from what I read showers tend to happen later in the afternoon, so I sold myself on the 12 noon by saying less chance of rain!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Rainfall Hi, may be stupid question. Will the pool be open for the pool side reception? And is it private? Does anyone have pictures to a pool side reception? it sounds like a great idea. I was under the impression the pool is closed and its private because the "reception" after the meal usually isn't until around 8-8:30. I think they close the pools to clean them at a certain point. And I guess it would also depend on the time of year and when the sun sets if there are any stragglers hanging around. Quote: Originally Posted by divadivine25 Whats the Seagrape? Can you tell Im new to the boards? LOL! Im also considering the Riu and would like to know what the options are. Is that for the semi private? The Seagrape is the bar on the beach. You can do your entire reception there with food, tables, chairs linens, drinks etc for $50-55 pp. Or if you have dinner as the semi-private reception place (Mammee Bay Steakhouse) or the Private restaurant (Plantation $500 for 2hours) you can reserve the Seagrape for after to have drinks and dance for $10pp and add on extras - we are getting some tables and chairs ($5pp) and a Bonfire ($150ish) and possibly a DJ, but most likely just some speakers. The seagrape is in high demand, so just make sure if you think you want it, you decide soon and book right away! 'Hope that helps!
  16. This is my understanding... I think there is always confusion regarding the word "reception". Does it mean dinner? The party after dinner or both? ROR uses the word reception pretty interchangably.... The $50 ($55 next year) is the private reception (dinner, drinks, dancing) on the beach. I've seen pictures and it's BEAUTIFUL but the cost deters alot of people ($55 per person). I think there can be some substitutions on the menu, but from what I remember it's not a great menu. The cost does include the food, the service, the tables, chairs, linens and drinks. It's not horrible considering the setup and everything is included, but it's still expensive. You can have a private reception at the Plantation, where it's $500 for 2 hours and $1000 for 4. I haven't looked much into this option but everything is included again and you are all alone. I think if you want the DJ and do your partying there you can, but of course you can pay extra. The other option includes having your dinner as "semi-private" for free and then private drinking/dinner reception at the Seagrape, Pool or Disco. Where you pay $10pp for open bar and then $5pp for tables and chairs, and then you can play your music however (DJ, your Ipod etc). Semi-private only refers to the meal. Your post meal options are always private.
  17. There have been previous posts that some people were fortunate to have their beach reception at the Seagrape on Saturday nights because the beach party got canceled or rescheduled to Friday night for any number of reasons. I imagine (although I am guessing) that you can't reserve it this far in advance in case of the beach party but maybe if something happens that the beach party gets canceled that week you can book it, but probably more last minute. The poolside reception is just like having the Seagrape but by the pool!
  18. Which Riu: ROR Wedding Date: April 21st 2009 Strongest competitor(other resort): Mayan Riviera first and then Riu Negril Deciding factor: Price was the best at ROR for the all inclusive package (better than Mayan Riviera and Riu Negril) and we had previously ruled out DR and Cuba. Wedding package was best (Riu's in Jamaica offered Free package, not in MR) Better beach in Jamaica than MR. Big resort so our families wouldn't trip over each other Seen pictures and lloved it. Riu Negril/Riu TB more expensive. Ocho Rios has more excursions. Jamaica more "exotic", most of our friends have been elsewhere in the Carribean before.
  19. Wow, this is scary for those of us who are paying to have their photographer go down South with them from whatever destination is happens to be! (I am one of those people). I will definitely be getting the okay in writing and giving it to numerous people to hold on to. I would be some pissed if they got asked to leave. That's totally not fair to a PAYING GUEST.
  20. Isn't the only way you can get the free dinner is if you go to Mammee Bay? Don't you have to pay to rent the Plantation? (I may have missed something along the way) I do agree, if you are to have a "free dinner" it should be accommodated somehow regardless of the number of people in your group.
  21. Trying to decide on a mug style... We're interested in getting some, but we're just starting our search? Did you order mugs? Can you post your style number and a yay/nay if you were happy with them? Thanks
  22. I think 11 is the latest you can have it, but I'm not 100%... Book it as soon as you know you want it. Alot of people want it and it's hard to get. I booked mine over a month ago for April 2009. I know that Marnie&Peter on here wanted it too We're sharing the same day!
  23. I am in the same boat at Marnie&Peter...Actually, we are the exact same I too am arriving on Saturday (the same as her) and having the wedding on a Tuesday. I just put the wedding date as the day I wanted, change my departure date to be the Friday (which wasn't true) and put a note in the comment box. My TA (who is dealing with Chandlyn directly) also told her the difference. and now we are good to go for the Tuesday. at noon :S and marnie&Peter are later that day
  24. Thanks everyone... I sent another list of qn's to my potential photographer and I'm waiting for an reply. I know he's done a DW last year, so he should know what he prefers to do, and hopefully he'll just let me know... We don't have to book our travel insurance just yet, so I'll figure it out by that time though! We are booking him with our group since he is leaving from the same departure place and coming from NS, we only have the option of 1 week all inclusive, so he's part of our group rate. We never gave him the option to book on his own.
  25. For a beach reception, you could do the dinner on the beach with open bar, tables chairs (and linens i think) for $55 per person. That includes the BBQ menu, and from what I've gathered, if you don't want the BBQ menu (I'm not sure what the other options are, if any) but still want food and your sit down dinner there, it's still the same price. If you want to do your dinner elsewhere, say the semi-private option at mammee bay, then you could still do your post-dinner reception on the beach. The costs for this are split up by what you want: $10pp for open bar at the Seagrape, $5pp for tables and chairs, and $150ish/hr for DJ and Bonfire is $150. So you don't get food or anything... It would just be the reception part. (You can also get hors d'hoeuvres and stuff too, and they range in price.) This is what we are doing. I don't know as much more about the dinner on the beach option though... I REALLY wanted dinner on the beach, but $55pp was too expensive for me with 31+ guests!!
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