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Posts posted by marip123

  1. Just wanted to let everyone know that my grandma received her passport! smile159.gif


    We are all soooooo relieved, and you all were instrumental in helping to calm my mom down, and focus on what needed to be done. After all the advice I received on here, my mom was able to get all documents needed.


    Big thanks to Morgan for all your help!



  2. Hi There,


    I'm using Cabo Flowers. I first spoke with Donna, and then I never heard from her again, but here is Francine's contact information. Their prices are reasonable, I think, and Francine has been very prompt in getting back to me.

    Francine Bradford

    Donna Gray

    Cabo Flowers

    (011 52) 624 105 1451

    Cabo San Lucas

    BCS, Mx



    [email protected]

  3. I work for a non profit, and I was told in February that we didn't have any projects coming our way, and I would be losing my job in June. This was the day after our CEO was down here, and she's telling us we hit the 100,000,000 mark censored.gif That's a lot of money for non-profit, and I just couldn't believe it. Especially because our wededing is in June. Well, somehow, we have been given a new grant funding us for the next 2 years! It was scary and sad at the same time. I feel so, so lucky right now. smile29.gif


    FI bought a place here in San Diego right at the height of the housing craze, and now the condo is worth about 100,000 less than what he paid. It's pretty disturbing. He was looking into different options to get out of it, but he was stressing himself out, so he has decided to make peace with it and turn it into our palace!

  4. My FI is from Britain working here in the states. He has his H1b? I think that's what is. His lawyers at work have been taking care of green card issues, but they are seriously lagging. Ben's goal was to have his greencard before we were married, but that is not going to happen. His work lawyers are in the process of extending his Visa for 2 more years, so I'm not exactly sure what is going to happen after we get married... if we pursue the greencard through marriage, or if he continues pursuing it through work. Yes, it's a bit confusing.

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LC_Rachel View Post
    How do you do a 10 day detox?
    Sorry, I've been out of town, and I just saw you asked about the detox, but I also see your wedding date is so close! Congratulations!

    This detox came from when I worked for an ancupuncturist. He used the metagenics ultraclear detox. basically, you slowly cut out all foods until for 3 days your having a rice protein shake with greens, cruciferous veggies, and apples and pears. After, you slowly bring back rice, then beans, and then it's over. You can do a 10 day or 28 day. I don't know if I could last 28 days. Anyway, I think I'm doing it right before my wedding just because of the glowy skin, but I was out of town this week for work, and it was not a weight watchers worthy week.

    Anyway, Rachel, not sure if you're still around, but congratulations to you!!

  6. Well, we are having our ceremony on the beach. I'm sorry to hear you still haven't been able to confirm Arricefes. that would just be a magical place for a ceremony. After I saw this post, I went and emailed Lorena again with the email she sent me telling me she would get back to me last week. Funny, but not really. Kind of annoying.

  7. Sorry, can't help. We're IPODing it with their sound system rental. They are VERY slow. I was supposed to hear back last week regarding cake prices and updated menu, and now word.


    We have now designated a "helper bee" who will be taking charge the day of our wedding. I'm too afraid things would not turn out if left to the Westin.

  8. WHEH!!!!! My room blocked filled and then some....Man, I was sweating major bullets....anyway gals, goodluck with your planning process....my wedding is in 4 weeks and I'll be sure to do a detailed review of everything when I get back......right now I'm just doing detailed crap like seating charts, place cards, menus, welcome bags, blah blah blah.


    I'm so super excited but also super stressed hoping everything will be executed according to plan!


    Sorry I've been MIA for a while...I have a licensing exam in three weeks for med school. Feel free to ask me any questions.


    OH! Have fun! Good luck on your exam! I can't wait to hear how everything goes. How exciting!

  9. I just finished a 10 day detox, and while my skin is glowing, I did not lose a pound. smile27.gif It's so weird. We went out to eat last night, and the good thing about detox for me, is it puts food and alocohol not in my high priority category, which is where it usually is! So, hopefully now I can stick to my weight watchers diet, and not drink so much during the weekends!


    My fitting is in 3 weeks, and my wedding is 3 months today! I really need to get myself losing some pounds.

  10. A little bit of an update..


    Thank you all for all your suggestions. They were so, so helpful! I'm so thankful for this forum.


    My mom contacted the congresswoman in New Mexico, and the lady says this happens a lot. She said to just get as much information as possible, send it in, and if it still comes back rejected, to call the office again, so that' a huge relief.


    My mom has contacted the school she might have gone to (grandma is not exactly sure where she went to school.. she only went to 8th grade), and she is getting the sealed baptismal certificate, and this weekend, she is getting her older sister to fill out the affidavit. It sounds like everything will work out!woot.gif


    I'll post when the passport is finally in hand!

  11. Thank you all for the support and suggestions. My mom has been on the case this morning, and was on the phone for 2 hours with the passport office. She also found a way of the church to send a sealed baptismal certificate, and I'm going to go home and write a list of all your suggestions and talk to my mom about them tonight. Again, thank you so much. You don't know how much I appreciate all your suggestions and help.


    There's just no way she can't go. She has a new dress and got a new battery in her pacemaker just for this trip!

    I'll definitely keep you posted! Positive thinking!!

  12. My mother called me yesterday and told me my grandma got a letter in the mail saying they rejected her passport application. There is no record of birth, but it seems the passport people did find a record of her birth, and it's a year later than what is on her id, and what she has lived with. All they could find was a baptismal certificate and voter registration. She's 87 years old, and doing so well. It's so sad and frustrating. My grandma is bummed to say the least. They're asking for records that don't exist, but I hope my mom can do all the investigation to be able to get her passport sorted. My grandma was born in 1920 in the country of New Mexico, and needless to say, there were no hospitals or records of birth. The very sad thing is everyone from that side of the family has already booked for our wedding. I just need to be positive that things will get worked out. My mom will be calling the passport office tomorrow. crybaby2.gif

  13. huh02.gif 10,000? That's is insane! Oh my. You know, that's how I have felt with them too. I feel like this giant dollar sign. Let met know what happens after your FMIL talks to them. I'm interested to hear how they respond. It's not right. I had contact with Maira briefly, and then they passed me on to Lorena. I just sent pics of the type of cake I'm interested in, so I can't wait to see the quote.
  14. I cut my hair off last May, and FI did not like it at all. It's just so easy, but I have been growing it out for the wedding. I had a "pre-do" a few weeks ago, and decided my hair would look best cut at my chin in a bob, so I will actually be cutting it off.. just a little bit before the wedding. It's now below my chin almost to my shoulders but very layered.

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