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Everything posted by Taradactyle

  1. Welcome to the forum! Lots of great tips here...
  2. How about putting your hair in a low bun or chignon? I think that way you can still wear the headband and later slip it off and add a flower.
  3. i'll usually send a gift, but it's because i know the couple pretty well. if i only met them four times, i wouldn't send a gift.
  4. I would invite them all too since it's only 10 people. I'd call it "welcome dinner" too instead of rehearsal dinner...
  5. hope you're having a great time!! have a margarita for us all! =)
  6. welcome to the forum!
  7. this might be kinda lame too... but how `bout "at last"
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by sandyroo So glad to see that everything went so well! Looked really beautiful I was wondering how people pay for the wedding. I would normally want to pay with credit card, but have heard that there are extra fees when charging things internationally, so I'm looking for a way to get around this. I was thinking travellers checks maybe? What did you all do? Not 100% sure on this, but I think Capital One cards don't charge you a conversion fee, in which case maybe you can just charge everything to the Capital One card?
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by kellywinter1 Ugh! I feel your frustration. Since my fiance and I told our family and friends about us having a destination wedding we have gotten nothing but grief. People have complained about where we are going, how much its going to cost and on and on. I am upset because the people we want at the wedding most are the ones that complain the most and are unsure if they will attend. But all the people I didn't plan on inviting and heard about our plans from word of mouth are wanting to come..... me too.. all the people i really want to come are unsure and/or said they can't come. meanwhile people who were on the "b-list" sent in their RSVPs. people who heard word of mouth asked if they can come or told us straight out they will come. it's upsetting and stressful, but i decided screw it... regardless of who does or doesn't come, my FI and are going and it's gonna be AWESOME.
  10. I have the EXACT same problem. I have quite a few people who we aren't really close to but they have invited themselves. (Several people told us that they can make it... even though we never invited them). Others invited random friends to the wedding without asking us... So like you are, I'm getting the sense that people just want to go on vacation and think this is a good excuse, without thinking that this is a special event for us... Anyway, I didn't send formal invites to these people. I figure that a verbal "we can come" doesn't hold much weight... and that they won't end up booking. On the other hand, if they are serious, maybe your bridesmaids can help spread the word that you'd rather keep this a more intimate event for closer friends and family.
  11. the pics are great... everyone seems so relaxed and happy. and you look so beautiful! very happy for you... congrats!
  12. congrats and welcome to the forum!!
  13. Jen it sounds so perfect... I'm working with Vari too who has been wonderful, so I'm really glad to hear how beautiful it was and smoothly it all went! And yes... can't wait for pics!
  14. I vote for 9 or 1... both I think both will like great with your dress!
  15. Wow! They look sooo great! I especially love the hot pink bra and also the white veil one... very classy! He will love them!
  16. I love no necklace (or a very simple necklace) with a halter... I think dangly earrings will look beautiful too to offset the simplicity of a halter...
  17. omg... that is sooo cute! I especially love the sandals and shirt! he will look adorable!
  18. Taradactyle


    welcome to the forum!! this is a great place for tips and ideas!
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