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Samantha S

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Everything posted by Samantha S

  1. It's absolutely stunning and your curves will look bangin in it! Mermaid style dresses were made to show off curves. I love ML!!!!! I wish I could have afforded her but I got a Pronovias dress I looooovvveee. Can't wait to see your pics!
  2. Harty, this dress is beautiful!!! I remembered you saying you were wearing a black dress and I couldn't picture it in my head. You will look so pretty and elegant but edgy and unique! Can't wait to see a picture of YOU in it!
  3. Crud, this is a good one! I made my appointment for 2:00 pm for make up and my wedding is at 4:00 pm. Now I'm freaked out if people are talking 11:00 am! I wanted my make up to be fresh but I'm thinking I should make it earlier-- at least 12 or 1:00 pm....
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by RoSean Samantha, the petals and hurricane glass with sand was done entirely by them, BUT I did not ask them for it. If you specifically ask for it, they will charge you. I had the expectation that only my center pieces I brought would be the only thing on the table, so it was a nice surprise that they included the petals and glass without me having to pay. Gotcha, thanks! It could be a really good thing or potentially a bad thing for them to go ahead and decorate for you but they did a really good job on yours!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by T.O.Heather Definitely let us know how it turns out - I have very thin fine hair too, so I'm anxious to hear how these work! First report--- not so good. I got the 10" Jessica Simpson hair and the net/weave-y thing that the hair is on that attaches to your head is too big for the back of my head. It's all bunched up and bulged out. AND, my hair is so fine and thin you can totally see the line in the back. What a bummer! I'm going to have my hair stylist put it on me to see if she can get it looking better. If it works out, I'll update. Somebody please tell me if real extensions will work for me!!! I'm thinking some people's (my) hair is too fine to do anything with. I really want glorious hair for my wedding.
  6. I'm so sorry to hear what you gals are going through!!! I thought I was hypothyroid as I have a lot of the symptoms except for weight gain. Not to mention my Dad, his six siblings and my grandma have it. The docs I have seen immediately check hypothyroid off the list for me because I don't have weight gain. My tests were normal but I have a close friend who is an Auyervedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine healer who had me check my basal body temperature for 10 days straight. I highly recommend doing this. If it is low and you have all of these other symptoms, you definitely have a problem. Mine was super low for all of the 10 days. Google how to check your basal body temp if you don't know what it is. My ND put me on two herbal supplements, Thyrocare and Adaptogen. I felt a ton better when taking it and had a lot more energy. I ran out and haven't gotten more and the fatigue is back. I can't get myself to the gym and I cannot tell what came first: too tired because I'm not working out or too tired to work out This is a very complex condition that MOST doctors do not fully understand. I would try to get in with a naturopathic doctor who specializes in thyroid as well as see your western doc. Medicine is integrating and if your MD doesn't want to get on the band wagon, they will be left far behind. Insurances are covering complementary and alternative medicine more and more these days so check with yours. JaimeLynne, if you are spending that much out of pocket, you should just buy insurance and then act like it is the first time you're getting diagnosed. That is a ton of $$$$!! Good luck, I know how you all feel!! p.s.- have your iron and vitamin d levels checked too!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Angel I used those after I had both of my kids and they worked great for me. Sucks in everything. I also used them when I had my period too when I felt a little bloaded. Awesome, thanks! By the way, I'm guessing those are your kids in your siggy and they are so stinkin cute!!!!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by RoSean Our centerpiece was very simple, submerged candle holder from Target with sea glass. It actually stayed lit even though it was very windy. Dreams also decorated the tables with rose petals and a hurricane glass with sand. Rosean, did they add these without your asking and/or charge you? Great new pics by the way! What a beautiful wedding.
  9. Has anyone tried the ones that are just underwear and come up your tummy about half way? I think I can be in pretty good shape by the wedding day but I want to eat, drink and be merry and not suck my stomach in all night at the reception. I wonder if those are enough coverage?
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by meghanmbm Sam, i love BCBG but they are $$$. I spent a ton of $$$ on the actual dress and would feel guilty spending $300 on another dress. when would you expect the 50-70% off sale to be? Ditto to what Lala says! They will have their end of summer sale soon. Sign up for their email list, they don't over-spam you at all. I hear you on not wanting to spend a lot after spending so much on the 'real' dress! I get most of my dresses from BCBG but I never buy them full price. Luckily, you've got a lot of time and a lot of 'sales'!
  11. I would take a good multivitamin, omega 3 fatty acid supplement, Vitamin D and Calcium at a minimum. My naturopath recommended a really good multivitamin that I haven't had any problems with and that I like. It is by Integrative Therapeutics. It says to take 3 a day and I only take one or two max. I get my omega 3's and various others from Trader Joe's but the other gals are right-- you should be able to find good brands at a health store like Whole Foods.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by dmarie17 That is great!! Thanks for posting!! Did anyone ever tell you that your hubby looks like Tito Ortiz?!! OMG! NO!! That guy is hideous! My FI hates this pic-- he said he looks jaundice in it but I look good and that's more important. People always say he looks like Coby Bell-- he was on Third Watch and now he's on 'The Game' on the CW. He's fine.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by cancunbride I have a couple questions?? Does anyone know if Dreams Cancun allows the flower girl to dump rose petals down that red carpet prior to the bride entering?? How many minutes does it take the bride to get to the gazebo, Im trying to figure out if my song is to long. How long is the Dreams Photographer at your wedding? Im not to thrilled by his work, citlali is pricey, Im thinking of going with Cancun Studios. There work is amazing.. FYI: I was able to switch the videographer in exchange for having the drapery done on the gazebo. ouch! Not sure on the flower petals one but I think SusanK said it is about 1 min and 30 sec walk. Some one else will have to confirm that. Check out Cecilia Dumas for photography too, the work I have seen is great and she is affordable. Good job on the exchange!! I gave up the resort photographer and switched to having a videographer. One of my friends was like 'you have to have your wedding video'd'...
  15. Yep, I just got mine on Monday. I blabbed about it here: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t25183 I ordered mine in February and just got it. I would tell your friend that she probably won't have any problems beyond it taking a long time. Let us know how it goes though!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl anyone have ballroom pics? that's the only place i've NEVER seen ... i'm starting to not believe it exists! hehe I have seen them-- quite a while ago though. I tried a search and couldn't find any. I think Michelle has them (Michelle&Steve)
  17. Okay, don't laugh-- this isn't exactly newsletter material but maybe you can make something prettier out of it. One of my glorious bridesmaids and groomsmen went to Mexico and stayed at Dreams Cancun to scope it out for us and she drew this map!!! The gazebo is in the top right corner. It's actually pretty hilarious that she did this. map_of_dreams.doc
  18. Hello! When I was getting ready to order from bridalgown.net I was super paranoid because there just aren't many reviews on them out there. Well, my Pronovias dress arrived and it is PERFECT!!!!! I wanted to let those of you know who are considering purchasing from a service such as this one because it sure would have helped me! I just went out on a limb knowing I might get burned. I ordered it February 21 and it arrived today so it took a good 4 and a 1/2 months but they said Pronovias can take up to 6. I'll post pics after I get it altered. Let me know if you have any specific questions.
  19. It really depends on the group of friends he is with. He has some slime bag friends who are all 30 or 40 + who want to go to clubs and pick up chicks and/or to strip clubs--- NOPE! Also, he is a firefighter so sometimes they plan huge skiing trips or trips to Vegas and you have about 50 or 60 guys-- some good, some bad. Those ones make me nervous but I pretend to be completely happy about it because he is a good guy and it doesn't happen too often. I'm all about him hanging with his friends and wish he did it more on a chill level but he just doesn't have a lot of friends that aren't like that. If they are 'good guys' they are all married with children and don't go out much either. We have a huge group of 'couple' friends and we all go on several trips per year together. He does lots of steak and cigar nights and golfing with the fellas in this couple group which is great. I mostly get happy hour with my girlfriends or pedicures. Don't hit up 'the scene' these days. I went to a club a couple of months ago and I felt so old. Honestly Maureen, you're a better person than I am! No way is FI going on a vacation to another country when I'm preggo!
  20. I love that! Thank you for sharing! My MOH loves things like that, I'm getting one!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Infinity22 What do you mean a review with pics? I have them online if that's what you mean. I mean a review in the wedding reviews section of the forum that you posted pics in. :-)
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Jaime I had the same problem out of Portland. We had our flights booked for 3pm arrival and they switched us to the 9pm arrival. I called american airlines and the lady I spoke with was very nice and after an hour plus on the phone with her she got us on a flight for the day prior (sunday in at 9pm instead of mon at 9pm) at no extra charge. It is still not ideal but better then missing the meeting with WC on Monday, or having to spend a night in the Dallas airport. Now we have to decided to either book an extra night at the RIU RM Palace (which is not cheap) or find a different place to crash for one night. I hope it doesn't get worse b/c we are not getting married until Feb 09. Jaime Hi, another Portlander--YAY! That is good that you had a nice airline rep, wish we had gotten her! I asked our wedding coordinator if she'd throw in a night free because we too had to switch to the day before. I have no idea if she'll say yes but it is becoming quite a hassle getting in to Mexico at a reasonable price right now and we are bringing 50+ people to their resort and getting no perks in return so I think they should consider it under the circumstances. I hope!
  23. I love this thread! Not preggo yet but I am all about the name planning already. FI and I both agree on Elise for a girl but he won't go with the middle name I like: Elise Simone. We've also talked about Kaia and he likes Josie. I love the name Mason for a boy and I'm working on him. I want a little man named 'Mase'! We both like the name Malikai, pronouncd like Malichi, but I like the other spelling better so we could call him (and spell) Kai for short. RiuBride2b I like all your A names! MarieSam, I like the name Jaxon and spelling too! FI won't go for it though. :-(
  24. She's an Angel, congratulations!
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