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Samantha S

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Everything posted by Samantha S

  1. Awesome wedding and review Addison! Everything was gorgeous-- you, your dress, the venue, your BMs, decor, all of it!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by neen So to the etiquette police, how bad is it not to include an inner envelope? We don't have any of those tricky issues of "& Guest" so I don't see a need for it, but FI doesn't want it too look like we were too cheap to buy the inner envelope...HELP! To the 'green' police its a beautiful thing that you're not including an inner envelope. :-)
  3. I spent $100 on 50 invites from nepalesepaper.com. They are phenomenal. The only DIY was printing up the invite insert on cardstock that is included. I could not believe how affordable they were for such beautiful, unique and eco-friendly invites. RGC9ND Wedding/Party Invitation Set here is a pic from the website. You can get whatever color of leaf stain and paper you want. I did the natural paper and a fuschia leaf. I'll replace this one with a pic of mine when I have one ready:
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by dmarie17 Also, are any of you doing flowers from Dreams or is everyone bringing their own in? I really don't like any of the flowers that they have on their option list but don't want to pay extra. What is everyone else doing? Lots of people do a gift or some cash I've read. i'll probably do a thank you card with some $$$. I'll bring a little gift if I have the space but I highly doubt that and who doesn't love getting $$$. Quote: Originally Posted by dmarie17 Holy Crap! 30 Days until my wedding!!! Holy crap! WOW, YAY!!!!! We can't wait for you! Hope things aren't too stressful at this juncture.
  5. Thanks for all the great ideas! I went to a random concert a while back and heard the Subdudes. They had an amazing song called 'No Man'. It's awesome because it is one for the guys being loved! You can get it on itunes. Here is a link to a live youtube version, its not the best quality but you'll get the idea: YouTube - subdudes "No Man" 111707 Hope you love it as much as I do! I'm also having Jason Mraz, I'm Yours some where in the mix and here are a few more I like: Macy Gray, Sweet Baby Eric Clapton, Wonderful Tonight Big Mountain, Baby, I love your way Bob Marley, Is This Love
  6. I'm trying to figure this out too. I have a seamstress from a bridal shop all lined up but I've heard it is about $300 for her and I don't want to pay that much. That is 50% of the cost of my dress! But, I am equally as scared to have some one butcher it. Alyssa, definitely let us know what your's ends up costing!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari Those are so pretty! Do you have a WC that can help? Yes, they're just impossible to get in touch with. I'll be asking her in my next email though. :-) Oh wait, doing some research and I think the pink ones are Nerine Lilies...
  8. Here is the pic. I LOVE the bride's bouquet and the BM bouquets and they're my exact colors. I want it!!!
  9. Does anyone know if I can get Hyacinths in Mexico in November? This flower is not on the list of Cabo flowers I found on the forum (I'll be in Cancun though). I finally relinquished having peonies because it will be impossible and then I saw an AMAZING photo of fuschia hyacinth bouquets. I need to scan it from the magazine and I'll post. Am I doomed to only LOVE the flowers I can't get?? Thanks for any people that know, I know nothing about flowers!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by STACEY Have any of you thought about hiring someone to roll cigars? FI are thinking about doing this. does anyone know if they do that at the Dreams? Yes, they do this! Ask Claudia or Gaby to set it up for you. It doesn't cost anything I think-- I think there is just a minimum purchase of X amount (and its reasonable). Look at PaulaV's pics, she did this and it looked so fun!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacilynda I will let you know my FFIL is very well known microbiology research professor. He has a PhD in microbiology and has several students working on their PhD. He's had a couple girls who were pregnant while going to school and he said its really in the nature of the girl on how she'll do. Its up to you and you only on how determined you want to be. I'm working on my doctorate of pharmacy and this was the speach he gave me last fall when I first got pregnant. I really believe him... of course its harder than doing school w/out being pregnant but can be done. One thing to really consider though is what if you have a really rough pregnancy? I had great professors (mostly because of my FFIL) but i ended up on bed rest for 3 weeks and has my FFIL bring me my school work and then after bedrest had to go in on the weekends to catch up on lab work. That is really helpful and I agree! I think you have to be cut out for it in the first place and then a little more if you want to add in a babe. That is great that your profs were flexible. I would get my PhD at the same school I got my Bachelors and Masters at so I know my professors pretty well. Here's my dream plan: Take two classes in the coming year (08/09). Get preggo in late Fall of 2009 and take classes that year. Then take Summer term off and return in fall 2010 at part time. That's the dream plan anyways! I'll report back in late 2009 with the real story!!! Jessica-- we would have to struggle financially a bit too and that is what my FI is most reluctant about. We did it while I was getting my Master's but I think just starting out slow and seeing where life takes it will be ideal.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Dez921714 And if you use cupon code "cheaptotes" You'll save 10%...so they'll be .98 each Oooohhhh, NICE! Thanks!
  13. Hmmmmm, lots of good stuff here. I have the contact info for two people who went through the program and I am going to give them a ring next week. I completely agree with you Rachelle that I have to expect the unexpected with even trying to concieve let alone having a baby. (Good luck Rachelle in getting preggo!!) It's nice to hear Jessica, that you are on the plan I can picture myself on (by the way, I looked at your blog and Aiden is SO STINKIN CUTE-- Not helping! ha, ha j/k... kind of) I know the first year is ridiculous hard, which i can start taking one class per term Winter of 09 (we're on trimesters). It is Public Admnistration and Policy-- I think its fairly intense all the way through but I don't think I would ever take a full load. My MPH will count towards X amount of credits and I would definitely get a grad assistanceship that would pay my tuition and a small stipend like Morgan. It really boils down to being able to live on FI's income for a few years and that is the tricky part. He makes good money but we have a house that is more house than we need and could definitely down-size but at this time, he is very opposed to that. Jessica, you'll have to keep us posted when you get back to school. I think for now, I will start taking one class per term starting winter and apply for Fall of '09. I can either start in the program then or defer my enrollment for one year. This gives me options for all kinds of life circumstances! Thanks so much ladies! Really, really, really helpful!
  14. Hi All-- just letting you know that the natural colored canvas totes at cheaptotes.com are on sale for 99 cents right now. I think they are regularly $1.29. Canvas TOTE BAG
  15. I've been going back and forth on this too and my FI has the same attitude as yours about it. I'm thinking I can get together some super cheap welcome bags. Here are some starting ideas: Cheaptote canvas bags are on sale for .99 right now!! Canvas TOTE BAG (think I'll start a thread about that to let everyone know!) Then you just do iron on logo or whatever you want. Morgan had a great idea of buying a big bottle of immodium AD and Tylenol and then making little paper packages on her computer to put them. She also bought plastic cups and painted each person's name on them which was super cute and super cheap. She has a lot of awesome do-it-yourself projects so look at her planning thread. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t21764 Then you can whip up a welcome letter, there are plenty of 'print-out' spanish term things out there, pack some goodies from costco in there and call it a day! I think you can get away with paying less than $10 per bag if you borrow a lot of the ideas on here. Plus, I'll do one bag per couple to save some $$.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by JODEY Sorry for how big the picture is guy. I did try to re-size iin photo bucket but it didn't seem to work ?? If anyone knows what I am doing wron please let me know, thanks Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 Here is another option if you want to download it your computer or something... Perfect, thanks Ladies!!
  17. Just reviving this thread because I recently started taking local bee pollen for allergies. I have terrible allergies and claritin, zyrtec, the generics were not working at all. I went to an acupuncturist (we have two naturopath schools here and I went to one where they only charge $10 for group acupuncture, woo hoo!) and she had me start taking local bee pollen, an herb she prescribed me and gave me acupuncture. Not to sound infomercial but a week and a half later I have no allergy symptoms and am off the claritin. (still getting acupuncture once a week) Sooo, to speak to the energy and hunger thing-- it does give you energy! I never heard about the hunger thing but i have not been hungry at all the past few days and now it makes sense!! To rid allergies you need to take bee pollen that is collected in the area you live in. I got it from the local Farmer's Market. It was $9 for a ziploc bag size of it. Got it a week and a half ago and still have lots left. i am gettiing used to the taste and usually have it with yogurt or oatmeal. I highly recommend it! Even if it doesn't do anything positive for you, it is harmless.
  18. Hey Ladies, I know the cake that comes with the package is a one layer cake-- did anyone get that or see it? Do they decorate it? I don't have the pics that Dreams provides and I searched through this thread for a bit but it is a nice monster at this point.... Thanks!
  19. Okay, this helps! I am 27 and want to get started on two children after we get married (we've been together for five years), so does FI. I think the first year of the program is super hard, which would hypothetically be the pregnant year. After that it is less intense--- so it is some what like yours Morgan. Then I would have seven fabulous years to defend my dissertation if I so chose to do so! I agree with you FutureMrsB that if I put off children now for education (that is ultimately for career-- so, for career I should say), I will continue to do so. Besides the fact that I SOOOOO want a baby SOON!!! I want a PhD too though. :-) These perspectives help, thank you, thank you!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan what field are you in? If I was ready to have a kid now, i'd do it while in grad school. I'm getting a phd in science & it's more like a job than being in school. Really? Interesting.... Why do you say that? I am in public health and work at a medical school/hospital in research. My PhD will probably be in administration and policy with an emphasis in Integrative Medicine/Health. So, are you saying in your science phd, you would have a baby (if you were ready now)? or, it depends on the field?
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Angel I think it's your own personal opinion. If you can handle it then I say go for it. But a baby and pregnancy would be something new for you so you don't want to get into it and get stressed and overwhelmed. I went through it and I had to take time off because my daugher was in school and she wasn't getting the attention she needed as far as reading and homework. I was taking 2 classes and I swear I was running on E everyday. Kids are time consuming and demanding. Mine aren't baby babies but even more demanding as a newborn. Best of luck with whatever you decide. THanks Angel!! That is really helpful. I don't want my baby bathed in cortisol in the womb, that's for sure and I believe in striving for balance in life- we are an overworked, stressed out society. I am probably underestimating what it will take but I equated taking two classes to working part time and my FI is a fire man and is home for 48 hours at a time and then works 24 hours so he's actually home a lot and I planned on working part time after maternity leave anyways. Hearing real stories helps-- that is my biggest fear-= neglecting my kids and missing out on the good stuff. On the other hand, it will make for a more comfortable life after a few years...
  22. Hi All, I just met with my academic advisor about getting my PhD. I have always wanted to and planned on it but have just started thinking about 'when' to get back to school. I was honestly thinking I could take about two courses at a time and pop out a kid in the meantime but my advisor said I should really plan on having a child, waiting a year or two and then going to school or going to school full time and then having a child. Its not like I was planning on having a baby during finals. I thought I would take a term off when we get there.... Anyone been in grad school with kids or planning kids or been in grad school and couldn't imagine having a baby?? I got my Masters and went full time and worked 32 hours per week. It was bananas but I knew it was temporary. Its just a different story when we're talking about a little breathing human. FI thinks I should wait and I won't make the choice with out him because it affects both of us so hugely but it is the difference of me doing the same job 4 years from now regardless but making triple the income.
  23. I think New York City has banned trans fat from being used in food.... NYC girls, is that true? I'm with Jean-Marcus on the high fructose corn syrup being banned too! Great article!
  24. Ewwwww!!! I couldn't do it. Not to mention it being gross and weird personally, I would feel bad feeding the fish my gross dead skin. I'd be dropping in some fish food flakes when they weren't looking. :-)
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by *Heather* Hey Samantha, I have very fine/thin hair too, and I have had real extensions. They totally worked, and I know they'd work with your hair too, but I think I posted earlier how much of a pain in the butt they can be. I don't know if I'd want them for a destination wedding, unless you aren't planning on swimming or anything (because your hair will look gross when it's wet!!!). If you want any further details, feel free to PM me...I can show you some pics of my normal hair and then what I looked like with my extensions in. They're pricey but worth it! But a huge pain in the butt so make sure you REALLY want them and are willing to put up with the crap that comes with them. That is helpful, I will probably PM you with some questions. I will be going scuba diving so I'm thinking its probably not a good idea. My stylist also had them and they looked beautiful but she said it was a huge pain in the ass. Quote: Originally Posted by Amy&Andy So...my experience with the extensions for the wedding. My hairstylist hand sewed three rows of real human hair extensions onto little clips for me to use. She went and bought the hair for me and matched it perfectly to my hair color, but sometimes they do need to be dyed or highlighted. She brought them down to Mexico and just clipped them in and curled my hair like normal. She said definitely do NOT get the fake hair...it has to be 100% human hair for them to curl nicely, and blend in well. I thought they were so so comfortable and no one knew it was fake until I mentioned it. My suggestion: have a stylish purchase the human hair strands and then put them into the clips. Most of them should know how to do that....I don't have a clue what it cost, because it was her wedding present to me. I would guess probably around $200-$300 or so Here is a pic of what it looked like: OMG!! There are extensions in there?!! Gorgeous! Thank you for posting these pics and telling us about them. One of my MOH is a hair stylist and she mentioned doing this instead of full blown extensions. She also told me to let her try the jessica simpson wig (I like calling it a wig ) on me before I go and sell it on Craigs list. Was it windy where you got married? The gazebo at Dreams Cancun is super windy so I'm thinking I'll probably have to do an up-do or pulled back- do but clipping in some hair would still work for that. Doh, just looked at your third pick with the ponytail-- that looks fabulous! Thanks ladies!
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