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Samantha S

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Everything posted by Samantha S

  1. Jodey, you are not being too narrow minded and you don't have to leave them alone!! You have every right to want to have the reception you envision. Have you talked to her? What did she say? An option is to give the sound guy some more money that night (don't arrange it through dreams) and then just head to the bar that is right there on the terrace for drinks. The only thing that might stop that is if they have a noise curfew in place-- in that case it is the ballroom and I would rather head to a new joint after boogying on the terrace. Hope your phone call went well!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Ashleykmorgan Maybe you could put the name of your guest? That way they could use them again after the wedding and they are more individualized..just a thought That's a good idea!! We are doing one bag per single person and one bag per couple and if they break up that's their deal. Ha ha, just kidding!
  3. Good post Jodey, I wonder if they are getting stricter on this one? Isn't there always furniture set up in the terrace anyways? I know its different for the wedding reception but I can't imagine them coming and shooing everyone away, no one has reported that yet. I anticipate our group moving on to a different bar as the night progresses but it will be really tacky to have staff shooing every one away and scraping tables around at the stroke of 9:00. I don't think they'll do that but if I were you, I would anticipate moving on at 9:30 or so. SusanK reported that some hotel guests were complaining about the noise and the staffers came and turned it down and she told them H to the No and turned it back up because she paid to have her reception go until 11:00. They might have changed their policy because of noise complaints?? Just speculation... I would keep bargaining on the stereo equipment start time but worst case, don't rent it for 3 hours, just 2 hours and have it start after dinner because it's a RIP OFF anyways. Kathi will give us the DL very soon! By the way Jodey, your new pics are SO CUTE!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Ana Cerda At the Hitmitsu, Seaside Grill, Orceana Restaurants you cannot wear shorts. They have signs by the door. Is this true even at lunch or are these restaurants not open for lunch? Do they have to wear slacks or kahki type pants or are jeans okay? I'm going to have to add this to a pre-wedding e-mail!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by zorlack76 Does anyone know if the waiters at Dreams Cancun start tearing down tables and decorations for the reception at 9pm? I saw that on another thread and thought it was wierd. I was under the impression that the receptions go until 11pm if you wanted. The Dreams Cancun brides that have reported back said they do not come and start cleaning up strictly at 9:00 (if that's when your reception is 'scheduled' to end). If your reception is in the terrace, there is a bar there anyways and your guests can drink and dance all they want. I don't know what exact time they will end up coming to clean up the tables but I believe for both Jill and Paula, they didn't see them and after awhile, people head to the bar anyways. Quote: Originally Posted by epargin Hi Ladies! I told my WC at Dreams that I wanted to use an outside photographer and asked her what the cost would be. Her response was, "Why wouldn't I want to use their photographer, he's really good." My question is - Do any of y'all know his name - and have you used him or do you have a link to his work? My worry is - I've read throughout this forum of Dreams Cancun brides who have used their own photographer and been very happy with their choice. So I'm not sure why I'm getting grief or does everyone? Thanks for following me! Emily His website is: Juan Navarro ... Photographer I was going to use him, his photos aren't the greatest in the world but they are very, very decent. So far, we have NO review of him from a BDW bride. I ended up choosing to go with Cecilia Dumas because she is affordable and I loved the samples she has sent me and the ones that are on her website. AND, she is more responsive, it is frustrating that Juan doesn't get back to you. He popped up here on the forum once but then dissapeared. Here is Cecilia's website: Wedding photography | Cecilia Dumas, Cancun y Riviera Maya | Imagenes de Bodas
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by kacie3344 I've been wanting to get a makeover for forever! I've used MAC pretty much since High School and am kind of getting bored with my everyday look. I'm definitely going to try Laura Mercier after reading this thread. I've also heard great things about Smashbox. I've heard that it's what most photographers actually prefer. I tried out Smashbox's powder and it didn't work so great for me. BUT, I didn't try it with any of their other products such as foundation, primer, etc. I'm sure that would have made a difference but it was actually greasy looking after not too long and the color was very orange on me too and it was the second to lightest color. I use Chanel powder and I LOVE it but if I go with all Chanel, I'll pay up the rear for it so I'm thinking of doing a make up trial with Laura Mercier. It says everywhere not to use foundation with spf in it for photos but I'm finding that most foundations these days have spf, even smashbox...??
  7. PICS PLEASE!!!!! I'll post mine when I finally get around to doing the iron on thing. I am SO torn on what to put on the bags, it's driving me insane. I don't want our names on it and maybe not even the date.... what then?? Quote: Originally Posted by Dez921714 My totes came in a few days. We LOVE them! With our logo ironed on, they look like we spent more on them than we did LOL I'd definatly recomend them. If you're iffy, order one or two to get an idea (you can always use them as a grocery bag or tote)
  8. Ya, me too! I had a trial and the real deal set up with him for make-up. Oh well! Paula, I'm glad to hear you said they used good make up. I've wondered about that.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by SIMBASIM I am buying silk flowers and bringing my own vases and putting them togther the day before. No way an I going to pay the ridiculous price she quoted me!! BTW, your centerpieces are beautiful! Nice choice. Quote: Originally Posted by cancunbride I thought about that also but carrying all these flowers and stuff really scares me just cause I dont want to get anything lost. But Im also considering Walmart and going there to see what they have..$200.00 is such a rip off, out here in CA something like this runs you about $60.00 Ugh, I hear you! I'm going to do a combo of bringing stuff and seeing what I can pick up there at places like Walmart. This is really where Dreams nickel and dimes you (and the stereo equipment!) and its not worth it if you're on a budget. We'll be surrounded by the Caribbean Sea, I'm not too worried about the perfect centerpiece! Just good food, good drinks, good music and cuttin rug!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by dmarie17 I think that the guys have to have closed two shoes... I think I read that somewhere. Holy crap, I'm leaving really soon!! Oh my gosh, I'm so glad some one asked these questions! I'll definitely have to warn a few of the old-timers that are coming. Quote: Originally Posted by STACEY I am getting legally married this Friday!! It is kina spur of the moment. My b-day is this friday, and we both took the day off. We couldnt figure out another day to do it. So we re doing it 10:30 am this Friday!! Yay!! Congrats, tell us how it goes!
  11. I'm snagging Alyssa's ideas for the robes. They are PERFECT gifts! I'm so excited to give them to the girls, they will love them. Thanks for sharing Alyssa! Still deciding on the GM gifts-- maybe the Reef flask flip flops. We have eight each so we can't get as great as gifts as we'd like (well, for the GMs, I feel great about the BM gifts).
  12. Everything looks wonderful and you look so pretty in your dress! I love your OOT bags too.
  13. Everything is amazing Sylvia! It is so neat that your daughters are walking you down the aisle. The odds are really high that seeing that pic will make me tear up! Congrats!
  14. I just got mine! They came very quickly. They are really nice for 99 cents, I highly recommend them. They are thinner than they look in the picture on the website and they are larger than i thought they would be. Now I have to find stuff to fill them up with! Let me know if you have any other questions!
  15. Holy HOTTNESS Ana!! Your pictures are phenomenal!! I CANNOT wait to hear all about it. congratulations!!! You looked so beautiful.
  16. Ugh, Amy and Lindsey-- you are SO motivating! Heather, you are too! Give yourself credit for running and walking with your dog-- that's a lot of work!
  17. It also could be stress. In traditional chinese medicine, break through bleeding is a sign of Chi deficiency. Get some acupuncture and herbs! It doesn't feel like this:
  18. Well, on cable we have OnDemand. In the fitness and exercise section, they have yoga and most of them are super short and full of advertisements but i found a really good one that kicked my butt and was long-- I felt great all day today because of it! (Its called Yoga Fitness Fusion or something like that) I guess its not that weird-- its just like using an exercise tape, I just feel silly about it sometimes.
  19. Yes, this is all good advice. I don't think we're going to make too much in interest over 3 months that it is worth the risk of keeping it 'accessible'. I think we will do what Angela says and give to my FI's mom to hang on to. I do want them bending over backwards and not slacking!!! Plus I just have to keep in mind that it right after hurricane season (NOT trying to freak any one out who's wedding is coming right up!) but you just do have to play it safe. We've just been pretty bad about saving so far and we need to kick it in to high gear! As for Ash0628, you're not crazy! It is nerve wracking until you get the date set. With all the info on here though, it is pretty much a breeze after that and you just have to keep DMarie's advice in mind-- remember why we all chose to have a DW-- waaayyyyy less stress!! And Jodey-- I think at 9:00 you should switch to the iPOD docking station (well, until you have to-- Jill went longer and a few others have mentioned that as well with no extra charges/problems). They can't kick you out of there-- they can just stop having a wait staff and take away the sound equipment if you don't pay for longer. But there is a bar right there!
  20. Do you gals think it would be a bad idea to send the total amount we owe for the wedding to Dreams right now? I am paranoid about being able to save enough and think it will be easier on us to do that but wonder about the risks of doing that.... any thoughts?
  21. Wow, your resort is amazing! I'm looking up prices just for the heck of it. I LOVE the area you chose to have your reception. It is so chic and loungy.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by syl1115 I am having a hard time getting motivated again. I haven't worked out in a week! I need help. I've been having trouble too! I wish I could get up early like a lot of you gals. Okay, I'm going to go and do OnDemand yoga. I found one that is really hard and is almost 50 minutes so don't laugh! My way of forcing myself to go through with it is that i have to report back that I did it.... Okay, I did it! I'll be visiting this thread more often, I need the motivation. :-)
  23. Wow, amazing review and amazing wedding!!! Thanks for posting such a good one. Did you talk about the ceremony? I didn't see it but could have missed it...
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl jodey, i think the problem is that the 3 hours you get for your reception INCLUDES however long you spend eating. you don't get dinner and THEN 3 more hours for partying. does that make sense? so i guess what you really want to ask her is how long dinner takes, and if it's an hour, then you only want to rent their equipment for 2 hours. we decided we are just using our docking station for the whole thing, but we don't have many guests, so announcements/toasts will be easy to hear without a mic. seems like 3 hours will go by *really* fast ... i think you can pay (of course, haha) for additional time (but i think we'll just pack it up and head to the "free" bar when time runs out). Yep, that's right Jodey-- that's probably why Gaby thought you were asking to have a longer reception. Jill used an iPod docking station for dinner and dancing and it worked great and she said they don't come through after 3 hours and kick you out. We'll party for a while and do what you are doing mummergirl-- head to a free bar! Kat and dmarie, your weddings are sooooooo close!!!!!! Yay!
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by TA Jill Dawn, they will work with you somewhat on the flowers. If you can find something that sort of resembles what you want and then tell them the colors or flowers you want they might be able to do it. Unless you want flowers that are more expensive, then they will probably have to charge you extra. Jill, I emailed Gaby asking her if she had x, y and z flowers and she wrote back simply stating that I should wait to choose them from photos when I am there....?? I just want to know if they even have access to a few certain flowers.
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