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Samantha S

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Everything posted by Samantha S

  1. I'm wondering if you SoCal ladies can point me in the direction of cheap shopping in San Diego. I'm going there in a week for work and want to find some CUTE, inexpensive, beachy clothes for myself and my FI for mexico. Any recommendations? I'm staying in the gaslamp district and do not have a car but could take a cab (or public transportation if its decent). THANK YOU!!
  2. Thanks Leia and Island Girl! I (and *Heather* :-)) have been stalking the hair extension threads and I'm sure this is the way to go. Picking mine up this weekend, I'll try and post some pics. I CANNOT believe they were only around $80!! I was expecting to pay so much more for real hair!!!!
  3. Cool, thanks! i'll have to try it, i love their stuff.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by jhubert Hello, Does any one know if they have a set up for a picture slide show? You can rent a screen and projector and of course they charge an arm and a leg, I can't remember how much though.
  5. My FI also got a tungsten carbide ring. He really loves it and it was a steal at $150. we got it from this website: Titanium Rings | Tungsten Rings | Titanium Wedding Ring They have had excellent service and are extremely fast. His ring is awesome, I'll post a pic when we get it back from being engraved.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by cancunbride Samantha, your date is coming up...OMG IM soo excited for you!! woo hoop! I KNOW!! Pretty much doing the one month to go freak out about what I need to get done. Quote: Originally Posted by dmarie17 No problem, glad that it came through okay. I didn't order centerpieces. They just did them. Same ones that Kat had. They were nice. Simple and pretty. And best of all... FREE!! Settled! I'm not worrying about centerpieces. I might swing by Walmart and see if they have anything I like but I'll leave it alone otherwise. Quote: Originally Posted by STACEY I forgot, what do those center pieces look like? For Rosean's, they did petals on the table and a hurricane vase with sand in it. There are pics where you can kind of see them in on her review: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t24623-2. You might be able to see them in Kat or Dawn's pics...? You will have such an amazing wedding, we will all be thinking about you!!!! Good luck and hurry back :-)
  7. Great review and beautiful photos! Everything was classy and chic, must have been amazing.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by dc22173 Does your package include the cd with all your pictures. The price list she gave me for 2009 states that the cd is $200.00 extra if I chose the 2 hour package. If you do not mind can you pm me the price list you have? I am wondering if the prices I am getting are next years prices and she has increased the. The 2 hour package quote that she gave me was $650 plus you need to add $200.00 for the cd with the images. Oh yeah, I forgot about the $200 for the negatives. Still, that is $1550. Cecilia gave me the price list that Sylvia just posted... The only thing she added was that you can add one hour for $150.
  9. Jennifer, that is really great advice-- thanks for sharing! I'm going to pass it along to my friend. I keep saying "you do not want porn boobs, your future children will be humiliated for their 'all boobs' mom to pick them up from school and go to their events". It is great advice to think of the long term. I am a natural 34D and I have spent the greater portion of my life trying to downplay them and to not look like a complete hooch in a basic tank top that most girls can wear and look casual and cute in. I am thankful for them but there are pros and cons! Sol, so glad you are getting up and around!!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 Ok if you are looking at the gazebo he is on the far right. Past where the Grooms side sits. I had my IPOD hooked up to their system. I also had one of Ryan's friends "babysit" for the first part. He could still see. I would reccommend having your FI that if the officiant is standing too far away that you guys want to use the microphone. My officiant stood at the bottom of the gazebo and had the microphone and nobody could hear Ryan or I saw our vows. I don't know if you could hook up a laptop but I don't know why not if you can hook up an IPOD. Okay, that helps-- thank you! I will take the advice of having the officiant stand closer, that is lame that people couldn't hear you as that is the whole point of paying so much for stereo equipment for 10 minutes. The version of Canon in D Dawn sent me is great so I can use my iPod, phew! Quote: Originally Posted by dmarie17 I think that I have a guitar version of this that I 'got' from the internet somewhere. Do I have your email address already? I will look and try to email it to you. It may be too big but I'm pretty sure that I sent a bunch of music to Kat so hopefully it will work. Thank you for the song, I appreciate it!! So, did you ask them for centerpieces? I'm getting the idea that if you don't 'order' it from them, they put stuff up anyways because they did that with one other gal. I think they must try to sell it first but then do it anyways because they want it to look nice too because other people will see the weddings and want to have their wedding there in the future... ?? Was it the same that Kat had-- vase with sand and I think a shell or something? Trying to decide if I should just leave the centerpieces alone.
  11. Well, that is great that your DH loves it! I just hope I can hack it, it sounds hard but I like training hard-- I just need a reason to. It has been A LONG TIME since I have trained intensely but I really need it. I was a pole vaulter in junior college and trained so freakin hard it kind of burnt me out. Time to get back on the saddle!!
  12. Hi, has anyone tried Crossfit? I am trying it tomorrow with my FI who found out about it from work friends. Apparently a lot of firefighters do it. Anyways, I've found things here and there on the internet-- that basically it is some intense training but then I'll come across these sites that say people have died from it. Well, I probably won't hear back before I try it so I will give an update but wanted to see if anyone else has tried it. Thanks!
  13. Sol, congrats! I don't have implants but I plan on giving the girls a hike after children so I always lurk on these threads. :-) I did want to mention something one of my best friends went through which was 'too small remorse'. And it seems a few girls on here feel that. She got hers done in the Spring and she still gets kind of depressed about them and wishes she had gone bigger. They are really big (32D at least) and fabulous and she is tiny so I don't get it but she's talked with a few other girls who felt the same way. It just seems like something that quite a few girls go through and I don't think its really expected. I hope you don't!! Good luck with recovering well!!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by dc22173 The first quote I got from her was $500.00 for just the TTD session. When I told her I wanted her to take all the wedding pictures she dropped the price to $400.00. My total package is $1800 and I have her for preparation before the wedding, the wedding, after the wedding, and an hour of the reception. This is a total of 3 hours.The following day she is returning for the TTD session. Hmmm, $1800 seems a little high. We got the 2 hour package which is $800 and then you can pay $150 for an extra hour if you want-- bringing it to $950. Add on the $400 and you've got $1350.....
  15. Okay, I have a question about the sound equipment for the ceremony. Does some one have a photo with where the person running the music is at (or a description will do)? Could you hook up any type of media player, i.e. iPod, CD, laptop? I am most curious about the laptop one because I have been trying to find a guitar version of canon in d and the only one I can find that I love is a guy on youtube (YouTube - Pachelbel Canon in D (fingerstyle guitar)). I figured out how to save it into my itunes but it still plays as a video and therefor not on my iPod. Just curious where the music person is at for the ceremony so I can determine if it would be a crappy place for a family member to spend the very first part of the wedding baby sitting.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 God thats really weird I saw that at work today and nearly posted it lol I think i'm just gonna have to take a chance on him which I'm not too keen on lol I think that is great! I'm sure that your photos will be fabulous and some one can finally share a review and perhaps so many gals can quit spending so much extra money for a diff photog. You could change the world
  17. Thanks Kat! Believe me, I have now adopted that attitude and I cannot wait-- these trivial things could never take away from the fun, beautiful time we will have! And same goes for everyone in this thread! People can show different and unexpected sides and we just have to let some things go and know it will all turn out the way it should be. KatyKo, my 15 year old niece is a BM of mine and she might have to fly from Denver to Cancun on her own and have one of us greet her. I'm totally nervous about it. Kat-- I CANNOT believe your GMs showed up with black pants!!!! What stinkers!!!!
  18. I have to bump and hijack this-- I am so sorry that there are a lot of couples losing friendships over weddings. Is it pretty common for so much drama when it comes down to weddings? The past few weeks my wedding party has blown to bits and pieces over insane, ridiculous, selfish drama. I would never have expected it. It would take me ages to explain but I have been in tears several times and FI and I wanted a carefree, non-traditional, laidback, super fun wedding. I'm walking on eggshells left and right because it seems like it always backfires on the bride and they are 'bridezilla' but I'm getting stretched to my limits. Some one said it before in this thread-- but why do people weird out about weddings!!! We have always said, we completely understand if people cannot afford to come-- don't ever feel obligated. Now my BF wants to throw me a brunch (in lieu of a shower) and I just don't want to with how crappy some of my 'friends' have been. I will say, I am over the tears and agree with the person who said 'look around on your wedding day and you'll see your friends.' AMEN!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Alyssa Samantha - the writing on the tags is Black Ink and the writing on the iron on transfers is Teal - where are you talking about? Maybe I'm losing it!? It looks like the oval is teal and the writing is white or 'clear' on the iron-on.... And I thought I read some where on the forum that you can't do white ink in iron-ons but I could have imagined that or misinterpreted.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by dmarie17 The menus for 2009 are different. Here is the full 08 one for you. It says that buffet is 40 people minimum but it's really only 30. Also, now that I'm looking at it, I'm not sure if this is the menu that we actually chose from. We mixed between the silver and gold buffet... but I know that we had lobster bisque soup and thats on the platinum menu and we definitely didn't pay extra. The soup was awesome but if you're eating outside, it's kinda heavy for hot weather if that makes any sense! We had the Caribbean mixed greens and the caesar salads... both were good but it's salad so I don't have a very strong opinion. Entree we did the surf and turf which was okay but kinda dry and didn't have a lot of flavor and then a chicken dish which i don't see on the menu but it was awesome!! It had like spinach and cheese or something but everyone loved it. I didn't try any of the deserts but heard good things. We went with the tres leche cake and while it is very moist and kinda looks like it's going to just moosh up, it was quite good. Hope that helps!! I had wedding nightmares too... don't worry, everything will be great!! THANK you for all of this. It is so weird, this is not the menu I chose from. I'm going to have to ask Gaby because there are a few yummy sounding things on here! My choices for the entree were seabass, fajitas and rum butter chicken and you get three choices-- so I was just going to have all of them. I wouldn't mind having steak instead of fajitas because you can probably get that at one of the restuarants (not that you can't get steak but it is Mexico afterall!) and that salmon sounds delish.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Alyssa OOT Bags with DIY Tags – thanks to LALA for the circle cutter!!! Alyssa, I love this look for your OOT bag! Did you do the writing with a white font? For some reason I thought I read somewhere that you couldn't use white in it.... Would you mind sharing your file?? :-)
  22. Does anyone know if they have different menu options from 2008 to 2009? I though I saw a peek of a menu somewhere for DC that was different than the version I have and some of the options looked way better! I've found the gold and plated but I'm looking for the silver buffet. Dawn, what did you choose for your menu? I had my first and hopefully last wedding nightmare and I woke up panicked-- time to get serious! Stacey and others who are just around the corner, how are you holding up?
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 Our groomsmen seriously booked three days before our wedding. My MIL booked four days before the wedding!! Talk about stress! NO WAY!!!! That is how some of my family members will be. Did they pay up the you know what?
  24. I would never tip a percentage of our entire wedding! We'll probably give her $75-$100 depending on how things go. There have been mixed reviews about our wedding coordinator!
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