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Samantha S

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Everything posted by Samantha S

  1. Okay, here is an update on the extensions I purchased. I bought the Euronext kind. They do not look good on me when they are 'down'. My hair stylist thinks it will be perfect for an updo but I can't look at myself when they are down. She did cut them and they are better but although they are real hair, they still look like barbie doll hair on me. It might be the color (very very blonde) but unfortunately, they are a no-go for the down-do (for me!).
  2. Thanks Laurine! Great wedding and review. You looked stunning.
  3. Yay Stacey! What a wonderful wedding you had! You looked stunning and everything seemed great. I'm glad to hear you went outside for the wedding any way-- the photos are so awesome. Sorry to hear about the cigar roller but I'm glad you posted a review because I have been going back and forth about having him. H to the NO! Question about the chair set-up for the ceremony: did people seat themselves on one side or the other? I was just thinking people would come and sit-- I don't want to do the 'bride side' and 'groom side' thing because so many people are mutual friends anyways. I'm just curious if this naturally happened at your wedding or if some one directed them to seat that way? Also, is it you that does travel health insurance? If so, I have some questions!
  4. Congrats Laurine!!! Welcome back, your video is AWESOME and makes me SO EXCITED. Sorry you don't feel good. :-( To all the recent brides-- did they give (or offer to give) you a complimentary room for the groom the night before the wedding? (Kat- thanks for the day pass info! Are you saying on non-wedding days that people came in w/o passes?)
  5. This is probably on here some where but can some one tell me what the $50 day pass fee covers at Dreams? Does it just let them in or does it allow them to eat at the restaurants too? Thanks!!
  6. It comes with 10 strips: I think there are 4 longer strips and 6 smaller ones or something like that. Maybe a few more longer ones. Interesting what you said about the updo and clip-ins. I reallllyyyy love Lauren Conrad's hair at the VMAs, I wonder if this will work with the clip-ins:
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by STACEY I dont know about the long tables, i did not use them. Are you planning on using the sound system with an Ipod? If so they will provide an MC for you. Stacey! Your sig pic is A-MAZ-ING!!! Congratulations!! Have you done a review yet? I don't want to miss it, please put a link in your siggy when you do. :-)
  8. I bought 'Euronext' from Sally beauty supply. It looks like they are made out of the same kind of hair but who knows! That is neat to hear that your hair dressor cut yours, I wondered how it would look and they look great! I get my hair done on Nov 6 and will post some pics. Thanks for the info!
  9. They look amazing! Did you have to cut or color them? And what length did you get?? I got the shortest they had-- 14" (different brand) and they are wayyy longer than yours...
  10. Heather- your dad and your family are in my prayers. He will be okay! Keep us posted.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by newbride I just have to gush (and whine slightly, ha ha). I have completely fallen in love with a pair of shoes and I can't find them in my size anywhere!!!! I don't know if anyone else has seen the blue Christian Louboutin Rosazissimo satin sandals but they are completely gorgeous! Christian Louboutin Rosazissimo satin sandals | NET-A-PORTER.COM As far as I can tell net-a-porter was the only site that had them but now they're sold out (except in size 42). The new Christian Louboutin website isn't up and running yet so I haven't been able to try to find them there either I'm assuming that they're still available, they were just featured in pink in the newest Martha Stewart Weddings magazine. I guess I'll just keep dreaming, they're too expensive ($760 ~ although I would give up food for a month to have them, lol) and probably too high to be comfortable anyways (4 inches).......but even FH and my guy friends think they're awesome and they're boys with no normal appreciation for shoes (FH would kill me if I did buy them though) ! OMG!!!!!!!!!!! These shoes are so fricken stunning, I LOVE THEM! I got my dream shoes for my wedding-- they are fuchsia satin Louboutin's. I do not have buyer's remorse one bit! Word to the wise, I had never bought (or tried on) Louboutin's before and I ordered a size 38 (a US size eight) from Neiman Marcus and they are a tich too small. They were the last pair on the face of the earth so I am dealing with it but I recommend AT LEAST a half size if not a full size up from what you normally wear.
  12. Ahh, ladies-- thank you for making me feel better! I did have the shoes I'm wearing on my wedding day on and when she pinned the hem, it was to the floor. She said that when you take in the sides a lot it can sometimes bring the hem up. Well, that's great and it should be accounted for then. I took my dress in Wednesday and she thinks she can bring it down a tad and I think it will be just enough to ease my dissapointment. Probably won't be perfect but better. She was very nice and apologetic and of course isn't charging me to fix it. I pick it up next Friday and hope to have a floor length dress!!! Thanks again!!!
  13. Yay Laurine!!!! Congrats, it will be absolutely glorious. Can't wait to hear about it!!! p.s. I'm right behind ya! :-)
  14. Well, thank you two for your input. I looked at a bunch of photos on the web and none of them show the shoes when you're standing-- I wouldn't have wanted that with or without the fuchsia shoes. Truly bummed about this, she really screwed my dress up. I'll deal with it, get over it and be happy about it but today I'm letting myself sulk. I went to her and spent that money because she's supposed to be really good. I'll let you know if anything changes when I take it in on Wednesday.
  15. I have to bump this because I came up with a question. After reading through this thread, I've decided to go without a seating chart. We are only having about 31 guests. But, I've notice that A LOT of girls on the forum have name cards for people and through more internet searching, I came upon the term 'escort cards'. Can some one clarify the difference? Can you do these if you are not having a seating chart? I just think they look neat. :-) Do people take them with them to their table and then that means they are glued to that seat all night? Is it a way to 'claim' their seat? Will it confuse them if there is no table number on it? So many questions!!
  16. You could also try having it laid out on the table without a plate like this:
  17. CONGRATS!!! Hurry up with the pics already--hungry brides a-waiting!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by tvt FI's flip flops are from Kohls. he loves them. I had to hide them from him because he wouldn't quit wearing them! Nope, no one in line for the table number holders. Alyssa gave them to me, and if they all come home with me, I can definitely give them to you! Remind me though, I'll probably forget Thanks so much for the info! I have to hide stuff from my FI too. :-) If I don't find any table number holders in the next two weeks or so, I will definitely remind you-- thanks! Quote: Originally Posted by tvt FI ended up ordering this humidor: Personalized Cherry Wood Cigar Humidor - Monogram Design That's a cool site, they have tons of great gift ideas!
  19. Veterans-- I'm getting a newsletter together for our guests and want to let them know whether or not their cell phones will work at Dreams Cancun. Did your's work? Does it depend on whether you have 'international' service or something? Can you text? Second-- did/are any of you getting 'travel health insurance' if your plan doesn't cover interatnional travel?
  20. Thanks Bessca! I'm writing these down and will definitely hit 'em up!
  21. Hi Ladies, I wanted to know just that-- when you are standing (not walking), do the tips of your feet/shoes show in your gown? Is that standard/normal? I just picked up my dress from being altered and that is the one thing I was very specific about- I didn't want my shoes to really show when I was standing because I am wearing fuchsia shoes and I wanted them to be more subtle and not 'all you see.' My alterations lady asked me that when we were doing my fitting and I said 'NO' and she lowered the hem. Well, I tried it on and it fits amazing except, BAM-- there are my fuchsia shoes! The ladies in the bridal shop were all standing around oohing and ahhing and I didn't say anything at that point-- I had to let it digest and think about whether I hated it or not. It cost $300 bucks to simply bring the dress in the waist and hem it. I called her after I left and let her know that it was something I specifically asked for and I am dissapointed. She said we probably can't lower the hem because there is not enough hem there but that she could make new straps that are longer. So the trade off for that is that my boobs are hanging out more than they already do!! It's such a bummer, its a lose-lose situation. I DO NOT want my bust hanging out more-- it already shows more than enough cleavage. We can't hem on an extra piece of fabric on the end because you'll be able to see that through the lace and it will look terrible. I'm taking it in Wednesday but I'm pretty sure I'm just going to have to live with it. Any ideas, thoughts, inspiration? I'm so bummed out. p.s.-- functionally-- should the inner hem be a bit shorter than the outer lace hem so that I can walk? She said that's why it is shorter but when we did the fitting, I told her I didn't want the tips of my shoes showing and she said okay and lowered it just to the floor. She didn't say anything about that then....
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by *Heather* Samantha, you HAVE to let me know how they turn out! I think you and I have very similar hair. Are you getting yours at Sally Beauty Supply too? How wide are the clip-ins? Just like an inch? I think these are going to be the only thing that will work for me... Make sure to take pics! I can't wait to see! I just picked them up! They are a little too platinum so my stylist will have to color and cut them--they are WAY TOO LONG (14" is the shortest they had)! I got the Euronext ones at Sally and yep, they were only $80! I tried them on but I can't even look at myself with hair that long, I look ridiculous-- cheesey paris hilton hair when she has it long. They come with 6 wider strips of hair that go in the back and then 4 small 'pieces'. Then there are 2 'testing' strips that don't have a clip on them that you can do a practice run on the color. My gal is doing a hair trial for me on Nov 2 so I will post pics for SURE. Island Girl's look fabulous so I am optimistic. I am pretty sure you and I do have very similar hair-- fine and thin! I ordered a gorgeous feather hair pin today, so excited to see it all come together. :-)
  23. Yay Trish, everything is beautiful and your wedding will be perfect!! Can you share the floral design from your seating cards and welcome letters? I've been trying to figure out how to do that!! No worries if not. :-)
  24. Tara, I'm SO excited for you!! Your wedding will be amazing, everything is stunning and perfect. I have series of questions for you... :-) Where did you get the humidors from? Where did you get your FI’s flip flops from? Is anyone in line for buying the table number holders from you? Thanks! Cannot wait for the review.
  25. Dawn (and Kat if you come by here!) - You both had your make up done at the spa and both loved it-- I just want you to tell me that I DO NOT need to go spend a few hundred on make-up that is meant for photos...... I rear ended some one in my FI's car and now we have a $500 deductible to pay and I have to cut corners. I wanted to bring *emergency* make-up in case I don't like theirs because I am SUPER picky about make up but you both looked stunning and you didn't look white in any of your photos which is supposed to be the purpose of photography-grade make-up. Le-sigh.
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