Quote: Originally Posted by kaelasmommy Fiiiiiiinnnnnnaaaaaaaaallllllllllllyyyyyyyy!!! after back and forth emails and all the waiting we finally set our date!! 11/22/08!!! i'm so excited that i can start finally planning. i've been soo stressed trying to set a date with claudia and daniella. i was told that there were no weekend dates available in november but i guess something fell through. or maybe i just got lucky. anyone else getting married at 2pm? i wanted a later time but i guess beggars can't be choosers, huh? i feel like theres been a tremendous weight lifted off my shoulders. Tiffaney, we are getting married there on November 20, 2008, we'll still be there on your day! How cool. We'll have to compare notes on planning and negotiating with the resort. Congratulations!!!