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Everything posted by stltk

  1. Wow, it looks like it's a perfect fit already on you w/o alterations! Love the silvery beading detail on the bodice/waistline. Gorgeous dress! Congrats!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by azhuskergirl sad, but I can't say that I'm the least bit surprised. Wonder how long until the official announcement of the break-up. I thought the SAME exact thing! You know that in a few wks or whatever there will be an official press release type of thing, cuz that's usually how it goes. Ah well....
  3. Congrats Cincin! So glad to hear you are at Couples also! If you haven't checked it out already, the couples.com website is awesome. There's a message board with tons of info, pictures, etc. I love to go over there and check it out from time to time, can't wait for November! You'll be there a few wks before us, so you'll have to post a review of course! Congrats again, nice choice
  4. OMG, this just totally made my day! I love those pics. Of course, now I want one, huge problem & so not happening. My 2 favs were the one of them playing and the one where they are all passed out with their lil full bellies all around there momma...there's one behind her, one on its back, etc: ADORABLE!!! Thanks for posting these pics, that momma is sure lucky she got into this rescue group and is going to have a great life now.
  5. Awww, so thoughtful he is, definitely a keeper!
  6. Dress is cute, but I can see how there's some concern for coverage and figure-flatteringness (prob not a word, but oh well is now). The fabric could be a tad clingy also. But, it's so so hard to please everybody when it comes to BM dresses! I was in a wedding where we all had the same color of dress, but chose our own styles. We got tons of compliments! Just a thought, and also some of the pics had that girl wearing a tank type of thing with it also, so another option perhaps? Good luck! And, as far as the quasi child-porn video demo.... UH...Ewww!!!! Why is that okay to put out there? WTF?
  7. Hey what if "accidently" "someone" put something in his mooched food like ex-lax or something along those lines? Immature, yes, but hey it works in the movies anyway, lol! What a jerk though, I mean seriously!! Have similar problems at my work, we do a quarterly birthday celebration with a theme of some sort. It's quarterly because ppl weren't participating when it was monthly. So it's potluck everyone is supposed to bring something. Well, this one girl always conveniently "forgets" and sometimes wants to tag on to my thing I brought like we brought it together and planned it that way. Whatever! Or, there's always the guy that brings one bag of chips for a group of 40-50+ ppl and considers that his contribution while most everyone else cooks or makes an effort. Freaking people...man oh man, sometimes they really do suck!
  8. Just donated, although small, $$ tight right now. Wish it was more! Poor lil girl, she's in my thoughts, please keep us updated!!
  9. Wow what a great idea, thanks so much for the post. Cute shoes & neat that they can be customized with your bridal colors, diff beads and stuff like that.
  10. I like C & D, they've got a lil something different than the others.
  11. Yay for the both of them! I love Ellen and Portia's great on Nip/Tuck. They are cute together.
  12. Jason is such a sweetie, he's been my favorite from the very first episode. However, you ladies bring up some great points. He IS too good for her! He's such a catch...WHY is he still single?? Graham, I know she is way sexually attracted to him, but he's missing something & he doesn't even try, WTH? But like others have said I think it's going to be down to those two, looks like that icky fake Jeremy is getting da boot next wk from the previews, good riddance! As for DeAnna, I did like her, but she comes off bad on the show. Maybe it's just the editing of the show? You know how ppl that have been on reality tv shows (i.e. The Real World) always complain about how the producers/editors leave out a lot and only leave in the dramatic stuff to get the ratings. Ah well, my two cents for what it's worth. And, Rachel, you always crack me up, love your posts!!!!
  13. #1 The Notebook (I'ml such the big dork that if I have kids, I LOVE the names Allison and Noah) #2 Princess Bride (as yooou wiiissshhh....love it!!) #3 When Harry Met Sally #4 Hope Floats Also, I have considered using "Storybook Love" for the wedding too, but Hope Floats soundtrack has some great tunes as well, still undecided.
  14. Oh crap, sorry for the darn double posts.....jeez!!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 Its a person who is covered in gold, 20 million chains round their neck, 6 rings on every finger, common and shite and generally a right state lmao If you get little brittian where you are its vicky pollard lmao its defo not a compliment lmao Unique jewelry, glad you snatched it up, we all deserve tp treat ourselves now and then! OMG...Harty, I could read your posts all freaking day, they are great, I love em! I bet you are such a riot to hang out with! You crack me up every time! And hey, I even learned something today, what a 'chav' is, thanks! lol Wish we got that show here, stupid Dish Network, but I don't think we do unless they run it on BBC. My FI used to watch Ab Fab...cracked him up when they would say "pisss off!"
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 Its a person who is covered in gold, 20 million chains round their neck, 6 rings on every finger, common and shite and generally a right state lmao If you get little brittian where you are its vicky pollard lmao its defo not a compliment lmao OMG...Harty, I could read your posts all freaking day, they are great, I love em! I bet you are such a riot to hang out with! You crack me up every time! And hey, I even learned something today, what a 'chav' is, thanks! lol Wish we got that show here, stupid Dish Network, but I don't think we do unless they run it on BBC. My FI used to watch Ab Fab...cracked him up when they would say "pisss off!"
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 Its a person who is covered in gold, 20 million chains round their neck, 6 rings on every finger, common and shite and generally a right state lmao If you get little brittian where you are its vicky pollard lmao its defo not a compliment lmao OMG...Harty, I could read your posts all freaking day, they are great, I love em! I bet you are such a riot to hang out with! You crack me up every time! And hey, I even learned something today, what a 'chav' is, thanks! lol Wish we got that show here, stupid Dish Network, but I don't think we do unless they run it on BBC. My FI used to watch Ab Fab...cracked him up when they would say "pisss off!"
  18. Morgan, how cute are you?? What a great idea, mexican food 'n margaritas to celebrate! Congrats, everything's coming together...you're in the home stretch! Hey, what are the ferrets going to wear?
  19. Sorry you are going through this! Grandmas are so special, you/yours in my thoughts!
  20. Holy cow, the nerve of some ppl! Sounds like someone's trying to get a free vacation. What a jerk, sorry your family member's being so difficult. Why can't ppl just be nice? If money's an issue and she can't do it financially, then she should just say so. If she/they can't make the trip, then they can't. But guilting you into paying for their trip jis way crossing the line and wrong on many levels. Shame on her!
  21. Wow...your pics are really beautiful, they're breathtaking! What a great photographer you chose! Also, your hair was so pretty, perfect style for a DW. Looks like you guys had a great time, such a cute couple, thanks for sharing your photos with us!
  22. Happy Happy Birthday Andrea! Enjoy your day, do something fun for yourself & celebrate!!!
  23. Danielle, so sorry you are going thru all of this and all at once...my goodness! You've got a lot on your plate, and I would second Sarah's advice to call your doctor. Maybe give him/her a call and talk about what's going on in your life right now. There might be a way to tweak your medication just a tad or add something temporarily to help you cope with everything going on. Just a thought, and at least you recognize the "coma" types of feelings coming on and are trying to be proactive so it doesn't get as bad as before. You and your family are in my thoughts, you are stronger than you realize!!!
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