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Everything posted by stltk

  1. OMG! That's too funny, I can barely breathe I'm laughing so hard. Gooood costumes!!!! Rachel, you totally pulled off finding some big giant fake boobies! Mission accomplished!! BTW, I never watched that show until recently and now I'm hooked. I am completely fascinated by Beth & a) her boobies WTF? and her outfits. My FI always comments like " where does she find shirts to wear?" and "they are gonna pop out I swear". It's like a trainwreck, sometimes I am not even paying attention to the bad guys because of Dog & Beth and their antics and then their sermons at the end. Seriously, what a GREAT idea for a costume tho. Maybe we'll do that one next year. One year we were M&M's. I was a plain M&M and my FI was a peanut M&M (with nuts). But, Dog & Beth would be great for Halloween.
  2. Wow, Leia, you are such a beautiful bride! What great pics, thanks for sharing. Looks like you all had a great time and how neat that so many of your family were able to travel to be with you on your special day! Looks like it was an amazing trip for everyone.
  3. That first dress is amazing, so different, not like any other dress around. I would go with that one. Of course, the second one looks great on you as well! But, it is similar to a lot of others and the first isn't, it's very unique. Just for the wow factor and how great it looks, my vote's for number #1! Great dresses, you look great!!!!
  4. Beautiful dress choice--I LOVE the mesh overlay w/the lace details...gorgeous. OMG your waist is itty bitty....and what are you talking about it doesn't fit--it looks great! We are always hardest on ourselves, you will be a beautiful bride on your special day!
  5. OMG how cute is that lil guy? He's so cute that he doesn't even look real. I love baby kitties! awwww Thanks so much for making my day w/that lil pic. Congratulations on your new addition Calia! I'm horrible with coming up with good kitty names, so I'm no help on that, I had a calico cat and named her Kallie.
  6. Kelly thanks for sharing your pics with us, what a neat website. I LOVE Fast Eddies! What a great idea for a bach party stop, always a fun time. You guys lucked out with the great weather this past weekend for out on the patio!
  7. YAY....Good for her! I always liked her too, glad she found someone. That was also pretty funny about how he gives her flowers, but NEVER roses! lol
  8. Wow, that sure was quick! Congrats to them, hope it works out for them and doesn't go the way of so many hollywood marriages. They are both so cute, I like them both.
  9. So sorry you are having to go through this when you are SUPPOSED to be planning the best day of your life! Family can sure make a person crazy sometimes for sure. I have a similar situation myself in that none of my FI's family will be going with us to Jamaica. It's not a money issue either, who knows the real reason why they chose not to be there with us,but they wont be joining us. So, like my FI has said again and again, WE (him & I) will be there for sure & that's really all that matters in the end. Sure, having more people there with us would be fantastic and make it more special. But, unfortunately even the people we love the most let us down sometimes and it does hurt. You have a right to be pissed, it's disappointing. Arggghhh!! So, us BDW gals are here for you to listen. Usually, you feel better once you let it out and vent. We understand and will listen & give big hugs back. Hang in there, remember it's all about you & your FI in the end & nobody else.
  10. I had never watched this show before until today. Bravo ran a marathon all day and I ended up wasting my entire Sat watching this show!! Crazy that I literally watched like 7 freaking episodes today I was so sucked in big time! What a good show, I'm hooked!!
  11. I looked into getting it for my crew through a company called VPI. But, I ended up not because 3 of 4 of my cats were too old to insure and the other one's premiums were really expensive because they were close to the cut-off age also. I think if you start them out when they are young puppies or kittens, it was my understanding that the premiums are cheaper. I would probably do it if I got a new pup/kitten in the future. And, they didn't cover anything that would be considered pre-existing like another poster mentioned. I think that if something catastrophic or really bad happened it would be worth it to have. But, I do know people who do have it and love it, esp for the peace of mind. This one you pay upfront and then send in the paperwork for reimbursement. So, might want to find out how the payments work, if you pay first, etc. However, things may have changed & gotten easier since this was a few years ago though. Just my two cents, sorry not much help. I sure hope your pup gets to feeling better & doesn't need to keep going back in to the vet. Poor lil guy.
  12. Oh man, so glad to find the 90210 sisterhood! LOL Anyway, I've watched both episodes & totally love how they incorporate the "old" characters into the new show. You girls crack me up. I agree with the kid being Dylan's, seems like Brandon was too Mr Responsible to lose contact with his kid, but maybe that's what THEY want us to believe....muhahaha Can't wait for next tues, I have to watch it by myself in the bedroom, FI will have nothing of it (for now). However, he's just as guilty as all the rest of our boys that are in denial for watching girlie shows & he'll cave.
  13. WOW those pictures you posted are beautiful! How could you NOT have a wonderful time in a place that looks like that? ENJOY!
  14. Aww Yari, hard to believe isn't it? Less than a month...OMG. I'm a month after you, & I'm starting to freak out just a bit myself, can't imagine just having one lil old month left. Woo hoo....it will go by so fast & will be here before you know it!
  15. I just saw this thread, so sorry so late better late than never I suppose. Anyway, I am also doing the Light the Night walk this Friday the 12th. I've never done this one but have done the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life. We have a group at work I'm walking with & we've been raising $$ past few months to donate to the walk. In total, we have raised $2325.00 thru various fundraisers: BBQ, basket raffle, baseball ticket raffles, etc. It's really been a lot of fun & it's a great organization. Looking forward to this event, although I don't have a particular person I am walking for, I do know of a few ppl that are leukemia survivors, so they will definitely be in my thoughts. Thanks for all you're doing Yari, you make a difference!!
  16. Awww....so so sorry to hear of your precious kittybaby. She was a very beautiful girl. She was sure a lucky kitty to have you as an owner taking care of her till the ripe old age of 21 years! My goodness, not many live to be 21!! I understand, I have 4 cats myself, the youngest is 12 yrs old and another one's really sick with some sort of intestinal cancer or lymphoma. It's absolutely the WORST thing about having pets for sure, when they get sick and/or older. Argghhh!! We are here for you
  17. Congratulations on your wedding Heather!! I'm a Negril bride as well, our date is Nov 6, 08 at Couples Negril. Hope your wedding was beautiful, wonderful & everything you hoped for. And...as previous ladies mentioned we LOVE pics. Please share if you wouldn't mind, we'd love to see them!!
  18. Congrats! Now you've got one HUGE thing checked off on your list!!
  19. Good gawwd Yari, what in the world? I would have thought the same thing, is this Candid Camera or what? Seriously, as if the ol' yearly ob/gyn visit's not awkward enough as it is besides this wacko! How can this guy get away with that? Sorry you had to go thru that tho, just crazy!
  20. Ann, I'm sorry, I just read the old thread that the Biggest Loser deadline to sign up was weds 16th. I'm so sorry, now I'm one of "those" people that don't do the search first and just post without checking like it says in the forum guidelines and get this smiley Good luck ladies, you can do it!
  21. I also ordered from Vistaprint. I got my STD's there, they weren't magnets, just regular ones. But, they turned out really great and I got lots & lots of compliments on them. Like the other ladies have mentioned, they are running some great specials lately. They've got lots of stuff you order for free, just have to pay shipping. I'm really pleased with my order from them. Just my two cents...
  22. I LOVE LOVE that new Jason Mraz song, "I'm Yours" too & I'm going to use it myself. It's beachy, cute, a little reggae-vibe, and sort of lovey-dovey without overdoing it, I think anyway. I am contemplating using it for our first dance. It's not a traditional slow song that would usually be for the first dance, but then again, we aren't having a conventional traditional wedding getting married on a beach in Jamaica! Also, have thought about using it for the recessional, but not sure if it would work there or not.
  23. I think I really really need this for motivation! Ann, Is is too late to get in on this? If not, how much does it cost? What do I need to do if I can still join? Sorry if these are answered elsewhere & you have to repeat ...Thanks!!!
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by Kelly C This is what the internet says: Located only minutes west of St. Louis County, the City of O'Fallon encompasses nearly 30 square miles with ideal access to I-70 in the north and I-64 in the south. Established in 1856, O'Fallon is the seventh largest city in Missouri and largest in St. Charles County, with a growing population of approximately 76,000 residents. In my words: It is total midwest living. We live in a new contruction area. All the homes are new. We had this house built 3 years ago. Our houses sit 15ft from each other. We live on a court with all late 20's early 30's. Most of us new each other before we moved in. So we have lots of fun on our court. We usually sit out in the summer watch the kids play and have a few cocktails. Kelly, how crazy, I'm from St Peters also. What a small small world it is!! I couldn't believe it when I saw your hometown on your post and then read it. So crazy how truly small the world is that we are both here on BDW. I moved from St Peters "over the bridge" to Florissant. My family is still there& 'd love to move back but out of the budget for now, so here I am. We might have even been neighbors at one time and didn't know it!
  25. Oh man!!! My stupid DVR didnt record the freaking episode last night! ARGGGHH! But, I went ahead & read the posts anyway. So...I'm going to go watch on abc.com, thanks whoever suggested that. Missed some good stuff last night apparently, I LOVE the tell-all ones, they are the BEST. And, like someone mentioned previously, the train wrecks, gotta love em.
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