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Everything posted by BarefootBride

  1. So sweet! I had to stop at the birth date year! Born in the 80's Gosh Im old or at least getting married really old! I think that is the sweetest thing! You have an awesome sis!
  2. That sucks! But its so sweet that you understand. I feel bad for her. I bet she could use the vacation. I hope her dog gets better.
  3. Opps! I forgot the candy buffet. Everyone loved it! My friend is going to do it for her reception now! Taken just before everything was unwrapped...
  4. I promised some pictures... My friends did a good job! Everyone sorta worked together to do this for us and we were so grateful. Location... Food... Instant Guestbook... Game... Cake.. We cut...
  5. There will be a 5 hr split between our wedding time and reception and I am considering a second dress. Has anyone tried on this dress? I actually have boobs and Im afraid this dress wont work for me.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan This is what I'd do 11am- wedding 11:30- cake & a toast 12 group pictures Then let your guests go off to lunch or whatever they feel like doing while you go take your pictures. You can be completely relaxed & take your time because no one is waiting on you. Everyone can do their own thing until you meet up for dinner again that night. I'd just let my hair get messed up & change into a casual white dress for dinner. I'd probably put on a white swimsuit & head out to the beach during the break. it might work out really nicely. Most couples don't get a time out to just take it all in. Maybe the two of you can go for a romantic boat ride. I wouldn't worry about leaving the guests to do whatever they want. As a guest in an AI I'd enjoy having the time free to play. Maybe you can make a reservation so all the guests can have lunch together while you take pictures. I agree with you. Im having a 1030 wedding I think. After the wedding we will break for dinner around 4pm.
  7. I love everything! Thanks for the blog link to the songs! SO FUNNY!
  8. I think your dress is beautiful. I love the fabric!
  9. Welcome! I hope you find some great ideas! My friend sings at Japanese weddings here and she says that they are BEAUTIFUL!!!
  10. Kate, this will be an incredible wedding. I am sorry you will have to take your parents savings for it. Maybe you can skimp on some things to save them money...ie leave them some to keep in their emergency fund. You are truly blessed to have a family like yours. Believe me, there is no one that I know who's parents could afford to pay for their daughters wedding in MV! You are very lucky! I cannot wait to see your wedding come together!
  11. I got this email that says that today is 20% off of everything at beauty.com. Here is the link.
  12. Ann, Thanks for sharing all of this. We have been so worried. I am glad that You two are doing fine. Gwendolyn is so precious!!!
  13. Im sorry you feel this way. My FI has had his bike before I met him and I really cant relate but I do love riding on the back of it with him! I secretly want him to get a BMW or a Ducati but would NEVER EVER promote it.... because I agree, they are dangerous. If your FI is a first timer with a bike chances are he will get carried away and go crazy fast on it. Houston really isnt bike or small motor vehicle friendly - everyone seems to go for SUVs and big ass gas guzzlers... dont know why.... I think you should not bring it up for awhile.
  14. Gosh I hope it works out. BUt in the meantime can he get some kind of money coming in, even if he has to sacrifice his pride? I know a lot of people who would rather not work than to work in a particular type of job with some "status." But really, he needs to have something coming in - Maybe he should get a part time job or start working retail or a restuarant for the time being while he is putting his applications in for a real job.
  15. I had no clue what you were talking about and then i googled it. EWWW NICE JEWELRY! We need this over here. We only have Cookie Lee.
  16. I have been waiting for the english version as well... Cant wait!!
  17. That BIOTCH!!! I cant believe she did that! WTF! If I was there I would have told her off!!! (I hope that made you feel better) But really! I am so picky about who cuts my hair because of the exact reason your peed off! Hey, You can get clip ins like I did! I have them in and I get compliments and then I tell them the difference and they are like "stfu! It looks so natural" But I think your hair will grow back! Not to worry!
  18. You are so sweet to be thinking about us and our need for pictures TWO WEEKS UNTIL YOUR BIG DAY!!!! So Exciting!!!
  19. I agree with most everyones comments. 1. Boundaries - That was the thing that stuck out most. You MUST set boundaries with your brother as you would do anyone else. 2. Your happiness - If you are truly not happy with the situation and cant see anything good coming from you helping your brother then you may have to let go and find other ways to help him. Do you HAVE to let him stay at your house. I am sure that if your brother HAD to leave, he would find a place to stay unless you honestly dont believe he could take care of himself. This may be what it all boils down to. Sadly it is an option. Since it doesnt appear that way- lets go back to #1.... His children with whatever excuses they have for terrible behavior must be controlled. You are going to have to be a "parent" as well. It is your house not your brothers and you need to have some defined rules and consequences and some achievable rewards for those kids. Every adult in that house needs to be an authority figure. You are going to have to keep those kids busy - on a schedule, with a routine that you make the kids follow everyday - in order to survive. Most dads aren't good at this but moms are and your mother instinct is going to have to kick in if you want to survive these 2 weeks! From the moment they wake up to the time they go to bed, your brother needs to be sure to keep the kids on task. Check around to see if there is a day camp or some type of lessons to get the kids into, make sure you are equipped with art stuff, and kid friendly stuff besides TV and video games. This is all doable and I think you will be fine but if your brother cant handle them, you will have to. Sit down and talk to your brother about how you are feeling and make a plan of action together to prepare for the kids. I would also give your brother a strict timeline for when he needs to be out and stick to it because if you dont he will never take you seriously. And to me that becomes him taking advantage of you!
  20. I did this too... put registry/a little blurb about how we have 2 of everything.... info in them because I kept getting questions about where we were registered. Honestly NO ONE contributed to our charity registry and they thought the idea was morbid!!!! I also have a continental registry but I think some people felt weird putting in cc info online. People seemed to feel better giving me junk that I would toss anyways... I dont know why People who were closer to me sent money and I let them know that I put it towards our first Family Savings I got alot of gift cards as well. I really wished that we were like other cultures - people just gave money - no questions asked.
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