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Posts posted by BarefootBride

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mabride09 View Post
    Cute dog, what kind of dog is he?
    Def. part schnauzer... Poor puppy didnt get his tail clipped but he has a cute little rat tail that adds a bit of personality. He was very furry, almost Shitzu like. Im thinking Schnautzu - my little designer puppy lol Okay hes a little Mutt.

    Originally Posted by LC_Rachel View Post
    Oh he's cute. So innocent looking. I can see why you saved him. Your karma is looking up. :)
    He is cute but in 3 days, his comfort level has risen. Hes crapped and peed in my house already, ate FI's MP3 wires into pieces, and escaped the fenced in yard and had me running down the streets after him screaming Friday in Japanese (cuz thats his name) and the japanese people are looking at me crazy... pretending Im not there (typical) and that Im not trying to catch my dog. Really - he was sniffing a ladies leg and she didnt even grab him or stall him for me. So I need some Karma. This is my first pet dog as an adult.

    Originally Posted by Jenn3878 View Post
    Awww what a cute pupper! Have you picked a name yet??
    Kinyobi きんようび is his name. It means Friday in Japanese

    Originally Posted by Alyssa View Post
    he is a cutie!! are you keeping him?
    Yep! We have a vet appointment for next week!

    Originally Posted by Christine View Post
    oh he's so cute, we have some friends who live in Okinawa...
    Really? Any DoDDs Teachers? Okinawa is a great place!
  2. Hi ladies, I just got back in from a long weekend in Okinawa! I had a blast! Sunday morning, my friends and I rescued this cute little matted up dog that was roaming the streets. He got groomed that day, the next day we took him to the vet and a few hours later he was jetting off to Tokyo!

    He is the cutest little thing with such a nice temperment. We havent named him yet.


    Click the image to open in full size.



    Can you imagine this guy tied up with a cat color in the scorching heat with furry hair? The Vet says hes less than a year old!

  3. I read this book earlier this year. I hope I can join in. It was difficult for me to connect to the time and place...but I had to to enjoy this book. I really cant image particular circumstances where keeping a secret that pertains to life is a good thing. I come from a family of wierdos who keep the truth of biological fathers from each other. For example, my cousin has no idea that her "father" is not her real father but most everyone else knows hes not. I really want to tell her but its not my place. I also have family that has "passed"...for those that dont know - they look like a White person and on their DL and to "certain" people they are White. They in fact lead a double life but being on the "Black" side of the family, we all know.. and frankly think its stupid...

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