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Everything posted by BarefootBride

  1. omg, my fiance is stunned and I cant stop laughing! I had to share! Wedding cake clone of bride - Boing Boing Who would be interested in eating themselves?
  2. Your DW.com person should be able to put packages together for your group. Is it that everyone is coming from different locations? Because flight for one person coming from lets say.... IL would be different from another person coming from TX. So maybe thats what they are talking about. I am using DW.com and I got package deals that included 7 nights, Transfers, and Airfare from CA. Those (everyone actually) who dont live in CA just pays a bit extra to get there and then they fly to my destination. DW.com is just a travel agent and I would make them work for you.
  3. BarefootBride


    Have you seen DreamsTulumBride's TTD photos? They are beautiful! Check out the forum!
  4. I Love Tres Leches Cake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I So Miss Texas Now!
  5. Welcome fellow Texan!!Youll find some great info on here!
  6. Thanks for the review! Im not getting married in Mexico but its kinda nice to read your review in case I ever go back. When I went to cancun I stayed at the Le Meridian. The vacation was terrible since it stormed the whole time but the staff there was very nice and they had some type of indoor activity everyday for us.
  7. ummm... where is this view first unread because I have to scroll through EVERYONES comments to get to the last one... sometimes i am reading stuff that happened almost a year ago!!!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by LisaG That's great that they still had the dress! Where is the boutique? Maybe one of us could pick it up for you and ship it to you?? In Houston! You guys are so sweet! I havent seen anyone from Houston on BDW yet. I think I might have a family member pick it up tomorrow! Hopefully she can figure out where the little shop is!! I will keep you posted!! Im so excited!!!
  9. It can be fun and not so fun. Sometimes you just want to have a normal adult conversation with a few drinks and say a few bad words!!! The conversation of a 4 year old doesnt get too complicated! I worked night shift before and I actually loved it! Thats how I put myself through undergrad!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild What do you teach? Just being nosey instead of doing work at work Oh No problem! Anything is better than work but... isnt it kind of late in the states now? I got hired to teach third grade since i was teaching it in TX. I taught for one year and asked to go down a few grades! When I say down I meant down! I know teach PreK! I love it. Yesterday one of my students asked if she could go to my wedding, and I said "Of course!" and she said, "I will ask my mommy first okay?" lol
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by monicabrandon2008 WELCOME! FIJI, I'm SO jealous = ) I would love to go there one day. How did you guys end up in Japan? I am a teacher for the US department of defense! He's a civilian worker for the US government as well working in Japan.
  12. Catherine... a bag is 10.00 and davids bridal! You dont have to buy a dress from there! The cheap bast... charged me for a bag and I bought my dress from there!!! It was that or a plastic bag... and I was thinking for a dress almost 600.00 they could have spared a freakin bag... (venting) sorry...
  13. I loved your photos! You looked beautiful and your wedding was sooooo festive!!!
  14. I have seen some beautiful bouquets with photos of passed loved ones attached. I think I would like to do the same. Where do I start? I know I need ribbon and a little frame... is that it I dont want it to fall off!
  15. Ladies, as you know, I live wayyyyy in Japan and flew to the states over winter break to buy a dress.... well I bought a dress but there was this other one that I loved as well... I just thought the first one was more "appropriate" for the location (FIJI) and travel arrangements (1 big plane, 1 itty bitty 9 seater plane, and a boat). I flew back to Japan KNOWING I had second thoughts... and then found this forum and you girls are redefining appropriate (is a good way) and started to feel relieved that I could wear and do whatever I wanted to do for my wedding (even if that means sitting in a tiny plane covered with lace and chiffon!) LONG STORRY SHORT... I have been here (in Japan) for 2 weeks and early this morning I woke up and called the little boutique that had the dress I originally wanted and THEY STILL HAVE....IT WAS THE VERY LAST ONE!!! I BOUGHT IT. Now I have to get someone to pick it up and mail it to me! When I get it I will put it on and take pictures of both dresses so you guys can see. Maybe an upcoming poll? I AM SO EXCITED. Now I have to figure out how to sell the other one.
  16. Wow I can only hope for photos like that at my wedding!! THESE WERE AWESOME! You looked stunning!!!!!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild The salon told me to bring my wedding heels to the fitting. I said I'm not wearing shoes at the wedding and they were like "what do you mean?!" LOL I guess they don't handle many DWs... That pretty much happened to me... and the look they gave me when I said that I wasn't wearing a veil! The dress I got (ie the one in questioning right now) only needs to be altered at the neck. But the length is great!
  18. THE DRESS IS GOING TO LOOK AMAZING!! You can tell just how close this forum is by the anxiousness of the posting... I was really really excited as I waited... and then to see you situate yourself to take a self portrait in the mirror without it buttoned up is AMAZING!!! This site rocks!!!! Bride Power!
  19. I love the flowers. I am going to wear a piece of my grandma's clothing attached under my dress on my wedding day. She passed this past summer. I can never forget her telling me that she was going to dance on my wedding day...
  20. I know the feeling --- EXCEPT WORSE! My parents pretty much tried to change my mind about my DW by telling me that they would pay for the whole thing if I got married in Houston (my hometown), granted my FI and I live in Japan.... (can you imagine planning an actual traditional wedding across the other side of the world?? - STRESSFUL) Well, I didnt budge but what really P***ed me off was when I was just in the US during the holidays, my parents and I went wedding dress shopping, they didnt offer to put a penny on my dress! My parents arent even coming to the wedding. My FI's parents are coming and my FI hinted to me that they were going to pay for the wedding!!!!!! But BACK ON YOU!!! (had to vent!!) I think that if your FI's parents are financially okay then I think that they should of been nice enough to offer to pay for you and your husbands flight and accommodations to the wedding destination or host a pre-wedding party! I assumed that we were going to pay for everything! I guess because it took us so long to get married! Hes 40 and never been married and Im 29. I guess it would be a really nice gesture if someone offered to help out but I guess its not happening. Oh well!
  21. This is so exciting! And Im not even going!!! You are going to have a great time! I send you only good wishes!!!! Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Its classic. you dont want something too high maintenance. I would be afraid to mess my hair up if I had too much going on!!! I like the orchids!!!
  23. welcome! this site has some great info on it!!! Congrats
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