Ladies, as you know, I live wayyyyy in Japan and flew to the states over winter break to buy a dress.... well I bought a dress but there was this other one that I loved as well... I just thought the first one was more "appropriate" for the location (FIJI) and travel arrangements (1 big plane, 1 itty bitty 9 seater plane, and a boat). I flew back to Japan KNOWING I had second thoughts... and then found this forum and you girls are redefining appropriate (is a good way) and started to feel relieved that I could wear and do whatever I wanted to do for my wedding (even if that means sitting in a tiny plane covered with lace and chiffon!)
LONG STORRY SHORT... I have been here (in Japan) for 2 weeks and early this morning I woke up and called the little boutique that had the dress I originally wanted and THEY STILL HAVE....IT WAS THE VERY LAST ONE!!! I BOUGHT IT. Now I have to get someone to pick it up and mail it to me! When I get it I will put it on and take pictures of both dresses so you guys can see. Maybe an upcoming poll? I AM SO EXCITED. Now I have to figure out how to sell the other one.