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Everything posted by BarefootBride

  1. Stormsong, I really like your idea of making a puzzle book! Thats really neat! Now will someone please tell me to stop buying crap for my OOT bags I got one of my bags from LLBean back (I am getting them monogramed) and it was bigger than I expected!! http://cdn.llbean.com/products/trave...t_Sea_Aqua.jpg So now I feel like a loser giving big bags with hardly anything. Someone please tell me to stop! So this is what I have already: Burt Bee's Outdoor Survival kit First Aide supplies Minimus - For All Your Travel Size Item Needs Mesquito Repellent Wipes by L'occtaine en Provence Atomic Travel Clock Pen and Notepad Mini Lip Balma and Mini Sunscreen Bookmark Soduku Puzzle book Playing Cards Sandlewood Fan And a few snacks... Is that really enough?
  2. I personally would choose to have it where YOU want to. It sounds like you like Azul! I say go for it. It is your wedding! Of course this is from someone who chose Fiji for her wedding... But if guest are more important, go where most of the guest can afford.
  3. If you ladies have something like flickr or photobucket then you can just go to the photo, and copy the image location!Then inside the message click on the insert image button and paste it there,
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by redwards Dude! That's a pretty seriously tattoo...no wonder it took a while! Gorgeous colors..and I love the whole idea behind it!! :-) Hey soo off topic, but are you from Houston... Sambucca rings a bell!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by yari2566 Check out Get Married - Wedding Planning, TV, Brides & More I believe it's part of Lifetime television. Anyhow, they have a show called Get Married and they just aired an episode on plus size wedding gowns. I am sure they have the info posted on their website. Thanks for this link! I ve never been there! It even has one of the resorts in Fiji I considered! Thanks!
  7. This ended up being my first dress... It looks SOOOO much better on you!!!!!!!! You look beautiful!!! I wish we were the same size because I am selling mine for 300.00!!! I ended up getting another dress. BUT YOU ARE SO RIGHT - This dress looks 10 times prettier in person than in photos!
  8. No Veil. Its going to be a super small wedding so I really dont see the extra need in it. I do think they are very pretty though
  9. I am glad you got the dress you really wanted. Didnt you have another one? Did you exchange it? I love your new one! I think I tried that one on because I really really wanted lace but I needed a halter to hold the girls up! lol
  10. I am so nervous. I just booked and will be paying in a few days for the video lady. Actually the Photographer's wife! I have only seen his work which is nice but I havent seen hers. I requested a sample and he said that she'd have it done in a few weeks. But meanwhile, I dont think i can get my $$$ back once I pay. I am very worried but I think that its essential to get a DVD since none of my family will be there. I just dont have much choice in Fiji.
  11. FI has always wanted to go to NZ so I am trying my best to find a way to head from FIJI to NZ and drive around the island for a week in a camper!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyP How to make Retro Silk Flower & Rhinestone Hair Pins this is the site I hope to use to create my hair flower. But I have what is know as dreadlocs so I dont know if my hair is too thick for a hair clip I have problems with clips too because my hair is so big! I have to use big thick clips just to hold all of my hair when its natural. You should be able to find some with bobby pins. I think pins are better because you get to be more creative with positioning the flower. I got mine from Davids Bridal but it was quite expensive. You could probably make your own!
  13. Here is my first picture sig! Thought it would be fun!
  14. I am sending mine out the beginning of March with RSVP only to the wedding TA. I dont plan to deal with it. I will only plan for those who have booked.
  15. I Feel Your Pain. I Cant Return Mine Either!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. i hope you can exchange it! I ended up with 2 dresses too! If only I can return the first one!
  17. Love your rings. I am waiting for mine from Blue Nile as well. Unfortunately FI had it sent to the states because of $ and then FI's family is suppose to send it here. I am so nervous. I hope it doesn't get lost! Please let me know how you like your rings! Im so excited for you!!!!
  18. I have been to Thailand but not Bali yet. I plan to go someday before I leave Japan. I LOVE Thailand and would go back in a minute!
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