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Everything posted by BarefootBride

  1. It depends on your income I think. To some 5k isnt a lot but to others (like me) it is. My wedding band will be3.5K and I think that is way too much BUT it goes with my ring. I got FI his band from Overstock.com: Online Shopping Bedding, Furniture, Electronics, Jewelry, Clothing & more for 70 bucks. For 5k... there better at least 1K of diamonds!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyP THAT WOULD BE GOOD IF I lived by myself. Most snacks I steal are for my son's lunch. I doo GREAT at home it is at work. All the fat heffas with the cheese steaks and chicken wings and chinese food chips candy etc. Also I snack when my kids piss me off which has been everyday last week. I do better over the summer and christmas breaks. I feel your pain. whats up with teachers I have an aid and that woman use to keep food around and I had to tell her to get rid of it or take it home. There is always food going around schools! Thats why all of our asses are huge! Just say no to family girl scouts OR buy them for other people who live outside of your home. Or just donate the money! Dont bring them in your house or classroom!!!! They are evil!!!!! Maybe you will have to start using "healthier" snacks for your sons lunch? He'll get use to it...or he wont eat.
  3. It looks great! Now you got to stuff those bridesmaids bags!!!!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyCheese No, not the Girl Scouts cookies!! I have 2 boxes coming my way, I'm going to have to ration them out--one cookie per day!! Ive been an elementary teacher for about 5 years and you know what - I just say NO when those evil girlscouts ask me to buy their cookies! I tell them, I am on a diet. I could care less about the cause! If I want to continue to be a fat cow I will spend money like a fat cow! So ladies. JUST SAY NO TO GIRLSCOUTS!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyP I feel so fat. I believe that I am an emotional eater . I find that I eat when I bored. I eat when I am lonely, upset, tired and want to stay awake and most importantly if I know that I will enjoy it and its here. I have tried healthy snacks but it works the same. But I eat because I want to eat. Now I am 5'5" and I weigh about 165lb. I am very top heavy 36DDD with a 31in waist. I would love to get down to 130 but will settle 145. I will start a new eating regiment on a monday and do good all week. Then the weekend it is over. I AM A FAT COW Any words of wisdom on how to beat the gorging Im a fat cow to - much bigger than you - if that makes you feel any better Anyhow, it is a constant struggle with weight for me. I am the opposite of all of you ladies - Im not an emotional eater at all - im an emotional cleaner and sleeper.. I pretty much clean and sleep off my problems. But OBVIOUSLY I havent been sad in a long time. I am probably at the happiest point in my life so I got fatter! Now I am happy and trying to fight fat! This is what I did/am doing, I think you should try to (lot about 3-4 lbs in two weeks) Start NEW 1. THROW EVERYTHING Bad out of your Kitchen. Exchange veggie/corn oil for xtra virgin olive oil or sunflower oil Exchange Beef for Chicken and Fish / Buy mostly fish and chicken Exchange Fried for Baked or grilled Add some fresh veggies and fruit to your fridge. Exchange regular bread for WHOLE wheat breads And regular pasta for wheat pasta Refined sugar with yummmy unrefined brown sugar Add some organic and vegetarian ingredients to your diet. BUT GET RID OF YOUR SNACKS - CHIPS AND COOKIES AND SWEETS SHOULD NOT BE IN YOUR HOUSE. 2. Slowly add some exercise. Even if its just 5 minutes a morning before work. I did that and FI thought I was crazy. BUt I saw a change. I turned on a song and tried to do at least 4 floor exercises to it. I did sit ups, some dumb bell exercises, and some leg exercises. 3. Then try to go to the gym. I do weights class 2 times a week and I do and hour Cardio at least 2 times a week. I found ZUMBA... Here is a link to see what we do.... JOIN if you have one in your area!!!! YouTube - ZUMBA!!!!! Its salsa and hip hop fusion! SOOOOOO FUN!!! 4. Make a physical goal for yourself. Mine was run a 3 k... haven't done it yet I also started Alli - It helps!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyP they look great but i am noisy what is in the pouches.? lol those are the carry on travel bags I am sending my guest before the wedding... it has stuff like sleeping masks, socks, advil, dramamine, toothpaste coated toothbrush, and a plastic bag for liquids.
  7. We need the picture that the cleaning lady took!!! PLEASE SO PHOTOS!!!
  8. Thanks! I think I am going to use this one. #10 envelope... where do you get those in color?
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by bre I did simple paper gift bags b/c I personally wouldn't reuse a bag with someone's wedding logo on it so I decided to save money there. here is what we included (I think this is everything...): welcome letter dove chocolates alka-seltzer crystal light individual flavor packets (hotel gives bottled water in every room) emergen-c (energy/immune booster) custom bookmark chap stick sunscreen (little travel tube from target $1) pack of eclipse gum travel candle and matches pashmina for the ladies cigar for the men bolded items are the ones that people commented on the most. Pashminas were a very big hit. I bought three colors and let the ladies choose their own. Bre, I love the simple paper bags! I saw someone else on here use them for her OOT bags and it looked really classy, honestly, I wouldnt reuse a bag with someone's wedding info on it either! If I had a big wedding I would use really nice brown shopping bags. But I am doing nylon bags from LLBean with each couple's initials monogrammed on it.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by cdfrazier 1. Name: Courtney 2. Wedding date: 12-19-08 3. Wedding location: Cozumel, Mexico Welcome Courtney! Im a Texan too!
  11. I rather take yogurt with probiotics but I also found some chewable ones at GNC. I actually like them. I tried these 20.00 ones when I went back to the states - Culturelle I think they were called. Needless to say, I wasnt consistant with them and ended up having to trash them because they were out of date. What a waste. They did give me GAS! Hated them!
  12. Dont really know about the poor fish. Its really creative and I think it adds life to the centerpiece... pun intended! lol Anyhow, I like the 4th and the 3rd from the bottom.
  13. I agree with starchild! I am having a small wedding as well... looks like the four of us! Maybe 2 more if Im lucky! After the wedding we are having a fijiian ceremony thingy and then having dinner/reception. Since its a small resort, we are going to hang out (any reason to get some use out of my dress) drink and hang out with the resort band.
  14. No, it really doesnt bother me. Its the thought that count. Now on the otherhand, if i requested a particular gift/wine and i was given something else... that would p me off!!
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