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Everything posted by BarefootBride

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by BillysBride Oooh, I LOVE that! Totally doable, and I'll tell you a lil' trick you can use to get those curls! Sounds crazy, and you DO have to be careful with this, but it SOOOO works and doesn't take a whole lot of effort. I'm assuming you ordered straight hair, right? All you need is those medium to large plastic setting rollers...the plain ones you buy at most of the beauty shops. Get some Lotta Body (setting lotion) or almost any other kind really. Wash the hair (use clear shampoo..plain jane .99 cent stuff is fine) you don't want to use anything cloudy with conditioners because extension hair does not do well with it as it weighs it down too much and its harder to curl. Anyway, drench the hair in setting lotion while its still wet from the washing. Roll 1 1/2 inch sections ..depending on the length, you may want to "spiral" roll it...starting at one end of the roller and never overlapping will create that effect. now heres the part you're gonna freak about...but trust me, this works.... Turn your oven on warm..preheat it and make sure the burners at the bottom aren't glowing any more. Put the hair in (it can even go straight on the rack as long as its just warm and not too hot) and leave it in there, checking on it periodically every 10-15 minutes. When you take it out the set will be CRISP and all you have to do is finger comb it or get one of those REALLY large tooth combs and comb it through. That takes away the crispness, but the set remains...those curls will last pretty much through hell or high water. hahahaha. After you have the style in place on your big day (I suggest bringing the hair clips with the rollers still in them after drying along in a seperate bag or case) then spritz it lightly. Thats only after you've done your hair for the wedding. That adds an extra "shield" against the humidity, make sure you use high humidity spritz..something that says its formulaand ted to block the environment. Only thing you want to be sure of is that your clips are completely metal, no plastic. I'm sure you can see why. And keep watch on them because depending on the hair type, it can dry quickly and you don't want to burn it....not a nice smell in your house. Oh great! I got the rollers (actually they are in my head as I type), I got the Lotta Body, and ummmm... oven... but its human hair... you think it will start to smell? lol I will do a dry run when I get them before I leave. So should I roll my actual hair on my head too before I add the hair? And I have a question about this style... Is that a banana clip holding the hair like that? If you noticed, it pulled back but not in a full ponytail.
  2. Ah that sucks. I got mine off the rack but now I have it getting altered and I hate waiting.
  3. Wow! It looks good! You go and have a great time!
  4. I dont think you can change the color of something thats already created like clip art. If you want clip art another color you might have to go into a image editor like Photoshop, Fireworks, or maybe even Paint and try.
  5. I ordered a set of clip ins today... I cant believe I did it! Here is the style I am going for...
  6. Im the girl who lives overseas... so I cant check my mail until Monday! No worries! My monday will by yalls sunday! I hope my secret bunny gets mine...
  7. If I had a large DW wedding (30+) I would go with paper bags. I really think they are sharp. I honestly think that cheap canvas looks ... well cheap but really go with the vacation theme. I also think the chances of some bags being used again will be very small. If done right, paper bags can look very modern and streamline. Here are some that i found.
  8. i love the fact that it doesnt have you guys names so obvious. I think your guest will want to use them again and again! THey are pretty!
  9. I say do what you want to do without regards to your cousin. It is your wedding and you should have it when YOU and YOUR FI feels its convenient for YOU not anyone else.
  10. You are so creative and crafty! I like them. Too bad I already have mine.
  11. I get emails from them all the time too! Theyre too cheap to call me long distance though.
  12. What a Biotch! If you want to feel better and less pissed off this is what you do: Find out everything you know about her- her husbands email for one. Her moms email or address... when your husband gets stuff like that.... take his phone or email account (dont tell him) and forward that shit she sends (especially the seductive photos)to her husband and mother!!!! If she calls your husband and asks why he did that... he wont have a clue... and you wont either! It must have been an accident.... lol
  13. I carried mine from Texas to Tokyo is just the thick white garment bag and stored it in the overhead bin... It wasnt even wrinkled after a 12 hour flight!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMrsB Oh. Great suggestion. I totally think I need this now. I just washed my hair yesterday and it feels GROSS today. This is also gross but my scalp is so dry! It's so flaky I hate it. Do you know of a good product to fix that? I normally use Aveda or Paul Mitchell shampoo's and it's not getting rid of the flake. OK, girls. Here is a picture of what I want my hair to look like on my wed. day. Tell me what you guys think and whether or not its do-able with the humidy and fusion extensions? The style Im going for is very similar... I just cant find the photo!
  15. Savannah, come to Fiji and do my hair! I think we should all sign up for some hair consultations! Did you see the website I was thinking about ordering from? www.hairconsipracy.com Do you think I should get them? I really want long hair for my wedding.
  16. I got quotes as soon as I knew I was getting married... Maybe 9 months HOWEVER I was smart and didnt go with the airfare. I just got my airfare because according to the TA's in Japan the "specials" come in "seasons" Back in January the price to go just to fiji was as much as 4k us dollars. But this week I bought my ticket for 1600 usd to fiji AND New Zealand! YEAH!!!!!
  17. Thanks! Im not using them for my wedding. Im actually using them for a project for my little students!
  18. Thanks BillysBride, Im going online when I get to work to order Porosity Control. Never heard of it. I use every darn hair products available... Aveda, Frizz Ease, ouidad, carrot oil, and biosilk. Somehow my hair gets use to a product and stop working with it and I have to switch up! Im thinking that I should start getting relaxers more. I get one every summer and winter.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMrsB Agreed girls. Sorry, if we offended anyone. I'm sure that was not the intention. She was just trying to describe her hair texture. My little sister has hair down to her butt literally and she gets made fun of from caucasian people because her hair is frizzier than theirs. My mom is caucasian and has thick frizzy hair. I think we all know that everyone has different textures of hair and unfortunately different textures are different to work with for certain hairstyles. That was really all that was meant. I agree though for the kids sake, that is probably not the best thing to say. Children now a days have enough pressure and things to worry about than adding something else into the mix. Oh No! Dont apologize because I dont think anyone was offended!! I know Im not. Honestly, these are terms that we grew up with (whether family or friends used them) and when it comes down to explaining the texture of hair we are all familiar with the term! lol Now we got to get back on the subject and find out how we are going to tame or curls and wear our hair in the tropics!!!! So frustrating... I literally woke up thinking about it!
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