Quote: Originally Posted by BillysBride Oooh, I LOVE that! Totally doable, and I'll tell you a lil' trick you can use to get those curls! Sounds crazy, and you DO have to be careful with this, but it SOOOO works and doesn't take a whole lot of effort. I'm assuming you ordered straight hair, right? All you need is those medium to large plastic setting rollers...the plain ones you buy at most of the beauty shops. Get some Lotta Body (setting lotion) or almost any other kind really. Wash the hair (use clear shampoo..plain jane .99 cent stuff is fine) you don't want to use anything cloudy with conditioners because extension hair does not do well with it as it weighs it down too much and its harder to curl. Anyway, drench the hair in setting lotion while its still wet from the washing. Roll 1 1/2 inch sections ..depending on the length, you may want to "spiral" roll it...starting at one end of the roller and never overlapping will create that effect.
now heres the part you're gonna freak about...but trust me, this works....
Turn your oven on warm..preheat it and make sure the burners at the bottom aren't glowing any more. Put the hair in (it can even go straight on the rack as long as its just warm and not too hot) and leave it in there, checking on it periodically every 10-15 minutes. When you take it out the set will be CRISP and all you have to do is finger comb it or get one of those REALLY large tooth combs and comb it through. That takes away the crispness, but the set remains...those curls will last pretty much through hell or high water. hahahaha. After you have the style in place on your big day (I suggest bringing the hair clips with the rollers still in them after drying along in a seperate bag or case) then spritz it lightly. Thats only after you've done your hair for the wedding. That adds an extra "shield" against the humidity, make sure you use high humidity spritz..something that says its formulaand ted to block the environment.
Only thing you want to be sure of is that your clips are completely metal, no plastic. I'm sure you can see why. And keep watch on them because depending on the hair type, it can dry quickly and you don't want to burn it....not a nice smell in your house. Oh great! I got the rollers (actually they are in my head as I type), I got the Lotta Body, and ummmm... oven... but its human hair... you think it will start to smell? lol I will do a dry run when I get them before I leave. So should I roll my actual hair on my head too before I add the hair? And I have a question about this style... Is that a banana clip holding the hair like that? If you noticed, it pulled back but not in a full ponytail.