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Everything posted by BarefootBride

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Opice34 And also - Le Meridien appears to have a great spa. (I didn't get any services, but they gave us a tour and it looks lovely.) And I still love the reception terrace at Le Meridien! You are right! The spa is nice! Since it stormed my whole time there we ended up at the spa!
  2. OMG Alyssa! That truly is horrible! DId your guest get travel insurance? I am so sorry.
  3. Man! I wish we could have a meet up closer to me. From everyones experiences it seems so fun!
  4. Welcome! Its getting closer to the date! I hope you find some last minute ideas!
  5. I have two... For individuals I added their names to it and bought them in wedding colors For a Couple thats going Monogrammed
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Pisces Here is my question, and I seriously hope I don't offend anyone. I really don't like bridal showers, as I feel like they are a gift grab, and in this day and age make little sense when most couples I know have lived and established themselves long before they marry. I have always kind of resented going to them and having to buy a gift for the bride. Sure I'm happy for them, but I don't get why they deserve gift after gift... I always said to Colin that I don't want a shower because of this. I kind of thought that having a DW and no bridal party would help keep this from happening... like no one would assume the job of throwing one. But now I am getting sort of embarrassed that I might want one... mostly because I'm throwing another one this summer for my bf, just finished throwing a baby shower for my SIL and may have to do another for my other SIL. I guess I sort of feel like they owe me a bit of payback! Even though I hate that idea. I also feel guilty even thinking I deserve one because they are spending way more coming to my wedding than all of their gifts on weddings, showers and babies... or maybe the same. I don't know... I go really back and forth on this. I don't even know who would be invited to the shower because I thought traditionally it was all the women who came to the wedding, but most of it is just my family and very few (okay no) friends. so for those of you having showers or who have had them, who threw them? did you invite people who didn't come/weren't invited to the wedding? Well since your friends are paying a ton of money to make it to yours - consider that even. Going to your wedding and just being your friend should be enough. I know its normal but try not to think that they "owe" you. You have done so much for them out of the kindness of your heart and you dont expect anything in return but friendship. I think that showers can become out of control and become a gift grab. Honestly if you have multiple registries at various merchandise stores its kinda suspect. Why don't you do what I did, I registered at a charitable registry. We dont need anymore crap (and no matter how much you tell people they are going to still buy you more crap so for the ones that really had to buy US something we did a airline registry with one of our Frequent Flyer Miles - we live overseas so it helps us travel home). It really sounds like you want a shower and dont want a shower.... You gotta choose!
  7. I say dont call her mom. But dont call her Mrs. whatever her name is. Sounds silly huh? But think of how often you will have to call her name.... probably very few times. I say use "Hey You" lol Okay just kidding. I probably would just ignore it. But if you really dont want to, then let her know.
  8. Like a fetching spider? They should be called puppies! Much friendlier! Thanks Alyssa!
  9. Whats a Yahoo Slurp Spider I clicked the little graphic organizer thing next to whos online now and I noticed that there is a Yahoo Slurp Spider... whats that? Should we be alarmed? Sounds deadly!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Lizz I got antsy waiting to pay mine too. I could have paid it off months ago, but have been holding off on it so it can earn interest. I have my entire wedding fund in an ING account, so the longer it sits there, the more money I earn. Our last payment is due April 1 and I am sending it in this week. I had an ING account too... It took over Netbank and gave me this great interst rate and then I tried to log on and had to call customer service and they told me that I couldnt have an account if I am overseas! (you have to have a real home phone number - skype wouldnt work) that was crock! Anyways, I feel pretty sad because they pretty much dont support Americans overseas or better yet the military and government workers!
  11. Im paying mine off before hand too! It feels so much better!
  12. Ask Twelve_piece http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t17695 She made some maybe she has some type of pattern!
  13. I will be mailing my invites today. Here is the final product. I got some great ideas from the other girls for the ticket holder. I added Raffia Ribbon and in the inside added a real starfish... I bought or won on ebay! Today I am only sending about 24 out! I made at least 60! I have no clue as to what to do with my xtras! I feel terrible about freaking out over this project and really only needing 24 invites! Here is my tip - Dont plan for too many over. Its a waste. Preforator - ~3.00 Ebay Cutting Board - 1.00 100Yen Shop White Cardstock- 0.00 Around the house Color Cardstock - ~5.00 Ebay (still have alot left over) Printing - ~30.00 (changed the ink only once) Starfish - ~3.00 Ebay Raffia - ~4.00 Ebay Color Staples - ~2.00 Ebay Double sided adhesive - 1.00 100yen Shop Hot Glue Gun - 0.00 Around the house Envelopes - 2.00 100 yen shop (only really needed two packs of 12) Total - ~50.00 to make 50 invites! I did buy a bunch of other stuff that I didnt end up using. Sorry about the large images.
  14. So I wake up really early this morning because FI is snoring his butt off and decide to take a bath, maybe clean up before my cleaning lady comes (no kidding...Surely I am not the type to have one but I am the type that needs one) and check my email... so I get on Hotmail and notice an email from Ebay that I am losing my bidding battle for testor model paint! Damn! 4 hours to go. Last bid standing. Its me and R___L or something like that. I am sure he is going to use it to paint his stupid little model cars. But deserving me needs to use it for a school wide Science Night in April. Plus I am in Japan and how in the hell am I suppose to find model paint in another language... or let alone pay 10 bucks for a tiny bottle? ....moving on.... I decided to up my bid... R__L guy ups his. I up mine... Im winning... I decide to take a break and check the rest of my email.... and guess what? I have an EBAY gift certificate from TAMI!!!!! (foxytv) OMG I am like jumping for joy! I am ready to win my Ebay Battle. Thanks Tami for the awesome gift! (and for supporting my ebay addiction!)
  15. We are hanging out in Fiji for 4 days and then flying to New Zealand for a week. We are renting a motorhome and driving around!
  16. She sounds like she doesnt plan on making your wedding her priority. I would just do her a favor and drop her as a BM. It will make you feel better in the long run. There is nothiing wrong with having your friends be a spectator in your wedding. You will still have fun together in Jamaica. I can say that it was really great of her to book. That lets you knwo that she has every intentions on being at your wedding. But being IN your wedding requires more work that she might not be willing to do and probably is too embarassed to say so.
  17. Nope Im not. If my family is willing to plan and pay for the whole thing I would consider but at this point we chose a DW because of price and convience.
  18. OMG Thats so funny! There is so much truth in that!
  19. Celina, We could sit down and swap crazy family member stories! This is not far from what I have experienced. I say, remove yourself from negative people like her. I wouldnt share anything about my life to her if I was you. Shes your sister but you do not have to deal with her.
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