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Everything posted by BarefootBride

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMrsB I voted for the Canvas bag. That is actually the same bag that I wanted to use for my OOT bag. Love your Cherry blossom picture! They are starting to bloom now here! FI and I are waiting for the first spring showers to blow them all away! lol
  2. Im just ordered all of my canvas bags for my oot bags from LandsEnd. I think there is a sale - save 9 bucks if you buy 3 or something like that! I should be getting them maybe in a week. I think your bm s will use those bags year round unlike the straw bag. LLBean also have lots of totes! I got my FIL's oot from there. Its water proof.
  3. So SEXY!!! I loved the one of you laying on the bench!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Mel I know how you feel. My last final is May 16, graduate May 18, leave for PV May 24, Married May 27. School has definitely suffered thanks to this forum I'm graduating with a BS in Natural Resources with an emphasis in Wildlife Management. Please let me know how this goes through since you do it before me... I assume if you survive I may have a chance I graduate July 18 (in the UK) fly to Japan July 19 Fly to Fiji July 24 Marry July 30 Fly to NZ Aug 3... whew!!!
  5. Thanks for the info. Sadly I dont think I will be able to bring on that many bags. I am thinking about wearing a lot of stuff over and over... I have to pack for Summer (fiji) and Winter (New Zealand) weather... Sucks huh? Thinking I could just buy clothes when I got to New Zealand.... Denise, you dont have to do OTT bags! Lucky You! Im mailing out a bag (travel bags) prior to the wedding and giving them one when I get to the resort.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Heidi NO That's my biggest stressor right now. Going to my BMs tomorrow and we're playing hair. I'll come back with pics posted on Sunday for a poll and you all can choose for me! Great! I have been stressing too! My hair is super curly too so I feel your pain! I cant wait to see your photos!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by BillysBride Now wait just a damn minute woman...you are about the same size as me, and I am NOT fat...I'm fierce dammit! hahahahahaha!! Seriously, I don't think you need to do much other than tone. You can lose some inches and still enjoy the food you love. Adding excersize and cutting your portions is the key. I'm realistic. No way can I deprive myself long term, so I find its easier to compensate by working out a little bit more. I'm just now getting into my excercise regimen, but its coming along and I'm being patient with myself. Also, keep in mind...as Afr. Amer. women, some stuff is a given. We tend to have more dense muscle mass, and as we all know, muscle weighs more than fat. From your pic, it looks to me that you carry your weight beautifully and no one would ever guess the actual lbs. Thats the only important thing. Stop looking at the scale. It is not your friend, in fact, its a downright enemy to all of us trying to get a better body. Stick to a tape measure and moniter your progress every two weeks instead of every week. You'll be boosted by the results you're getting because they will be more dramatic opposed to if you were checking every week. Above all, stop dogging yourself! You are beautiful, you are sexy, you are FIERCE. Screw that damn scale, girl. Youre so sweet Savannah! You may be right about AA muscle mass... I told one of my friends how much I weigh and she looked at me in amazement and said " Why do you weigh so much more than me and you look smaller than me?" I wear 2 sizes smaller than her and I am 20lbs more than her!!! Crazy!!! I think its all about were the weight is distributed...
  8. I loVe Gardenridge Pottery!!! Ever since I was 8 I always said that when I grew up I would stay home and shop at Gardenridge everyday! lol Now I am grown up - Im too far from Gardenridge and I guess at 8 I didnt know much about money! lol
  9. Not at all... I have a DW specialist that organize the people that book. I also got online RSVP emails back from my website but when people started to inquire - they all changed their minds because the trip was too expensive for them.
  10. Congrats!!!! I cant wait to get home and view your photos!
  11. Get married in Fiji so I wont be the only Fiji Bride here... it gets lonely sometimes... (laughing) I know you are going to find a great place to get married! There are so many ideas and options for you! All of the girls are so helpful!!!! Welcome!
  12. Im a bp bride too. I dontated some points! Not all templates have to be downloaded though! Mine arent!
  13. Welcome. Is this a preplanned engagement! How neat... do you know the date
  14. Welcome!Youre going to find some great stuff here!
  15. I did two things: Charity Registry first because I didnt want gifts but people start to ask you if you are registered and if you say charity - they may look at you wierd (like they did us) So we registered at an Airlines. I really cant imagine getting anymore crap for the house. If so, I would end up scanning stuff I really wouldnt use... Thinking about it... I got so much stuff that I dont already use!
  16. Its hard...Im sure my gpa has dropped.
  17. Im glad this is normal girls! Im excited and nervous too! This is serious! Im in this forever... (nail biting) 9 Days!!! I cant even imagine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. I cant see the pic cause I am at work but I know EVERYTHING is going to be Fabulous! Im so excited for you Heidi! Are you ready?? Did you figure out how you are going to do your hair?
  19. love the colors!!! So bright and pretty! i wish i was on that beach right now!
  20. I really dont know but when I get back from my wedding in Fiji I will let you know!!!!
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