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Everything posted by BarefootBride

  1. I just got back from Tokyo a few hours ago... No signs of pigment change or burning or anything!! I got two shots of laser. The doctor said to keep checking it for a week. I made an appointment on Sunday. Fingers crossed! Thanks for the support and sharing your experiences. You can never be too careful.
  2. I feel fine too... its really strange!!! I got the cheap o frame from Jean M, I just noticed that target sells it. Its not worth 12 bucks. You are better off finding a locket or tiny frame and ribbon. Since I have nothing to do, I decided to make a guest book for my Pre Wedding Party. Im not really into scrapbooking but I found some really cute stickers.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Rachelle E. Yeah, same here. It's on our homeowners policy. All our insurance is with USAA...we get that because David's dad was in the Navy. Apparently it's for people in the military or their kids. Our kids won't be eligible for it. . .which is a bummer, the rates are amazing. :-( We haven't had to file a claim for it - thank god!! But basically I think the standard rule is to have it on your homeowners/renters ins. You may even want to just go through your current policy to see what they cover, any stipulations, deductibles etc. Then see if you want to change to a different/better plan? My friends husband got hers under USAA (hes Navy too). He also has his credit cards insured as well. One day they lost about 700 us dollars worth of stuff on the train and all he had to do was call the up and they cut the check the next day! My ring is going to be under my FI's home owners insurance in the US. State Farm or something.
  4. I would have. Everyone is emailing and telling me how cool they are. If I had to do over 100, I wouldnt have.
  5. 2 and 3 are similar. They seem easy to do. It looks like you will have to curl your hair in spirals for 1. I think its pretty though.
  6. md_ocr, As far as the differences you are having, have you tried meeting him half way? Or is some of his behavior things you can not tolerate or will not settle for? If so, I would reconsider. But once you are married there is not turning back. I think it is normal to get nervous. I just think I have a different thinking about relationships. I can see myself totally without FI, I can see myself single, but my FI and I together have become such a strong entity, yet we are still individual and he has made me such a better individual at that. So in my opinion, if you think you are a better person because of him then I say not to worry!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by twelve_piece MAC makeover: indoor lighting outdoor lighting Its not exactly what I'm going for, but I figured out what products I needed and one of my BMs was with me, taking notes so she can replicate it in Jamaica, and she surprised me by buying all the products that the MAC girl used! I love it!
  8. B-Girl, You sound so much like me. I ended up with 2 dresses except my motivation dress was the 2nd dress... now its not motivating me really because my seamstress has decided she wanted to alter it to fit me... so my motivation is the fact that she said "4 inches you cant lose that in enough time" during the first fitting. Im truly a sweet person (he he he) but in my head I was saying "Watch me Biotch" lol So thats part of my motivation. Also I decided that I would do BD photos and that is my MAJOR Motivator! Girl I bought some sexy lingerie and I have to look at least decent in them. So Im the bad one on here, I am on Alli and the MyAlli Plan. I did the full meal plan and can only take in 1200 calories, I lost 5 lbs within the last 3-4 weeks and my tummy feels lighter. People have noticed. I think I am starting to notice but its not good enough. I work out at least 5-6 hours a week/2 days resistance or strength training and 3 days Zumba. Im going to start running next week. YOU CAN DO IT!!! You seem athletic... I dont know about you but I get a high after working out! Do you? Dont you miss it? Get your butt back out there working out so you can work whatever dress you are wearing and that sexy bathing suit. I like your dress! Are you going to sell it?
  9. I picked 1. It looks the best on you in the pics. I LOVE THE MATERIAL of all 3 dresses. But I really think you should keep looking. This is from a girl who was on the verge of dress #3... Look Look Look.
  10. I picked 4. One is really fancy but 4 is up but less fancy and it will work with your hair length. Good Luck. You have a pretty dress.
  11. I tried! But I keep seeing it and I can feel them.
  12. I didnt because they arent going and didnt pay for a thing. But I think you should put it on yours.
  13. Thanks ladies for the encouragement (so I wont feel bad on spending the $) Lady P, Im not sure if I will be able to get the hairstyle I wanted. I might have to look for another one. The hair is so darn heavy and I got a lot of it! In fact I didnt even have it all in my hair. I also cant figure out how to hide the tracks. My hair was freshly straightened and I think it was too stringy so a few of my tracks was showing or maybe I didnt have it in right. I dont know. I DO know that I am going to wear them for my BD Photos. I think they are slutty. opps did I just say that? FI might like that.... I might have to wear them to... well... never mind.
  14. I bought the blue one because of my wedding colors but for you I say go with the clear. I think its so pretty!
  15. Sunny! OMG! Thats freaking scary! I will get the cream no doubt! I dont mind it coming back a little if it comes back thinner. I have these thick black hairs that pop out on my chin and its soooo gross. I have seen my older sister with hers and she almost looks like she has a beard! I am so trying not to get a beard. I did read that they come back. Maybe soon there will be a way to get rid of unwanted hair for good!
  16. I am so new to this extension thing but I splurged (probably should have put the money towards my future child's college fund). Here is me before with natural hair blown straight: Here is me with my kids college fund in my head : Here is me with my naturally curly ponytail: Here is me in my stripper ponytail: (excuse the fat rolls) They were really easy to put in but I am going to take them to an hair stylist so she can "properly" show me how to put them in and so she can cut them. We are going to play around with them to get some possible wedding hairstyles. What do you think? Am I crazy for getting these?
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