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Everything posted by BarefootBride

  1. what makes her womb worth more than mine? I want a 300000 dollar gift damnit!
  2. EWWW That really gets to me too! Im a teacher and when I get something with no name... even pretty art work... I get the kids attention and say, ew no name, I ball it up and throw that crap in the trash! LMAO Im so mean!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by DougsGirl Ha! I just realized we all jumped on Barefoot's bandwagon, cause she is a day ahead of most of us! Lucky Lisa, get's "two" birthdays! Ha! Did I get everyone confused? Sorry, Im confused too! Today is Lisa's Japanese Birthday!!! Tanjoubi omedetou, Risa!
  4. Im a second dress bride - was thinking about being a 3rd dress bride. I just realized (Im sure FI has already) that I am hard to please.. so I just give up. I think, really... 30 years from now will I absolutely care? Will I still be on BDW posting threads about it. Probably not. July is coming soon so I might as well relax and plan to have fun.
  5. I like them! I like the special touch of sand you added! Did you put a magnet on the back of these? I would hang it on my fridge if I got one!
  6. Steph THANK GOD FOR THE OTHER PART!!! Be happy about that!!! Your family sucks but the new family *est May 2,2008 - your very own family at that - will be totally different!! Thats so sweet of your sister. If you are worried, maybe you can put some money towards the cake. I feel your pain- My family usucks too - I hate allowing them into my life because they cause me so much stress and pain. I cry more because of them than anything else.
  7. I can understand why he feels this way. I guess he would want to keep something a little traditional. Its really nice how he even cares about invites. Most men just show up at the wedding and they could care less how the people got there or how they even got there for that matter! lol I think you should go to Target and get the black invites. Print some traditional wedding invite verses at home. Dont send out any rsvp cards. Just the invite. That shouldnt cost you over 25 bucks. Then create a cute newsletter from publisher and print it out and put it in your invite. If there are some people not coming that you invited anyway - ie grandparents, elderly family, etc... You could send them an invite out. I think its nice that FI is involved. I say, go half way. Everyone is happy. If you are pushed for time - ask FI to send the invites through the printer and you can do the newsletter.
  8. Omg, I am not clicking on anyones links. This is not helping my shopping problem. lol
  9. Welcome and have a great time planning!
  10. Welcome to the Forum Barb! I hope you enjoy it!
  11. Just wishing you a happy birthday! Have an awesome day! ... did you get it yet? Hmmm... maybe by Earth Day...
  12. How cute! My assistant's husband's job threw him a baby shower. I think thats so sweet!
  13. So close, so close! I finally have a dentist appointment. I start my laser hair removal (so not wedding related) on Sunday if I dont have a reaction to todays laser skin test. I have to book my gyn appointment (honeymoon related )
  14. This is so freakin cute! I would do this if I could get to a Michaels! I ended up getting a silver "shell" thingamajig from red envelope. Im so jealous now.
  15. Looks like the mother and sister of the bride... Lets ask Stephanie... she might know!
  16. I'm not sure if this goes here. But I ordered some ultra cute doodlekins return address stickers from Personalized Return Address Labels by Mabel Bean & Company They are so cute and the people that own it are so nice.
  17. Ohhhh How exciting!!! I cant wait either!!!!!!!!!! Im so happy!!!
  18. Ana we could totally hang out together - I am a shopaholic too! I bought a cover up and 2 swim suits! check this one out... I bought this one... its so cute! Its about the cutest 1 piece I have ever had.
  19. Im totally wearing just a bathing suit the whole time at my resort. (its a boutique resort and our bungalow is on the far end of the resort) For dinner with our guest I will probably put a cover up on. I will also pack a typical summer outfit - top and capri.
  20. What shadow do you have on twelve_? I wonder what shadow should I wear. I always end up buying the same earthy colors.
  21. Its all for show. Another black girl rolling her neck making the rest of us brown skinned women look bad. LOL For the record I dont roll my neck or eyes or snap my fingers. I do this -----> LMAO! Im starting to not like the Bachelor dude. Hes just as fake as Marshanas hair! Geez Im so bad today!
  22. Okay so I TRIED to watch it tonight (FI was skyping me from the states and kept asking "what are you watching?" DUH! The Bachelor!) Anyhow... Im glad the singing girl is gone and the young girl- Ashlee (I think thats her name). Im not sure why hes keeping Marshana. I think ABC must have told him to keep her. (I guess they think the US is ready for tv interracial love...or more directly said - Black/White) He just doesnt seem to like her much. He respects her I think but I dont see anything beyond that.
  23. Leia Im so sorry. I think you should go if you can afford to go again during better whether. I kinda understand what you are feeling, we are going to our HM not during our preferred season either. Who wants to go to New Zealand in the winter? But look at it this way, you get to see your favorite place in a different season! Plus you get to experience two different types of weather. Warm and Sunny and Rainy and Cold. You shouldnt have to put off your honeymoon. I LOOOOOVVVVE YOUR PUPPY AND HIS OUTFITS TOO. SOOOO CUTE! POOR PUPPY HAD TO SIT THROUGH ALL THOSE SHOTS!
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