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Everything posted by BarefootBride

  1. OMG! I would probably have reacted like you. I almost started crying. Poor Bunny. Do what the other girls said. Call the animal folks. Keep us updated.
  2. That freakin sucks... but at least you still have internet! Make the best of it. Get cuddly under the covers!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by ButlerGirl08 Girl my hair aint nothin special. It's wavy and course in the same mix but it's real think. I have just trained myself in the past about 5 years to do my own hair without going to the salon and it has been the best thing for me. Which is kinda why I am not worried because I know I can pull SOMETHING off...I just want to start practicing something different and have it perfected by June. I wanna see your clip ins. Where are the pics I still like it. You take care of it and thats whats important! I wish I could take care of mine. I just ignore it most of the time and now my head is like -"oh no what in the world are you doing?" It never gets attention but I better start working with it now so I can look half decent on my wedding day, My tracks are showing because my hair is stringy right after I flat iron it. Im def gonna get it cut a bit. I feel like a hooker. But Im gonna work them for my BD photos. lol Now I think I might just put hot rollers in it for the wedding and stick a flower in it. lol Here is me before Look at me with somebody else' hair in my head Girl that stuff is HEAVY
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by ButlerGirl08 I think I am going to bring a "piece" just in case my hair doesn't cooperate so I can make a real thick slicked back ponytail...How and with what are you curling it? I think she is just going to pin curl it without an iron.... I love your hair too btw! Did you see my clip ins yet? lol I feel so funny in them!
  5. I think they are so cute! Your guest are going to love them. FI had to persuade his grandma that it wasnt a real ticket!
  6. Im addicted too! I was thinking for selling some swim suits I had bought and never worn from last year on there. I just didnt think anyone bought swimsuits on ebay. I guess i was wrong! How many did you buy?
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by FYB87 Thank you! I don't typically wear my hair straight since it takes too much time to blow dry and flat iron (anything more than 15 minutes and I will die)! So now the research is on. Just another thing to add to the list!! Oh I did find some on the ouidad site....
  8. Cute! I never noticed that Beyonce got some ears on her! No wonder she usually covers them!
  9. Oh thats sad. This is morbid- but I wonder how long she has to live? If she is worshiped as a "god" do you think she will need medical help... I feel sad. But i do agree, shes still cute!
  10. Wow Amy it is huge! Are all of the yes' booked yet?
  11. Let them start acting like adults. If something goes down just remember that they are responsible for their own actions. (They better not ruin your wedding!!!) First of all talk to your guy friend about it. Maybe he should bring a date or something to distract him.
  12. Cute!!! I cant believe you did it before the wedding! Im waiting til afterwards but if I get pregnant no telling what I would do.
  13. Here are some of my favorites. with something like this comes in different colors. All from Nordstrom
  14. Congrats Tara! You are going to find lots of info here! Have fun!
  15. Morgan you has so much fun. Now I want a bachelorette party! I love how your friends made sure to represent Texas! And I have seen a few penis cakes in my life... they are hilarious! It was so nice seeing you happy in your pictures!
  16. Sarah, your book inspired me too! Since youve posted this thread I have lost 5 lbs... I dont have time to get skinny but I have been so motivated to workout and look the best i can for my bd. Yesterday I got some of my outfits... I am so excited! Thanks for sharing!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by FYB87 I am loving the fact that I found this website. Cause I hadn't thought about my hair yet. Does anyone have any pictures of hairstyles of people with curly hair that would be good for a beach wedding? I have attached a couple of recent pics to get an idea (I'm the black girl)! Thanks I have found more styles with large barrel curls. Nothing for our coil-y curls. I ended up getting clip ins...and will have to flat iron my hair. I do love your curls!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by anacgarcia here in mexico laser is way cheaper and you pay for unlimited sesions, right now I'm on a break cause im pregnant but i'll go back after i stop breastfeeding. I paid for bikini, face, legs, abdomen, hands and feet.. I had monthly treatments for a year and after a 9 month break hair has grown back everywhere but it is lighter and lasts way longer when i shave, so Im still happy with it.. I would be happy with that too.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by sunnydaes yay! you will love the results! how bad did it hurt!? It didnt hurt at all! My ear acupuncture hurts worst.
  20. You can do it Catherine! This is great news!
  21. We did. You can use them on your STD, newsletter, or most importantly your BDW Siggy!
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