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Everything posted by BarefootBride

  1. I was pretty upset at my TA for booking my FIL's trip to arrive days before us. I have guest on another ISLAND too! I figured I will give it to them whenever the heck I get a chance. I really cant do anything about it.
  2. first of all... im jealous.. I want to be tall!!!!! secondly, I like the dress. I would wear it in a heart beat
  3. omg tami youre almost there! THanks for sharing your stuff. I love your rings!
  4. You were a pretty bride! I loved your dress. It looks like everyone had fun! About the BM.... really some bm have no clue. They dont know what to do. Its pathetic.
  5. where are they?? Mrs Butler send me your user name or link!!!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by carly Very cute! And look at your teeny little legs! Now I feel like a beast. I second that! My god, my thighs the size of her waist!! You do look cute in that dress though!
  7. Wow You Go Girl! You lost a lot of weight! i like it the way it is but now that I see the old picture I understand what you want.
  8. Ann Youre so cute and tiny!!! Girl I look more preggers than you and Im not pregnant... okay okay I look right out fat... I better hit the gym! I really like this thread. Maybe one day I will get to post here! You ladies are so lucky! Congrats!!!!
  9. When arent you able to travel? Shoot if I could travel and I felt good - I would be at your wedding Yari! lol Of course I wont understand until Im a mommy...
  10. OMG!! I feel your pain. I dont know what to say. I just let mine get out of hand. My friend is throwing us a shower (couple one) She has turned it into a big party and recruited people that i dont know to bring food and help her. Honestly, she is my friend but she is also my assistant and so the people she recruited are assistants to and really not apart of my "friend" circle. Im just not sure if my friends are going to feel comfortable. Its like partying with the "help" - of course I have no problem because I will party with just about anyone! Anyways... I think its getting out of hand but I feel as if I have no say because I am not throwing it...
  11. On my receipt it says that all sales final. I couldnt take mine back So I kept it... and i was already out of the country. You are so lucky to have found the one you wanted! Congrats! I cant wait to see pictures!
  12. I cried! She was a beautiful bride. Your photos are so captivating!
  13. I would use audacity and just overlap them. I do have a friend who could probably do it for you. Hes in Houston. I could ask him.
  14. She did a great job! Doesnt it feel good to get your dress back? Are you happy with it?
  15. how fun... now whats dream phone all about?
  16. Im having a little issue. I have "guests" who took their little time to book and my resort is all booked up. In my case my resort is the only resort on the island so I have to pay for guest to come over to my island. I have no clue how much its going to cost. I am so upset about this but I only have a few guest and I know they are paying thousands of dollars to come.
  17. Your boobs are going to be like headlights the first few months! lol Im actually jealous! I was trying on my stuff for my BD pictures and had to actually get some mailing tape to try to get those babies to appear perky! I had tape going everywhere! gravity does a number on us women!
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