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Everything posted by BarefootBride

  1. Welcome! You are going to have great wedding in a really cool destination so dont worry!
  2. i voted for vacation spot. some people arent into pets like others. Plus my seamonkeys are way too small to capture on picture...
  3. Im not Canadian but this sucks. When I was sending my gifts out to my secret bunny, it took freakin a month for her to get the first package and she hasnt even gotten the second one!!! The mail Regulations are so strange.
  4. Only FI Dad and SM has booked. So it wont be just the two of us but we think it will feel similar. I have seen beautiful pictures and chatted with other brides that did it. They loved it. I would do it in a heartbeat and if you aren't satisfied, have a AHR or small Church Ceremony/Blessing. I say go to a place where both of you really want to go to and never went to before. The best thing about planning my wedding is that I don't care who could afford going or not or didnt want to travel so far, and if no one came I would still be getting married in Fiji. This marriage is about us.
  5. Sounds like you had a great time aside from the puke and fall! Love to see pictures!
  6. Wow, he packed for you? Thats great! Make sure he packed the Digital Camera! We want pictures!
  7. Hey Ladies, Mine is an Aqua one, I get back in mid August. I can have sent to anyone in the USA by September 1. Just let me know. PM me too...
  8. wth? Its so sad. When I taught 3rd grade I had a kid from Yemen and his family didnt seem like the type to marry and screw an 8 year old! Thats ridiculous! Now I wonder if the poor girl will ever get married again? This is sick.
  9. I am so excited. It might seem stressful at times but I went through it and its kinda exciting.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari Wow, that is so special. I saw the late Pope John Paul II in LA back in 1984. I was little and still remembering celebrating mass with him at the Dodger Stadium. I remember seeing him during World Youth Day in the Mile High Stadium going around the stadium in his popemobile. We celebrated mass with him but really none of us paid attention. We were too little I think. Quote: Originally Posted by amy706 I live and work in washington, DC and I just saw the pope go buy in his little mercedes popemobile. It was really cool!! Only a BDW member would I know get to see the Pop drive by and have a thread about it! LOL
  11. Sharon- this sounds really gay but you have a great body for that wedding dress! It looks good on you! Youre gonna be a hot bride!!! If I was you I wouldnt take that dress off for anything!
  12. just 4 days? Wow! Its destiny! I would def use it in a card or BD book or inscribed on something and give it to him for a wedding present.
  13. Wow, I just looked at the rest of your thread! You have been so busy!!! I love your TTD Dress!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by JennyK You hit it right on the head. He did say to me,"I won't be close to her like we were, I just don't want to feel uncomfortable anytime we come in contact with her." He suggested we invite her over for dinner or something and just talk things over and clear all the animosity. That way we all can understand each others feelings. I can guarantee she doesn't "want" my FI. It's the fact that before me, she counted on my FI for EVERYTHING. They always hung out, were each other's dates to everything.. and once I came into the picture, he wasn't as accessible to her. Now there was another girl in his life (me) and she had to be pushed to the rear. I don't think she liked that much. I honestly think that's why she's trying so hard to sabotage us.. because she wants her buddy back and be his "number 1" chick. He's made it very clear to me that he loves me and only sees her like a sister.. and its me he has to live with not her. Wow shes like freakin Izzie on Greys Anatomy!!! OMG!! Its G.A all over again.
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