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Everything posted by BarefootBride

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by FYB87 However, that just made it really hard so we just stopped doing the other stuff. So now we make out like a couple of teenagers. I've never kissed so much in my life. And sometimes I think he's going to hurt himself with all the grinding he does!! TMI!!! LMAO! Somehow I have a visual!!! You are too funny! Quote: Originally Posted by Pisces I think this is entirely a personal choice (and not one I've made) but I don't really understand why the choice to wait is considered something to send kudos about? I respect either decision, but I don't see myself as weak for having sex prior to marriage, nor do I see anyone else as strong for having waited. LOL Pisces, as a person with a serious sex drive... waiting is a soooooooooo hard to do! You either have to be really strong or just unavailable to men. And in my opinion a hand or tool cannot replace a man.
  2. Ladies in Waiting... I HIGHLY suggest getting lots of sleep the night before the wedding and relaxing the day of the wedding... dont drink too much or dance too much or anything else too much or else you wont have the strength to do the do later on that night. In fact if any of you all were me, I would be shutting down the reception by 8pm so FI and I could get to business! As far as me waiting... Geez FI cant get me to get off of him most of the time. But we pretty much are a married couple without the papers. We are going to try to make a baby before July.
  3. 1- maybe 2- under 200 if its a bit dirty 3- FOR SURE!
  4. Traditionally MOHs did a lot of these things but nowadays most of them are too busy to be interested in weddings and they just show up and fix your dress at the alter. if you are lucky they throw you a bachelorette party or something. Thats it. I think you should reconsider any traditional expectations that go beyond showing up and throwing a party or too. You might find yourself stressed and upset. Since you seem to be organized do the organizing stuff yourself or hire a wedding planner if you can afford it. MOH might not come through the way you want her to.
  5. tell her if she gives guest coffee they are going to stay up all night and never leave her wonderful house!
  6. MORE MORE MORE! I have been waiting for you to get back!!! Your hair turned out great! You looked stunning!
  7. Heidi These are great!!! You are so pretty! Your skin is Gorgeous!!!
  8. Thanks for sharing! I bet it felt good to relive a bit of your wedding again!
  9. I ordered mine from Jean M and Im not fully satisfied with it. I noticed that someone commented that they thought it would be to big or heavy... NO WAY. Its rather light... okay... extremely light and is super tiny. Its not like a normal locket. You have to print out a tiny picture and GLUE it to the middle. For about 15 bucks you could pocket it and go and buy a nice locket. Jean M's memory frame is a total rip off. When you really want to do something to honor a passed loved one and then get ripped off by doing so is NOT a good feeling.
  10. wow! I never knew Reggie was on here! I guess he figured out his wedding hair!
  11. Tammy, Elsie was surely a cutie pie! I would have cried. The new family should thank their luck stars for you and your husband. Im sure Elsie will never forget you.
  12. Its so pretty! Is your yard too? Youre gonna have to hire someone to mow that! Im in love floor plans too! It looks like you have 5 bedrooms! Yay! Quick Quick! Start making babies!!!
  13. Fans and candy are enough. oot bags are for out of town guest anyways.
  14. Its really hard. Dress 1 has color. Is it one of your wedding colors? I think the color really draws attention in a way that it makes you look slim. However the second one elongates you but does nothing for your neckline like #1. I also think the train on #1 looks much better. Its very A line. So I go with #1
  15. I showed my FI Mikes photos! He thought it was funny and then started to defend him and make fun of BDW... He has challenged me find a forum just for grooms...
  16. Pretty Pictures! Wow there was a lot of people there and Im not talking just guest!
  17. I like pant 1... the linen ones... I think... geez Im as confused as the groom looks in his modeling pictures! I did pick 2 and 4 for tops but since you say he looks good in blue... you probably are right.
  18. Morgan I am FI wedding attire overload! LMAO I cant believe you had that poor guy try on and take pictures of each outfit! HE HE HE! I must show my FI and then maybe he will appreciate me more! LOL OMG I cant stop laughing.... i know you are serious but seriously! This is hilarious! OKay I will give you my honest opinion once I chill out!
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