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Everything posted by BarefootBride

  1. I voted for the invicta I just bought my FI one and got it in the mail this week. It looks sooo good on him!! Plus I got it at a STEAL!!!!
  2. Saraha, one thing after another seems to happen huh? I am glad that she is okay!
  3. i remember that happening to me... the so called divorce man thats not technically divorce. Total turn off. I ran the other way.
  4. I will pass on this one but I honestly think that it start AT LEAST one full month before the exchange date.
  5. I love your dress! The cake was so pretty! Beautiful wedding!
  6. Oh no, this is horrible! I hope you get well soon!
  7. Nice! My friend is doing mine too, I hope they come out as nice as yours! You look great!! Now where are your wedding photos
  8. Im really considering.. I poop 2-3 times a week and usually just on the weekends because I mentally have to be relaxed. When I dont work I poop everyday and my tummy is flat and empty. I weigh about 3 lbs lighter...
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Jenn We had 12 guests confirmed prior to leaving (and a surprise 4 once we got to Jamaica). I think it definitely made things easier and gave us the ability to splurge in a few places. We also wanted something REALLY intimate, so we found a small all-inclusive where we essentially had the entire resort to ourselves. BTW I love your wedding!!!! I think having a resort all to yourself is very nice. When I look at your pictures it doesnt feel like you missed any of the special moments. In fact it looks as if you really got to live them.
  10. We are only having 3 guest so far. At first I was bummed about it but now that I have been on BDW and apart of the forum my eyes are open to some of the positives about tiny weddings. I started my actual planning in January. Everything has been booked, my OOT bags are done and my bathing suits and beach wear is ready to be packed. I keep looking for stuff to do but Ive pretty much done everything and stuff that I bought with credit card is paid off. I really dont have to plan for a welcome party or "reception" with a large group. So we just show up and hang out. I didnt skimp out on cheap OOT bags. I paid 20-30 usd for each bag monogramed and a bunch of nice stuff in it. In February I sent out a newsletter and a Fijian Language booklet. I also will be sending out travel bags a few weeks before the wedding so that the guest will be comfortable during the long flight to Fiji.
  11. Of all people who could relate and understand will be your FSIL! Ask her!
  12. I agree. I think there should be an OTHER forum place. Where do us OTHER folks post our review and planning pictures?
  13. I just downloaded it from itunes! Gonna watch it now! Bye Bye BDW Forum!
  14. You said it - hes a spender youre a saver. To make this marriage and wedding work, you guys are going to have to sit down and come to a happy medium. Honestly Im on your side.
  15. Another idea, do you know some place that does tappas? (did i spell that right?) Have those with drinks/champagne (sorta like a cocktail party)
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