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Posts posted by BarefootBride

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CaliaA07 View Post
    I don't want to be the odd one out but I have a friend from high school who is on Nick's show Wild N'Out. They've become good friends. Anyways he says he's a nice guy and stuff and to not believe all the stuff you hear. Now I don't know about him and Mariah but I just think I don't believe all the stuff I hear. But the tat is HUGE. I don't think I'd do that even with my hubby's name!
    I actually think that if they break up it will be MC's fault... she has too many issues! Youre right about believing rumors. And I would NEVER EVER get my FI name tattooed ANYWHERE!
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JennyK View Post
    haha good times lol lol

    that tat IS huge.. how the hell is he going to cover that one up when they're done! I had a boyfriend once who dated this girl before me that I knew. She had a huge tattoo on her lower back with her ex's name. Before me and him were together I said to him, "How do you hit that looking at another man's stamp!?!?" They broke up shortly after lol

    That tat is ridiculous... you know how much its going to hurt to get rid of that?? I think Maraiah may be his one and only wife... after her no one is going to want him with that huge ass tat!!!
    For some reason I think MC is coo coo for cocoa puffs!!!!! lol The age difference almost had me doubting them but its only 11 years and thats the same as me and my FI.. so I cant talk... NC just got unengaged to his ex not too long ago... he gave her a 12 carat ring!!!
  3. I think its the American Way to blow things out of proportion. We also like to amplify the negatives which cause us to get easily worried or paranoid. The world isnt have as bad as most of us Americans see it! BTW Is your FI having a great time in China? My mom called me about the earthquake today and like your FI, I had no clue. I tend to sleep through them too- I noticed we have been having a ton lately!

    China is sooooooo strict on their media and internet laws. Its ridiculous. Everything is blocked.

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