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Everything posted by KarmaB

  1. People usually start these threads by thanking the board for all the help the board has provided, and I am no exception!!! Thank you so much for everything you have done for me over the past 6 months. You have provided me with such wonderful support not only in planning my wedding, but also with my pregnancy and maintaining my sanity! We leave on Friday morning and I am getting so excited! Engagement Ring: E- Ring with Wedding Band Steve’s Wedding Band Invites: Getting ready package/gifts: We put together these packages to get people in the mood for Jamaica. It included a Custom Brochure, Reggie CD, and Passport covers. It was sent 2 ½ weeks before departure. Brochure: CD: Passport covers: Continued….
  2. I think you are actually pretty close. I'm pretty sure it changes after 30.
  3. My group was no where near the size of yours but when I looked into half moon, the rooms are defiantly on the pricey side. You might be able to get the ceremony included if you book a certain amount of rooms, but it might be a lot to ask of your guests to stay at such an expensive resort. When I looked the prices were in the same range as the Ritz. It is a beautiful resort though, and looked like a great place to get married.
  4. I always thought I was the only one who had this problem. I usually refresh it manually as well.
  5. Oh No! That sucks! Sorry. I had to buy a new computer cord for my laptop and it cost like $60-$70. You can order it through your computers manufacturer's website.
  6. Lisa- No, I committed a BDW sin. I left the house without my camera when I tried it on at the shop! Martha- That is pretty much what I feel when Hannah kicks. Usually I will feel about 6-8 kicks at a time, then it will stop for a while. It happens so quickly it's easy to miss.
  7. Glad you had a good time and feeling better! Thanks for sharing pics!
  8. It's really pretty! Congrats on finding the dress.
  9. Thanks girls. I'm super excited too. I'm going to try really hard and get a planning post up before I leave.
  10. Just an FYI, some adult only hotels will let minors come on the property to attend a wedding. I have 2 minors coming to RP the day of my wedding.
  11. Wow Amy, everything looks so amazing! You did a spectacular job. I hope you have a wonderful time!
  12. I hope your day was fantastic! Congrats! Can't wait to see pics!
  13. I hope your day was fantastic! Congrats! Can't wait to see pics!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Just Martha Hey, when do you leave for the wedding? Friday morning! I'm officially starting to get nervous. I woke up at 7:30 this morning to do laundry and I am not a morning person.
  15. Mo, I just checked Steve's price on the generic Zofran and 30 pills is only $58.17. That is the price without insurance. If you can't get the generic at your local pharmacy, Steve can send it to you.
  16. I loved every detail! You looked fabulous! The fireworks were amazing!
  17. I had a budget when we started planning and I have since doubled that number. I have discussed every purchase with Steve along the way and we both agreed the expenses were necessary and it was spent on things we both really wanted. Now with that said, we are spending cash on our wedding, not credit. If we didn't have the cash to spend I probably would have tried harder to stay on budget.
  18. Oh, Mo, $685 is outrageous. I knew it was expensive but not that bad. Did they check the generic price for you? Steve owns a pharmacy, I will ask him and see how much the generic costs. I took the generic for a while and it worked just as well.
  19. If you're happy, then you know we are too!! Although I have a soft spot for BDW babies! :-)
  20. She's absolutely precious Christine! Her hair is so cute! I am so happy for you! Congrats!!!!
  21. Oh, the suspense is killing me. LOL. Just got back from dinner and was hoping for an update.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Jessalyn been feeling okay....pretty nausaus (sp?) most of the day, but no vomit...that's a plus. It just seems that nothing sounds good to eat....I don't want to eat anything. I just wish I had cravings...lol. I'm looking forward to being as far along as you the other girls...I want out of the first trimester! That is exactly what I had. I almost wished I would vomit so I could get some relief. It stopped for me around 13-14 weeks. Hopefully you will get some relief soon!
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