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Everything posted by KarmaB

  1. I LOVE Papyrus! That is actually where I ordered my invitations. I noticed similar place card holders but they had a longer stem. Great find!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by mauraw jose found out there was a show called married away about DWs and found out we didnt get the channel. so he called directv to order it to surprise me, but they told him he couldnt purchase the channel separately, he had to order it as part of a $45 extra a month package, so he didnt get it. i just had to laugh at how cute he was about trying to do it as a surprise and then when it didnt work out and he told me, he had the cutest sad puppy face! That is so sweet of him!!! And "jean-marcus" I'm LMAO at your Heroin to brides analogy! Too Funny!
  3. Oh, I love that idea! Thanks for sharing!
  4. I agree with the other posters, defiantly before dinner. That way your not inconveniencing anyone too much.
  5. I had a similar situation happen. My mom (who is single) was really stressing about the cost's of the trip. She told her friend about the wedding, then her friend offered to come with her and share the cost's of a room. So now her AND her daughter are both coming. My reception dinner is $150 PP! But my mom felt that she was doing her a big favor, so she asked me to send her an invite and formally invite her to the wedding. So I agree with the other posters. You should talk to your Aunt and Uncle and see if they're friends would be interested in going to the wedding at all, then go from there.
  6. Happy Birthday, Tammy! Hope your day is spectacular!!
  7. Ha Ha...Great stories ladies. I feel better now! :-) I found a new one this week called "Married Away", its about... Destination Weddings! So, I'm sure I'm going to be running out of Tivo space soon!
  8. I say the one with the zipper! I love the longer look. To me it's sleeker. Plus the zipper is really not that noticeable.
  9. Welcome to the forum! This is a great place to get ideas! Have fun Planning!
  10. KarmaB


    Welcome to the forum! This is a great place to get ideas! Have fun Planning!
  11. Welcome to the forum! This is a great place to get ideas! Have fun Planning!
  12. So, FH and I usually watch a little tv before bed. Well, tonight he went into the Tivo "now playing" list. For those of you that don't know, that's where all the recorded shows are kept. He suddenly goes "ahem, ahem" to get my attention and I see him laughing at the tv. I look up and sure enough, there was the screen FILLED with different wedding shows. LOL. It was so embarrassing, but he just laughed it off and started watching one! Hopefully, I'm not the only one that is obsessed with wedding shows!
  13. That's funny that this thread came up, cause I noticed yesterday while I was in target that they had put out all of the summer bags. And boy are they cute! I was think of using them as OOT bags.
  14. Ha ha. Wow that is great. I can tell you even changed the little girls face to where she is looking ahead. I wish I could maneuver photoshop like that!
  15. We are having way more family then friends. I think our family feel more obligated than our friends.
  16. Oh my gosh! I love that picture. That would be soo cool. LOL
  17. I think you might have started a DW trend! They are so cute. I think I might get a pair too!
  18. OMG!! I am so sorry this is happening to you. I second what Mrs.B 2008 said. Most likely the CC company will end up refunding your money because you never recieved reciept of your goods (Dress). Good Luck, I hope this all works out SOON for you, so you can enjoy this time.
  19. Ok, So I think I am the ONLY person out there who did the "unthinkable" and took FH dress shopping with me. LOL. He's my Best Friend and knows me and my style better than anyone. He doesn't know for sure though which dress I picked, he had to wait in the car while I bought it. But to be honest knowing that he loves the dress already does take a load of stress off of me. But I wouldn't worry too much in the end, because as others mentioned, he will just be happy to see you!
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