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Everything posted by KarmaB

  1. Welcome to the Forum. Happy Planning!
  2. Welcome to the forum. Sorry you are having problems with your WC. Hopefully one of the Cabo girls can help you.
  3. Welcome to the Board. You will love it around here and find ton's of information!
  4. Welcome to the forum. Good luck with your planning!
  5. I'm so sorry you are going through this now Jaime. I'm assuming you go to UTA? I go to TWU in Denton and school can get overwhelming fast. Especially if you're going through health problems too. Just keep thinking about how close you are. The semester has really just started so there's still plenty of time to make up assignments. Hopefully it will get better soon!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by StephanieMN He has had a visitor pass but that ended a few weeks ago. Does anyone know how I would find out who someones parole officer is? You said he was paroled in WI, right? I just looked up the parole departments website for WI and there is a phone number to call. I'm sure they would be more than happy to give you his Parole Officers name, especially if he is breaking the law by being in MN illegally. Try this link: Wisconsin Department of Corrections But as Kashmira said, be careful before you do call, maybe even give him a day or two to actually leave your mom's house. I'm keeping your family in my prayers.
  7. Hi Katy. Welcome to the forum! You will love it around here!
  8. Those are so pretty! They will go great with your dress! I think I might take a look at the website as well.
  9. How exciting, Everything looks amazing. I love the hairstyle, too! Can't wait to see the pics!
  10. It looks great Lizz! It's very pretty!! I'm so happy that they worked with you on the return!!
  11. Hi! Welcome to the forum! You'll love it around here!
  12. Congrats and Welcome to the forum! You will love it around here!
  13. This is a great thread and a great website. Thanks for posting! Genocide is such an unthinkable act and it amazes me that humans are capable of such horrendous things. Even a signature can make a difference and hopefully help save many innocent lives.
  14. Stephanie, I am so sorry you are having to deal with this. I saw a documentary a few months ago about women who communicate with incarcerated men and it was pretty scary. I know "stuff" is nothing compared to your mothers well being but, if her mind is made up & she does marry him, she should at least protect herself financially for her future since she barely knows him. If she owns a house, I would STRONGLY suggest she look into at least getting a Pre-Nup to protect her home at the very least, and to protect her from future Alimony payments if they were to divorce. As I'm sure it would be hard for him to find a well paying job. Again, I'm so sorry this is happening. I will keep her and your family in my prayers!
  15. I know a photo album was already mentioned, but if your into scrapbooking you could also do that. I made Steve one 2 years ago and he loved it. Jean-Marcus already said it but I have an Ipod touch and it's Awesome! The internet part is great. Steve gave it to me for my B-Day last year and had the back laser engraved (at apple.com) It said, "Happy Birthday, Love Steve". Plus, you can pre-load pictures of the two of you into the photo album!
  16. They look great so far! Reading your's made me realize that I should probably make one too! :-) "Adding to my to-do list now!"
  17. KarmaB

    New Member

    Welcome to the Forum! You will love it here!
  18. Welcome to the Forum! You will love it here!
  19. Welcome to the Forum! You will love it here!
  20. Welcome to the Forum! You will love it here!
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