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Everything posted by KarmaB

  1. KarmaB

    I'm here!

    Hi Welcome to the forum! You will love it around here!!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari OMG, so I pick up my future step-daughter from school today. She said that a girl in her class named Stephanie told her she knows why her dad is marrying me. When she asked why, the girl said cause they are both fat. OMG!!! I am so motivated right now. I can't wait to pick her up from school and I am skinny. Also, that dumb Stephanie girl is banned from the pool party. OMG, Yari. I can't believe that little (Insert 5 letter word). Kids can be so mean sometimes. I hope your step-daughter told her off!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyCheese Hey ladies, today was my weigh-in and I lost 1.6lbs. Last Thursday was my first meeting however I had a rough wknd and didnt count points til this Monday. So 1.6lb in 4 days is not so shabby I guess. Defiantly not shabby! Great job!
  4. Sorry, I wish I had the answer to your question because I would love to know. My hotel is owned by Sandals and I haven't heard anything like this before. If this is true though, I will be really disappointed with them and this policy. Steve has a family member who is in a same sex relationship and they are planning on staying at the Sandals Grande in O.R. and they hadn't mentioned it. I'll find out if they have booked yet or not and let you know if I find anything out.
  5. Hi, Welcome to the forum! You will find tons of information around here!
  6. Welcome to the board. There are tons of other RUI brides on the board so I'm sure you will find tons of info. Check out the Jamaica section!! Happy Planning!
  7. Welcome to the forum. There are tons of RIU brides on here, so I'm sure you will lots of info!
  8. Sorry that she is being like this. Something similar happened with my mom and I basically acknowledged it then let her know I didn't appreciate her negative attitude. I took a few days off from talking to her which I'm sure reiterated that she was being negative. Things are ok now, but I've stopped discussing every aspect of the wedding with her. I'm paying for it, she has her ticket and hotel, so as far as I'm concerned she can be surprised like everyone else.
  9. I just thought I would chime in on my experience. I have implants. I would do it again in a heartbeat. I had saggy ugly boobs before. :-( The implants really filled me in. I got it done in 2005. I actually know that I can still lactate because I took a medicine thats side effect was lactation and I experienced it. So the ducts still work. Most doctors will tell you it's NOT certain you will be able to breastfeed, mine did. But it was a chance I was willing to take. Under the muscle hurts like hell. FYI. You will barely be able to move yourself around the first night and day after, so have someone there to take care of you. But IMO looks much better and more natural. If I could do it again I might go a tiny bit smaller. You will be amazed at how many tops you will NOT be able to wear when your boobs are too big. Mine are large C's, borderline small D's. So be careful on the size you choose. Plus, in general I feel like my boobs make me look larger because now I'm so top heavy. Do your research and enjoy them!! I know your FI will. :-)
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by mauraw when i get my hormonal cravings during PMS, my FI always asks me "are you pregnant?" and has this look on his face like the world is going to end hahaha LOL. If steve wasn't so old and needing to get a move on it, that would probably be his reaction too! Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Ugh, I'm so frustated today. I sprained my ankle really good over the weekend and tried to still do a light walk with the dog last night and stepped on a stinkin rock and hurt it even more. I only have 20 days til the wedding and I'm at the heaviest I have ever been. Oh well, no use getting all upset over it now. I will really be relying on WW to help me lose hopefully at least a few more lbs in a couple of week.s Gosh that sucks about your ankle. But AWESOME about your wedding. 3 weeks!! You should try doing a yoga DVD. It's really low impact and you can still get a good amount of activity points. Hope it gets better soon!
  11. Wow, that sounds awesome. Welcome to the forum!!
  12. Yikes, I feel like I need to get moving. We were trying to get our invites out this week as well, but when I went to assemble them, I noticed that there was a MISTAKE on them. I am so angry about it and am headed to Papyrus after Steve gets home to have them fix it immediately. I'd make my list of things I need to do but it would be too long. :-(
  13. I hope everything works out for you. That would be really cool to work at at gym though. I always wanted to be a esthetician. I think that would be a fun job!
  14. Drea, I just wanted to tell you that I hope the second half of your day gets better!!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel When you start having your crazy cravings, you can devour WW snacks. hehe Don't leave us........I have crazy "pregnancy" cravings too. LOL... What's funny is I'm actually eating a WW black bean soup right now. But I added lot's of FF cheese and an avocado! I think the pregnancy cravings are contagious though, cause Steve wanted a big bowl of fruit AND cookies last night after dinner.
  16. I think you are going to have to do some further investigation about this. We are staying at a Sandals owned property and we immediately got emails and confirmation numbers. As well as a actual letter in the mail about a week later. I hope you get this sorted out soon!
  17. Oh my gosh, that is too funny. I probably would have laughed about it too, but felt very awkward.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by gkashmira Did I miss something? Where are you going? LOL... Yeah. I found out this weekend that I'm 4 weeks pregnant. (Totally unexpected, but welcome none the less)
  19. :-( Ahhh... I needed an pic fix before bed. I'll check back tomorrow! Congrats, on getting them mailed out though Carly. I bet that was a huge weight off your shoulders!
  20. Hi, Welcome to the forum! There are a few other Dallas brides on the forum, including myself. You will find tons of information here!
  21. Hi, Welcome to the forum! You will find tons of information here!
  22. Hi, Welcome to the forum! You will find tons of information here!
  23. Church has the best lighting by far. I feel horrible staring at my ring while the offering is going around.
  24. Yay! Congrats on picking such a gorgeous dress! I agree with everyone else. 10. Most likely the less expensive option.
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