Quote: Originally Posted by jamisoncollette Try anything with ginger like ginger snaps or herbal ginger tea. If you eat a couple of ginger snaps before bed and then as soon as you wake up you should also get some relief. Real lemonade also helps-the smell of lemons is helpful and dehydration increases bouts of nausea. Thanks you! I haven't tried ginger snaps. I will try them. I hadn't really thought about being dehydrated but that could very well be part of it. It's so hard for me to drink a lot of liquids cause it makes me sick. I've been drinking vitamin water because regular water tastes horrible to me. Weird.
Quote: Originally Posted by Christine oh sweetie, I had morning sickness so badly also, I am really sorry. I took Zofran twice a day for about 4 months. I was also in the hospital for dehydration in December, all I can say is stay as hydrated as you possibly can. Try to eat smaller meals and sleep when you need to.
I also had spotting early on, it was so traumatic and emotional, I feel your first trimester pain, it does get better. I swear (everyone told me that but I didn't believe them), I promise you the 2nd trimester is much better, you get to feel the baby move, you get to find out what it is and you finally start to show so people don't think you have some crazy flu for four months. Yeah, my doc first prescribed me Phenergan, but all it did was make me a little less nauseous and very sleepy. So she switched me to Zofran but it doesn't really help with the nausea it just keeps me from throwing up.
It really does make me feel better hearing that it does get better from someone who has gone through it recently. Thank You so much!