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Everything posted by KarmaB

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by LisaG OMG! OMG! OMG! You already found out?? That makes me VERY excited!! Congrats on the girl - - yah for girls!! I go next week for my 16 week appt., and I soooo want him to schedule a sono stat! Yeah, my doctor is amazing. She has a ultrasound machine in her office and did it herself. I asked her at my last appointment if she would take a peak. I still have the 20 week ultrasound in 4 weeks. Quote: Originally Posted by Alyssa Congrats! Hannah is a beautiful name. i totally agree about a pink theme and maybe a little It's a girl announcement with her name in an envelope. the outside of the envelope could say "do not open until instructed" and then you and your FI could thank everyone for coming, etc and ask them all the open their cards! That's a great idea. I love the envelopes. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine oh another BDW baby girl!! How exciting. Congrats, now where is the ultrasound photo? I know...I'm a bad BDW'er. If I can get my scanner to work, I'll post it for sure! Quote: Originally Posted by twelve_piece CONGRATS!! And good luck keeping it a secret, I don't think I could do it! I know...this is going to be hard. Especially since my mom can always tell when I'm lying.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by DougsGirl oh, you should totally do something with a pink theme, like maybe get a bunch of pink binkies and use them as namecards or something Oh, that's a great idea!! I didn't have any plans to decorate at the rehearsal dinner, but now that I think about it. A pink theme would be great!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege Oh gosh that is so exciting! Congratulations!!! Are you already planning a cute way to tell them it's a girl? So far our plan was just to tell them at the reception or maybe the rehearsal dinner. Hmm.. now I need to think of a cute way! :-) Anyone have any ideas?
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by DougsGirl yay congrats! so wait, you havent told them it's a girl, or about the baby at all?? wow! LOL...no they know about the baby. Just not that it's a girl. Quote: Originally Posted by twinkletoes Congrats again! Do you have any names lined up already? Yaay, you get to have a 'mini-you' to go shopping with! Yeah, we are about 90% sure we are going to name her "Hannah".
  5. We just got back from the Dr. and she said she is almost positive it's a girl. My little girls legs were wide open! I am so thankful she cooperated! The Dr. weighed her and she is perfect for a 16 week baby. I couldn't be happier and feel so blessed right now! Now I just have to keep it a secret from my family for a month until our wedding when we plan to announce it!
  6. Congrats!!! That is awesome!
  7. Oh, he is so adorable!!! Congrats!!
  8. I'm so happy that everything turned out so well. She is beautiful!! Congrats!
  9. Wow, your shower looked like so much fun!! And you looked great!
  10. I think that was a great decision. I'm so glad to be a part of such an amazing group of people.
  11. Oh, thank god Ann and Gwendolyn are doing ok. I'm so glad she was born healthy and wow, 5lbs! That is great!!!! I'm making my donation now! I hope they can all get home soon!!
  12. Welcome back!! Can't wait to see the pics!
  13. Wow, Congrats!!! What a beautiful picture of you and your daughter!!
  14. Yay, Carly!! Have a great time and congrats!!!
  15. Jenny, I'm glad that he's ok and you heard back from him. At least he's got a good story to tell when he gets back!
  16. Yay! Booking is a huge step! Congrats!
  17. Ahhh...Talk about un-relaxing!! I hope you guys can get it fixed soon!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel That's such a crazy insane couple to me. Is she off her meds again? LOL...... Well, at least we might get some celebrity DW pics out of it!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by LisaG Very cool! I just took mine out so it wouldn't stretch while I'm pregnant. Did yours actually grow back? I thought it would be there after I had the baby, to put my ring back in Most of the time they will close up. But they do have a special ring for pregnancy called "Pregnancy Piercings" Pregnancy Piercings when my belly starts getting bigger I'm going to get one of these. I've already re-pierced once and it didn't feel good. :-(
  20. When I was 8, Diana Ross called me up on stage with her at one of her concerts. I danced the running man with her and she gave me a big hug and kiss and called me "a little Diana Ross" My BF is a major Bone-Thugs N harmony fan...(not me so much) so I got dragged to a concert with her. One of the guys invited us to the club with them after the concert and we hung out in VIP with them all night. Then they took us to breakfast at like 3am. I've also met Jason Terry (Mavs), he sent me and my friend drinks all night at a lounge. He's pretty cool. Other Random People: Paris Hilton (at a bar in Vegas) Nicole Richie (at Nobu in Vegas) Ian Ziering from 90210 Mike Tyson
  21. Ahhh....he is sooo cute and precious! Congrats!
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