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Everything posted by KarmaB

  1. Oh, Rachel. I'm sorry your having a bad day. I totally know how you feel. I'm in a funk today, too. Hopefully both of our days get better soon though!!
  2. Very Cute, your FI is going to love them!
  3. I'm so happy for you guys! Congrats! You have such a great outlook, and the shirts are adorable. I want to get Steve the same shirt you got for Tim. Again, Congrats!!!
  4. I think you will really like them. Plus, the steam feature will be great when the baby comes. And you're exactly right, happy people never write reviews.
  5. I absolutely LOVED it. I honestly never got bored, once. I was sad because it was over. :-) With that said, It was just such a perfect ending to everything, I really hope they don't make another one and mess it all up.
  6. I wrote you this really long reply then I lost it... so I will give you the short version this time. :-) We have the Kenmore elite set and I absolutely LOVE it. My clothes come out smelling great! :-) We bought them in February. I did do a lot of research before I bought them and I honestly never heard that. I also sold appliances when I was in college and I never had complaints like that. Front loaders have been popular for about 5 years now, and hopefully they would have worked out the kinks like that by now. I think you should do research to make your self feel better, but really no matter what product you get you will always hear good and bad sides of the story. That's why I always by the maintenance agreement. :-) Here is a picture of ours. We have the same color.
  7. It was gorgeous. Talk about amazing views! I was absolutely in love with the outdoor shower that Charlotte used when she got the water in her mouth! LOL Now that would be HEAVEN!!!
  8. I totally agree. I feel like it's a little out of line for her to ask you to move your dream wedding to a whole other country!! If ROR is where you want to get married than you should stand your ground. I chose a more expensive hotel in Ocho Rios, and in turn NONE of our guests are staying at the hotel. Yes, it sucks a little because we are having to spend a ton for them to be at our reception, but we choose to suck it up because we wanted the wedding of our dreams at this particular hotel. Other people told us to change all the time too, but in the end it's about what you want not them! I don't think you should take back your invitation for her to be your MOH, just let her know that your decision has been made and you hope that she finds a way to make it to Jamaica!
  9. Congrats, Jen!! I can't wait to change mine. Partly because I literally have the most common last name on the PLANET. Lol. One silly question though, when I change my name on my passport will I loose all of my previous stamps I've worked so hard to collect? Lol.
  10. Like Martha, I will be pregnant at my wedding. 5 months to be exact. It was a surprise to us as well, since we were avoiding for our wedding. I morned the idea of not being the traditional bride for about a day and then have not thought about it since. I am so thrilled to be lucky enough to be carrying the child of the man that I am so in love with. I believe god has a plan for everyone and god wanted Hannah to be a guest at our wedding. :-) I think that everyone should do things on "their" own schedule. Most young couples want to have time on their own to become established and enjoy the honeymoon phase. FI and I both already have children from previous marriages who live with us and we have lived together for 2 years . So we are already not the typical young couple. FI is in his late 40's and time is ticking if you know what I mean!! :-) We are blessed to be educated, live in a big home in a great neighborhood and are more than capable of supporting this child as well as our previous two. Our children have everything they need emotionally and financially. So, for us, the time was right. We had already planned to start trying immediately after the wedding, thus the reason I was not on BC. It can take a few cycles to get back to normal and we didn't want to waste anytime. I have a beautiful, expensive gown that I bought and prepaid for before I found out I was pregnant and could not return, so it will probably need about $500 in alterations, but is it worth it to have the most amazing year of my life heck YEAH and I wouldn't change it for the world!!!
  11. I just sent you a PM, cause I wrote a novel since I've had the same procedure. But I just wanted to tell you again, Good Luck!!
  12. Congrats Sarah, That is fantastic news!!! Yay for BDW babies!!! Have a great trip!!!
  13. Everything came out great!! You looked beautiful. Your hair looked beautiful!! Congrats!
  14. Happy Birthday!!! I hope you have a great one. It sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun!!!
  15. I'm so sorry that she is being like that. My BFF is a lot like that and to be honest, I never pushed the issue of her coming because I had a feeling it would be drama later on. She is a really selfish person too. I think you are better off, not having her there. If your friendship was really meant to be and is strong enough then with time, maybe things will get better and you guys can talk and be friends again if you want that. I hope you feel better!! :-)
  16. You looked beautiful!! Congrats. I loved your choice of colors too!
  17. Oh, I'm already showing! Everyone knows, they just don't know if it's a boy or a girl. Quote: Originally Posted by BarefootBride Congrats! Do you think you wont be showing in a month? I cant wait to hear how this goes? Is anyone asking questions or making comments yet? Ha ha.. yeah that is what I said. She is so NOT modest! lol. Quote: Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian Yay for girls! I love how her legs were wide open! Haha. Little show off! Thanks Again, Everyone. It really means a lot to me.
  18. Missy, I am so sorry to hear this. I will pray for his family and you and your FI.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Just Martha Yay!!!! The gender predictor was right!!! You are so lucky you found out! When I went at 14 weeks they couldn't tell. I don't go back for another 3 weeks! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to find out what you're having!!! Did you find a replacement dress yet? I'm going to try on my original dress tomorrow and am hoping that it will still fit!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by JaimeLynne Oh and this is random but we've just started calling their boxes/crates/kennels "condos". It's so funny because we have them trained to run into them when we get out a treat so now we say "go to your condos!" and they run "home". Ok, maybe we really are starting to lose it OMG, that is so cute. We just tell our doggy to go to her box. :-( I hope the vet says everything is ok with your puppy!!
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