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Everything posted by KarmaB

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by roo66 cheez diva .You need to be taking it easy.I dont want to frighten you but going to bed is just the right thing to do.I hope you are feeling better but dont let your self get into the habit of telling yourself everything is normal, its early days so let your body guide you Also dont let anyone else, more importantly tell you its all ok.If you have any worries you need to speak to a proffessional.I worked in the maternity department for two years.There are hundreds of healthy babies born every day,but im sure you guys would be shocked at how many people leave the hospital heartbroken dont take any chances.My intention is not to scare you all but to make you guys listen to your bodies.As your pregnancies progress take note of what is right for you and your babies.If the movements decrease dont wait a couple of days to get checked out here in the uk, less than 10 movements in a day then you need to get monitored.However if your baby never kicks 10 times a day but kicks less than they have previously get checked out.I dont know any midwife that would moan about someone calling her for this reason.Im sure all of you will be fine the pros for a c-section are you can eat your lunch sitting, your tail end dosent hurt as its not had the trauma,stitches etc and you get off of the housework when you get home lol i cant wait to see more bump pictures .keep posting x Did I miss something? Is everything OK?
  2. OMG!!! Wow, everything looks amazing. I'm seriously feeling inadequate now!! GREAT Job!!
  3. Congrats on your little boy, Lisa!!! Congrats on your little girl, Sarah!!! It started to feel so much more real for me after finding out the gender. I can't wait to get back from the wedding to start getting her room ready.
  4. Good luck!! I'm sure you will do great!
  5. I am so sorry you are going through all of this right now. I know how hard it is to go through a miscarriage, I had one 2 years ago. Try to rest and take care of you. Everything will work out in the end. ((Hugs))
  6. OMG, I can't beileve her mom let her wear that. LOL. My mom would kick my butt!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine I went to the Dr. today and I am starting to dialate but nothing major. We are still hoping for father's day but otherwise she will schedule an induction if I haven't gone into labor by next Friday. Oh, how exciting!! I'm so excited for you! I hope she comes on Father's day! That would be so great!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by cmmdee Well, girls, FI went out yesterday (again) to try to find his linen suit for our wedding with NO success. He went to like 50 stores. We only have FOUR weeks (26 days--yay!) til our wedding, and he is playing with fire at this point. I want to pull out each one of his hairs, one by one, because HELLO, he should have done this a long ass time ago! I mean, I ordered my dress in December! LOL I'm sorry you guys are still looking for your FI's suit. We spent about 2 months looking for the perfect suit for Steve. Neiman's has an AMAZING Armani linen suit that is exclusive to neimans, we went to Armani and they did not have it. It's about $2000 though so we decided against it. Hugo Boss also makes a really nice linen suit, but they sell out quickly for summer. We ended up getting Steve's linen suit at Nordstrom's. Good luck, I hope he finds it soon!!
  9. Just voted, looks like he is in third at 21.67%... I hope he is one of the winners!!!
  10. How exciting!! Have a great trip and wonderful wedding!!
  11. Steve and I go to eat at this great Steakhouse in Downtown Dallas, and our favorite waiters name is....... Harry Cox... No Joke!
  12. I'm so sorry that you are having to go through this right now. I will keep your grandma and your family in my prayers.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by TA Maureen Thanks for the info on Zofran! I am hoping that I don't get as sick as last time. I got sick anywhere from 3-10 times a day every single day for 6 months. I was hospitalized 3 times for dehydration because I couldn't even keep water down. They say this time could be different and I hope it is. I am under a lot less stress and at a better point in my life with lots more support so I hope that helps! Yeah, that's about how bad mine was too, I only was hospitalized once though. :-( I also ended up with pretty bad pre-eclamsia towards the end. I'm hoping to avoid that this time too. You might be right, the stress factor might play a part in it. I'm in a much better place in life now then I was 6 years ago when I was pregnant with my son. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you that it doesn't get too bad for you!!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by TA Maureen Oh another thing that struck me a bit odd is that I told her how sick I was with my first pregnancy and she told me if I start getting sick they will put me on Zofran. I looked it up and it's used to treat nausea in patients undergoing chemo. I should note though that this woman I saw for my first appointment is actually a nurse practitioner. I don't see the doctor again till my third visit. Don't worry about the Zofran if you end up needing it. I took it a few times during my first trimester and it is completely safe. I know a few other pregnant women who also had it prescribed to them. It really didn't help much with my nausea though, it's good for keeping food down if your not able to keep anything down. I also took Phenergan and it actually worked better for the nausea for me. Also, just to let you know with my first pregnancy I had the worst morning sickness the entire pregnancy, It felt like I survived on crackers and water the entire 9 months. Now with this pregnancy the nausea was only bad for the first trimester, now I can eat anything. So you might get lucky and not have bad morning sickness this time around.
  15. Happy Birthday!! I hope your day is fantastic!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by ethrondson I totally understand and couldn't say anything different. I was hoping to wait until I was married before having kids, but while I was on the pill and in university, I got pregnant. At first I was not 'excited' but once we got everything figured out of how I could finish school and have the baby, I started getting attached to the child growing in me. After having my daughter, I went back and finished the last 10 weeks of school so it would be over and done with. Although it was a huge stressor for school, I can honestly say that I have never had a better 'oops' in my life. If I could go back and change it, would I? Nope. There is no way to know those feelings for a child until you have your own child in your arms! For all of you that have children, you understand this. For those of you that are waiting until after the wedding to start having babies, you will one day know this feeling and understand. To those who are trying to conceive, I hope you are able to experience this feeling very soon. To those of you that are expecting already, it won't be much longer, and you will feel the greatest joy in life, the heaviest love in your heart ever, and you will never forget it or want to let it go! As you can tell, I LOVE being a Mom and would never trade it for anything. We still want one more baby but are waiting until after the wedding. With my last pregnancy my pelvis separated and I was off work by 6 months, and I was using a 4-wheeled walker by 7 months. The last 2 months I was in extreme pain and had to go to the hospital a few times because of it, and it also put me into early labour that was stopped after I was transferred 2hours away to another hospital. After all this I am prepared to have another baby, even knowing that it could be even more painful next time. Why? Because it is soooooo worth it in the end!!!! (By the way, I am not trying to convince anyone to start having babies before they are ready, rather I am just writing this to share with everyone the unbelievable feelings that babies bring with them into your life. When the time is right, the time is right. Obviously for some of us, we didn't realize that the time was right yet, and nature took over for us! LOL) No, it was not too long at all. I can totally understand where it all came from. Naturally as mothers I think we feel the need to defend our choice in having children before marriage, but to be honest you said it perfectly when you said that nature took over for us and choose the right time for us.
  17. Wow, it looks fantastic! I'm having my dress turned into a corset back as well, now I'm super excited to see my finished product. Great choice!!!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Just Martha Hannah?! You have a name picked out and didn't tell us?! Did I miss it? I love that name! LOL.. I mentioned it on the thread announcing she was a "she". :-) No, middle name yet though.
  19. I was discussing this with my doctor at the last visit, as we both love to travel. She said that the best time to travel with an infant is before 9 months. Like around 6 because they are less active and don't want to move around so much. We plan on taking a family vacation next year too, most likely somewhere tropical though and we will most likely go when Hannah is 6 or 7 months.
  20. Martha- Sounds like you don't have much left to do! You're on top of things! YIKES... I'm officially down to 1 month now!!! I'm feeling a combination of excitement, nerves and joy! I'm off to go do some shopping now!
  21. Yikes, I'm very disappointed with your bro. When our baby is born, I might not want random friends dropping by at the hospital, but FAMILY is a totally different story. And I don't buy her "bonding" excuse. Letting someone hold the baby for 5 minutes will not disturb her bonding time. I really hope this is not the start of her trying to alienate your side of the family, because it sounds like she is already using her child as a tool. Very, very UNCOOL. I just think it could have been handled with a little more tact and thoughtfulness.
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