Quote: Originally Posted by TammyB Ok, so here is some entertainment for you guys. We took our foster dog to his first visit to the dog park.. Heres how it went.... How cute! I love all of your pictures. What kind of camera are you using?
Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege Last night was very interesting. We got home from work and looked out our back window to see we had a HUGE honey bee nest in our tree! I mean, this thing was four feet long and at least six inches in diam. of PURE honey bees! It was nuts! So then the rest of the evening involved going to WalMart and getting bee spray and then me video taping Shawn spraying them and running away like a scared little girl! Oh it was hilarious!
Oh yeah! And we went skydiving on Saturday! That was awesome! However, I convinced my dad to go too... and he almost died! AH! It was So scary! My poor mother. The video can be seen on YouTube - Chuck skydiving
If you watch when the shoot gets pulled one of the shoulder straps breaks! (please remember I was watching this from the ground with my poor mother screaming at the top of our lungs!) Thankfully the dive master cut away the bad shoot and the back up worked like a charm! it's kind of funny watching the video because my dad had NO clue what had happened! It wasn't until he got on the ground and we all went running to him and gave him huge hugs that he realized it was his shoot plumiting to the ground that he saw!! OMG, that is so scary. Thank god he is ok. You are so brave, I am deathly afraid of heights. I don't think I could ever do that.