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Everything posted by KarmaB

  1. Happy Birthday, Lisa! Your flowers are gorgeous!
  2. Oh Yay!!! I am so happy for Christine. I have been thinking about her all day. Happy Birthday, Baby Ainsleigh!!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari Thanks, it was taken at my birthday party in 06. It is my goal pic. I want to look like that again for my wedding. I know I can do it! When my FI and I started to date we would take pics of all the menus we ate at. It was lots of fun and we have tons of great pics from awesome restaurants. The restaurant in the pic is a dive one in Newport Beach though. LOL! I pulled my laptop close up to try and read the menu! Lol.. That's a cute idea.
  4. Oh no! Thats horrible, Nikki I'm sorry. That happened to me once when I got my upper lip waxed, it lightly scabbed over and eventually went away. I hope it goes away by Saturday, if not thank goodness for photoshop!
  5. Welcome back, Erin! Can't wait to hear all about it. Yari- I love your new siggy pic, you look so cute and happy!
  6. That would scare me to death if that happened. I hope it doesn't happen again during the pregnancy. I've been anxiously waiting on news about Christine, I've been thinking about her and little Ansleigh all morning.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by TammyB Ok, so here is some entertainment for you guys. We took our foster dog to his first visit to the dog park.. Heres how it went.... How cute! I love all of your pictures. What kind of camera are you using? Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege Last night was very interesting. We got home from work and looked out our back window to see we had a HUGE honey bee nest in our tree! I mean, this thing was four feet long and at least six inches in diam. of PURE honey bees! It was nuts! So then the rest of the evening involved going to WalMart and getting bee spray and then me video taping Shawn spraying them and running away like a scared little girl! Oh it was hilarious! Oh yeah! And we went skydiving on Saturday! That was awesome! However, I convinced my dad to go too... and he almost died! AH! It was So scary! My poor mother. The video can be seen on YouTube - Chuck skydiving If you watch when the shoot gets pulled one of the shoulder straps breaks! (please remember I was watching this from the ground with my poor mother screaming at the top of our lungs!) Thankfully the dive master cut away the bad shoot and the back up worked like a charm! it's kind of funny watching the video because my dad had NO clue what had happened! It wasn't until he got on the ground and we all went running to him and gave him huge hugs that he realized it was his shoot plumiting to the ground that he saw!! OMG, that is so scary. Thank god he is ok. You are so brave, I am deathly afraid of heights. I don't think I could ever do that.
  8. Hey Girls, Well I'm officially starting to freak out. I woke up this morning thinking about table runners. I can't find the table runners that I want for anything, and think I am going to just have to make them. I'm going to pick up my dress tomorrow, and I have this horrible feeling that it is not going to be right. I guess I should be more optimistic.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Turtlebaybride So forgive me for this horrible question......I know, I should be shot! And all my friends would never believe me, but what would the ipod do? I was wondering what we'll do too for the welcome reception. Ours is 2 days before and I certainly don't want to pay for music for 2 hours. My friend made music on her Ipod for our engagement party. But I have no idea what she did with it and how the music came out. I'm so not up to speed with Ipods. Everything else in this world, YES. Just not ipods! HELP A GIRL OUT. You can hook the IPOD up to a docking station and listen to the music that is stored on it through speakers. Basically like a CD boombox, but with a lot more songs than just 1 CD.
  10. Mo, I think you will be able to wear the dress at 3 months. If it does not fit or is tight you can always change the back to a corset lace back instead of a zipper. That's what my seamstress is doing to my wedding dress.
  11. Yay, I've been waiting to see pics of your dress. I think your dress is really pretty Martha! The pleats are gorgeous! You are going to be a beautiful glowing bride!
  12. How fun!! That sounds like the ideal bacherlorette party! You have great friends!
  13. Wow, the pictures turned out wonderful and Morgan, you look so beautiful! Great job, Kristie!
  14. Congrats, Morgan! Can't wait to see the pics when you get back!
  15. I agree with Mo too. My driver told us it was actually one of the only hotels to survive a major hurricane many years ago, so it could possibly be older than some other resorts in the area.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Just Martha ! Soooo many things. I have spent about $400 since Monday on him! And, I have been hitting the sales too! I told Jay NO MORE spending until after the wedding...we can't go broke before he is even here. I have bought a few larger sizes like 3-6 mo. and 6-9 mo. if it is something cute and on sale. Yesterday I found a Noah's Ark bib and I had to buy it....we aren't decorting his room in Noah's Ark because my nephew currently has a Noah's Ark nursery and we want him to have his own thing The bib was precious though! Oh, how fun!! I can't wait to start shopping for Hannah. I made a deal with Steve that I would wait until after the wedding. If you have a carters store near by they are doing a pretty big clearance right now.
  17. What a great reason to walk! Have a good time!
  18. Christine, I hope she decides to surprise you and come before the inducement. But just in case I wanted to let you know I was induced with my son due to pre-eclamsia at 37 weeks and it really was not that bad. They started pitocin at around 3:00 in the afternoon and he was born by 11:00 that night. I know everyone is different, but I hope it will go just as smooth for you.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Just Martha I THINK I FELT NOAH MOVE!!!! Last night I couldn't fall asleep because I was feeling so uncomfortable. I was having little pains (not bad pains, just uncomfortable type pains) and really think it was him moving. I am wondering if I have felt him move before but just thought it was my body adjusting to carrying a baby (which it could have been). Anyways, Yay!!! Awesome! That is great news Martha! For some reason Hannah moves the most at night for me too.
  20. I haven't done my TTD yet, but I defiantly think the TTD would be the better option. Your only going to get married once and have that opportunity. But, you can always do a BD book at a later time. I wanted to do one for my FI but got pregnant, so I will probably do one next year for our first anniversary.
  21. I just wanted to update everyone. I just got my book from them and it is FABULOUS!! I love it so much. They were really great to work with. Great customer service!
  22. I love, love, love that bag! I've been thinking about getting a chain style Chanel bag for a while, I've got the Medallion tote now, but love the classic look of the chain. Lucky Girl!!! Enjoy!
  23. Haha... that's great. "Go Ahead" was right on!!
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