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Everything posted by amesharpe

  1. Okay ladies. Here is the bio list for the executive board at AM Resorts AMResorts: Bios I'm guessing again on the emails but lets try it [email protected] President [email protected] Executive Vice President [email protected] Chief Financial Officer (this one is probably pointless) [email protected] Vice President, Sales and Marketing [email protected] Senior Director of Sales [email protected] Director of Marketing and Distribution Here is the info on the resort that Dreams just purchased. It's not all-inclusive and it is qusai adults only (ages 16 & up) http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...329#post564555 Not really an option for me but maybe some of you girls might be interested in this option. We can try and email these guys and put the pressure on for a definitive answer. These people are responsible for maintaining optium occupancy and the resort itself prides itself as one of the leading resorts for destination weddings. I understand that most people choose a resort for vacation purposes and have insurance should something unfortunate like this happen. But for us, it's quite different. This is the most important day of our lives. We spent many hours, days and months planning these trips for ourselves and our guests. I think we all deserve a little more information that what we are being given. I hope I'm not overstepping the boundries of this forum but I think we should give this method a try. My heart goes out to all the girls getting married in the next few weeks
  2. I don't know if I've mentioned this before but I'm a total pessimist. I've made several calls to other resorts for back up plans and have even put a deposit down at Paridissus Riveria. I'm hoping for the best but planning for the worst. 98% of my guests have booked through my TA with insurance so it should be easy to switch resorts provided that resort has enough room for us. Also, there is a new post regarding AM Resorts purchasing a boutique chain (origins?). They are supposed to have the takeover effective December. That might be another option for some of the girls getting married next year. I'm sending this from my blackberry while stuck on the metra. I don't have the list of execs with me but I'll post as soon as I make it home. Hang in ther girls, we'll get through this
  3. I don't like the information that is coming out today. I wonder if we should band together and send emails to the executive board of AM Resorts? I'm sure they'd be thrilled with a zillion bridezilla's hounding them. Let me know your thoughts ladies and I'll pull together the info.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Mel88 I am still waiting to hear back from Landy and Daniel in the Sales Department. I am getting a little freaked out at how unresponsive the resort is being. I have over 150 guests booked - how are they going to relocate everyone Mel88- try and contact this guy [email protected] (I'm guessing on the email address based on one I received from Gonzalo) Kevin Wojciechowski Vice President Sales & Marketing AMResorts I don't think Landy can figure out logistics with relocating guests. Don't be afraid to put the pressure on either. The resort stands to make a lot of money from you with your guests reservations as well as the wedding. I'm gonna wait and see what happens on the 13th and then jump right into panic mode. Let us know what you hear darlin' and hang in there
  5. I love your brother Trish- You all have the right attitude. I'm sure we'll all look back at this one day and remember the fact that it's just a day. The marriage is what really matters! I can't wait to hear from you when you're back!
  6. Thanks Sunbride, as usual you always know exactly what to do and how to ease everyones minds. I don't know what we would do with out you
  7. I definately agree with mummergirl. Take your time. I went through three countries and at least a dozen resorts before I made my decision. the wedding date was the least of my worries. I just tried to make sure I picked a date that would accomodate most of my guests. Don't make a decison because you feel you need to. There are hundreds of resorts in the area and you have plenty of time. Relax and talk to your FI
  8. Oh Girls, I'm not looking forward to weigh in tomorrow. I've done nothing but eat and drink for the last two days since i found out my resort is closed!!! Oh well, starting tomorrow there will be no more feeling sorry for myself. I'm off to the gym. I promise
  9. That's the spirit Anna! Your wedding will be beautiful. Can't wait to hear all about it! Now go home and have a cocktail
  10. Thanks Bianca! Any and all information we have to input is truly appreciated. I think all of us future brides have a little while to wait things out and see what is going to happen! But again, my hearts go out to all the DT brides in the next week or two. Hang in there girls!
  11. cant wait- Can you please supply a link for the information regarding the hotel officially closing 10/1? Or at least tell us how to obtain this information? I imagine the other brides as well as myself are anxious to get any further info we can so we can start making other arrangements!
  12. I posted this in the Dreams Tulum thread but I'll post it here as well. This is an email my TA received from Gonzalo (GM for AM Resorts) -----Original Message----- From: Gonzalo del Peon Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2008 9:03 AM To: Mary Hartmann Subject: Re: Dreams Tulum Hello Mary: I apologize for the inconvenience regarding this unfortunate situation with Dreams Tulum This seems to be a political fight between the federal and local authorities and we are just in the middle. According to our lawyers we should have all the areas reopened in a couple of days so I would not be worried for December. However let's please wait for this week and I will be able to let you know if there is any major legal problem we foresee. In the meantime, below please find the notification we sent out yesterday only to the top Tour Operators doing business with this property. I am really sorry but worst case scenario I will make sure to protect your clients at either any of our Secrets or Dreams resorts in the area (including the brand new Dreams Puerto Aventuras which will reopen as Dreams on December 1st.) Thanks a lot Gonzalo
  13. This is an email my TA got from Gonzal GM for all AM Resorts (Dreams/Secrets) Hang in there ladies! I'm sending hugs & bottles of wine to help you get through this -----Original Message----- From: Gonzalo del Peon Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2008 9:03 AM To: Mary Hartmann Subject: Re: Dreams Tulum Hello Mary: I apologize for the inconvenience regarding this unfortunate situation with Dreams Tulum This seems to be a political fight between the federal and local authorities and we are just in the middle. According to our lawyers we should have all the areas reopened in a couple of days so I would not be worried for December. However let's please wait for this week and I will be able to let you know if there is any major legal problem we foresee. In the meantime, below please find the notification we sent out yesterday only to the top Tour Operators doing business with this property. I am really sorry but worst case scenario I will make sure to protect your clients at either any of our Secrets or Dreams resorts in the area (including the brand new Dreams Puerto Aventuras which will reopen as Dreams on December 1st.) Thanks a lot Gonzalo
  14. I just sent in my $$$ again. I'm more motivated this time. I did okay last season but I'm down to the wire (only 3 months to go) so I definately need encouragement to stay away from the junk food and get my rear-end into the gym! Look forward to chatting with you ladies this season! Good luck!
  15. would you believe my personal trainer had me doing every single one of those exercises? WTF?!?! I figured the inner/outer thigh one was useless but i did them anyway. The worst part is she had me walking 4 mph on the treadmill for 90 mins a day. What a waste of my time!!!!
  16. I went through a bout of this in my mid-twenties. I was at the Derm's office at least twice a month getting cortizone shots and refilling my prescription of eurythromiacin and all of the other strong medicinal lotions and cleansers. It was stressful to have standing appointments and spending all of my money on "secret potions" that I wasn't totally sure if it was fixing the problem or making it worse. I don't remember exactly where I read this (probably some magazine) but I started mixing baking soda with Cetaphil and using it every morning and evening to wash my face and using the cetaphil lotion as a moisturizer. I also starting taking vitamin E every day. It was amazing. Literally in about 3 week my skin was almost perfect. The baking soda acts like a very mild microdermabrasion and slowly lifts the dead skin. The best part is it costs almost nothing, I even started buying the generic brand of cetaphil. You can get two bottles for 5 dollars at Walgreens and or Walmart during their specials and the lotion is about 5 bucks as well. Combine that with baking soda for a buck and a couple bottles of vitamin E and the whole regimen costs less that $30 for the year!
  17. I'm in. Just let me know when you're ready for the moolah
  18. Great Job Ladies and Way to go Kelly!!! I'm ready for season 4 to start!!!!
  19. Oh God! Thanks a lot for this. I just spent a fortune!!! But everything was on sale. Great find!
  20. I just found this thread and I love these. They're perfect for OOT bags.
  21. Becksy- Anne is on vacation and will post results early next week.
  22. She soulds like a real peach! Ignore her, she's obviously self centered. I feel bad for her husband
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