Quote: Originally Posted by rachelannmartin Ok this may be a really silly question but Ame during your reception you didnt have to worry about alcoholic beverages, right? The wait staff were there for you and your guests i.e. you didnt have to worry about running to the nearest bar
No we didn't have to wait but I did think about that when deciding where to have the reception.
I originally liked the idea of having the reception on the beach or over at the north end of the adult pool. When I got down to the resort I started thinking more about logistics.
Things like where the closest bathroom was or how far the bar was from our reception site. I figured people would be barefoot if the reception was on the beach and thought it was gross to be barefoot in a bathroom!!!! Then I thought about the chairs sinking in the sand so I scrapped the beach idea.
The north end of the adult pool was beautiful but it was quite a ways from the closest bar (sugar reef). I was worried my guests would spend more time in the bar than at my reception if the service wasn't fast enough. It was also really really windy over there and a little chilly at night so I opted for the area inbetween the activity pool, the beach and the manatee bar.
I think we had 5 or 6 servers. They were of course really attentive to my table but I didn't have any complaints from my guests (they all looked like they definately had enough to drink ). They repeatedly asked me if they could get me something else to drink. I think I mentioned this but they even set up a place to do tequila boom boom shots in the middle of my reception site.
I will mention though that my Dad did tip all of the servers when they were finishing the final set up of the reception site. Maybe that had something to do with it? He said he gave them each a 50 and to make sure everyone was happy and having a good time.
I don't know that it's necessary to tip that much but who knows