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Everything posted by JessicaPV

  1. JessicaPV


    Monterey is such a gorgeous area! We used to live close by and visited the Acuarium regularly. Have you thought of organizing a tour of the Acuarium as a side activity? I don't remember exactly, but if you are bringing families to your wedding it even makes sense to get a Family Membership instead of getting day passes. Specially if they are staying for more than one day! Also, the acuarium has two or three live cams on their website. It's pretty neat. Congratulatios and Welcome to the forum Ericka!
  2. Planning phase... Yeah!!! :-) Lots of information here! Congratulations and Welcome to the forum!
  3. Are you working with Nicole? They are very good plus Puerto Vallarta is a gorgeous place. In this forum you will find lots of helpful information. Have you checked out the Live Cam from El Malecon? There is a website that has a live cam all day long. Pretty neat! Welcome to the forum!
  4. Thanks for sharing your review and welcome to the forum Jessica!
  5. Congratulations and welcome to the forum! Where are you getting married?
  6. Welcome to the forum! Wish you the best on your daughter's wedding planning!
  7. Hi Rae! Puerto Vallarta is a very diverse place and is very Destination Wedding-friendly and heavy in USA and Canada visitors, so, you will definitely find a variety of options. You can look up information in the Puerto Vallarta forums. Just do a search. There are many threads on how to move around the forum. In the mean time Welcome to the forum and happy planning!
  8. I am very happy for you! Congratulations on your wedding! Welcome to the forum and thanks for sharing Jessica! ...I've heard your name somewhere... JK! ;-)
  9. I am very happy for you! We want to hear it all! Post your pictures and let us know. Welcome to the forum Janet!
  10. We'll be waiting to hear about them! Welcome to the forum Sarah!
  11. Hi Nicole! Have you checked the threads on the Cabo Forum? There are probably comments about a DJ already there. In the mean time, Welcome to the forum!
  12. JessicaPV


    You've come to the right place. Have you checked the Puerto Vallarta forum? Lots of answers already there! Also, we live in PV area. We totally understand how confusing all the church stuff can get sometimes! If you dont find the answers you can always PM us. We'll be glad to help. Welcome and happy planning!
  13. Hi girls! I did some research on the internet and found a Rabbi in the Cancun area. Here is the link: Ajua Weddings - Jewish Wedding, Playa del Carmen, Riviera Maya, Cancun Wish you the best of all!
  14. I think working with professionals saves you time and money. You should work with a TA that inspires you trust. I believe somewhere in the forum I saw a thread with three TAs that have donde a lot of good work for the members of this forum. But, hey! You are difinitely in the right place to sort out all of your questions! Welcome to the forum Katie!
  15. You are right! Here everybody learns! Welcome to the forum guys!
  16. Wow! How exciting! Not even two months away! Congratulations and Welcome to the forum Kristen!
  17. In case you haven't found your photographer here is the webpage of WPPI (Wedding and Portrait Photographers International) which is probably the biggest Wedding Photographer Association in the world. WPPI 2009 - Convention and Trade Show In there go to "Find Photographer" where you can plug in your search perameters. Good luck!
  18. Hi Erinne and Jenn, What I would do is go or have my photographer go to the closest Mexican Consulate and ask or file for the permit. We did some research for you and found the list of consulates on the Mexican Government website: Directorio Consulados -SRE This is the Mexican Government website that regulates this: Ministry of Foreign Affairs My honey speaks spanish and we live in Mexico. In case you need further direction PM me or have your photographers e-mail me directly and we will help.
  19. One humble comment, It's no secret that destination spots are gorgeous places, not only to have weddings at but also to live. Given that, many US (or you name their nationality) photographers have decided to live in or close to these destination spots. These photographers are pretty used to US-like customer service and quality and in most cases have suppliers located in the US to print and bind not only your pictures but also gorgeous albums that can get designed by US designers, built by US Album makers and finally delivered to your door step. Some of them can even provide you with a US binding contract (for US photographers) since they are obligued by US law to file yearly tax returns in the US. The beauty of all this is that they are already located at your destination spot, which means that you would be saving, as a minimum, the whole airfare for the photographer and for their assistant or their second photographer. Not to mention that they know the area (to find all those hidden beautiful spots for shots), and that a destination wedding shoot is their trade. How to find them? Just google "destination wedding photography mexico", or "destination wedding photographer punta cana" or whatever your destination location is. You will find a good number of them with websites, porfolios, pricing, etc. I am not saying this is your best option ... it is just one more! I hope this helps. :-)
  20. To answer mimosa123, If you do want that simultaneous second or additional angle then you do. It will be in your contract anyway. In most of the cases it's your decision to add that second photographer. However, there are photographers that will not sign the contract if the assistant or the second photographer is not included. The reason is because some photographers can't work without that additional person handling the memories, the film, carrying the cases, etc. One other thing already mentioned but I want to stress out. If you are paying for that second photographer always ask to see their portfolio. I wouldn't mind the photographer bringing their trainee to shoot and get additional shots on their own, but I would mind if I am paying for it, don't you think?
  21. You've come to the right place Christine! Welcome to the forum!
  22. Agree with Jen, you have come to the right place. Welcome to the forum KT!
  23. This comes from my hubby who has double citizenship (US-MX) and has worked with US nationals working temporarily in Mexico for years: By law anybody is required to get a work permit if performing work in Mexico even for one day. You can request more info at your closest Mexican consulate in the US. However...in reality...in the photography world practically nobody ever obtains such a permit... :-) What I would do is ask your contact at Las Caletas (is it still Nicole?) about this. I don't see it happening but I would like to avoid a "ahi viene la migra!" type of situation... YKWIM? :-)
  24. JessicaPV

    Hi aLL

    Congratulations on your recent engagement! Welcome to the forum Melissa!
  25. Hi Courtney, Do you mean a work permit to work in Mexico? Or something like a permit from Las Caletas to allow an outside photographer into their resort?
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