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Everything posted by JessicaPV

  1. Its true a lot fo photographer will go out of the there area but please take my advice and dont go with just anybody. I was reading another thread earlier and she was talking about photography at her wedding and she said something that opened my eyes and I was like yeah thats true. She said you get what you pay for and the the knot magazine says to check out the work of the photographer before hiring. Not only that but there was another thread that was talking a good vibe from their photographer and this is really important. You only get married once and really your pictures are all you will really have to remember it. Besides your memories. Good luck with everything.
  2. Hey ladies wanted to post belly pictures for those who asked for them. This is a update of an earlier thread. I hope you enjoy! Hey I want to see belly pics to so, if anyone wants to share that would be GREAT! You can see them at yso.bigfolioblog.com this is the only place I know how to post pics.
  3. Yeah the 12 pound thing is a great story, even if its not your own. ABout the pictures I am really bad at the uploading of the pictures thing. I guess this is something I should learn but when you have a wonderful man that not only you work with but sleep with too (a 24/7 thing) you let him due that kind of work if hes good at it and you focus on things your good at. He would do it for me but I dont havethe heart to ask him because he already does so much as it is. I do however know how to post to my blog from my website. I will put some up right now. give me like 20 min and you can check them out at yso.bigfolioblog.com its a new blog and has very little on it right now but when I post these it should be the first thing you see. thanks again ladies.
  4. Ok so I guess it took me to long to reply and after hearing that you will not be doing traditional dances I guess my idea does not really work, but Salsa! This is my all time favorite dance and if it were up to me I would dance Salsa everyday. When I first started to learn I lost 20 lbs in a matter of about 3 months. Have fun with that and again good luck.
  5. I am truly sorry about such a tough choice, but Kat is right, play it but you dont have to play it for the wall down. You know I was at a Wedding and I saw something really cool that the bride and groom did. During all the dance (Bride &Groom, daddy dance) they also had a dance for married couples then as the song went on they started saying "ok couples who have been married for over a year can stay on the dance floor" then they went on in how many years and less people got to stay on the dance floor. When there was only one couple the dance stopped. My point is maybe you can, during the dancing part of your wedding have a special Family Dance for everyone who was close to your Mom. Just a thought and good luck with all of this.
  6. I dont have any info on this location, but can I come? J/K My only advice as being new to the forum as well is go to the "search" on the top bar and type in the location and maybe you will find new and older threads that have info about where you wedding is at. Good luck with all your planning
  7. OK ladies, I think I have started pre-labor. Contractions started last night and have continued on through out this day. They are about 1 and half hours apart and are not yet super strong. Wish me luck I would not dout that tonight will be much harder then last night. I believe I slept for about 5-6 hours. Just a little 411 on me, with my first son not only was I in labor for three days but he was born on his due date. Dominic (soon to be baby boy) is due on the 29th. Lets hope he does not wait till his due date. They are 7 years apart and to me that is a lot of years to repeat itself. So, I am trying hard to keep my mind off of the situation. Does anybody else have any neat baby stories. I would love to read about them.
  8. I you have been to guadalajara. What did you think? I live here. I have been here for 4 months and it is great. Super hot though. Are you coming back? Just know if you do, you have a friend!
  9. Ok, for starters you guys are super cute. Of course Wow! 35 already? That is a lot. Well, take it slow and have fun, remember we only get to plan a big wedding once. I wish the two of you all the best. Oh, my only advice is pick up a magazine that has checklists in the back. They help you remember what you need to do and when you need to do it. Best of luck planning.
  10. Alright Ladies! I was working and a customer walked in and had eyes to die for. He happen to be my next customer. I was some what nervous but once he sat down and we started talking he turned out to be a nice person. So, he left and the next time he cam ein we talked even more and gave each other contact info as friends because we were both going to be in Mexico at the same time. ANyways, a few days went by and he called me. We talked till 2:30 in the morning and in that time his toliet had over flowed and he was cleaning it up. By the end of the talk we made a date to go out. The night we went out, I chose the place to eat and when we got there the owner is super loud at greeting us. Thats the way he does things. I think my date was irritated, then when we sat down and got our menus the waitress must have asked us three times if we were ready to order. Well, I was but my date was NOT! He finally got rude with the waitress. t that point I was like "crap." I could have left right there and never seen him again. The night went on though. I like to sing so Karaoke it was! He only had one beer and when we left asked me to drive because he was drunk. Ok ladies he was up to something dont you think? Anyways, before the night was through had had talked more and had so much in common. He is now the father of our soon to be baby boy Dominic. He is one of my best friends in the whole world and I hope that one day he will ask me to marry him. Of course when that day comes you will all be the first to find out.
  11. Welcome, welcome, welcome and how exciting! I love the 26th of any month, it is my lucky number.
  12. JessicaPV


    How great! Congrats and good luck. Welcome you could not be in a better place
  13. I am so glad you posted Earth Day. every year we plant flowers because today is my Sisters Birthday. She turned the same age as me today and I have to wait till the 26th to be older again. Well, in some way. Then of course if you read my newbie thread today you know I am expecting on the 29th to be exact. So Earth day has always been in the family and will stay with all of us forever. Happy Earth Day to everyone.
  14. Welcome Gilda! Is it as hot there as it is in Guadalahara right now. I am dying from the heat
  15. Yeah I was just thinking about how close it is. You guys this is not my first but it feels like it. I have moved to Mexico with the father who is taking great care of me but I have no family. It is so scary. Thats why I love the forum so much, I can talk all day and not have to think about it. Although it is getting late here and that is when I think of it the most. Sorry I had to say it. I needed this off my chest.
  16. Have your Candy Bar. What does your FI think of it?
  17. JessicaPV


    Welcome! You will have a great time here at the forum.
  18. How exciting, I wish you all the best with the planning. Welcome to the forum!
  19. Hey ladies thank you so much for the welcome. I had been using that loction but it stopped working. It looks like I will have to tough it out for now. I would love to post pics but to tell you the truth I can not figure it out. I tried and all I get is a quick upload thing that I am not sure what to do with. Is there anyone who can help?
  20. JessicaPV


    NIce to meet you too and welcome to the forum.
  21. Hello and welcome! you are in the perfect place
  22. I have been a member for a while but only been active for about a month. This forum is one of the best things I heard ever been too. It has so much to do with all of of you. I have spent most os my time just reading and giving a comment here and there. I have learned so much and am proud to be apart of all this. Oh by the way I have a baby due in less then a week and he is already in place to come out normal. His name is Dominic Armani Garcia-Bustos. I do have a question for you guys though, my tummy is so ichy and lotion is not working, do you have any ideas of how to get it to stop? I have tummy pics but I have hardly anything on and dont want to offend anyone but would love to share them.
  23. Welcome! You are going to get so much good info from this forum.
  24. I would love to say that I am happy that people are honest. I think that EVERYONE can benifit from true comments. That is including Vendors. On top of that think about how many girls you are going to save to have to go through the same thing. I look at it as giving us a heads up. Now everyone can think of the things that were trouble for you at their own wedding and maybe have them different. Such as, the "Veil". Ok she did not notice but now all the brides that get photos of their wedding will! You might be saving a lot of un-happy brides. I am gglad you posted some of the review because I have no idea of how to get to the MR Forum. I just wanted to say that you should in no way feel bad and I am sorry that you still need to spend time with her. Its possible she may even have someone else help you out but you just got married and keep those happy thoughts when going over your photos. I wish you all the best and congrats!
  25. Welcome! There are lots of ways to find a photographer, check online for destination wedding photography and you will get all sorts of photographers who travel where you go. As far as a local photographer there, I would do the same, go online and type in photographers in Negril, Jamaica. Good luck with everything.
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